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News item 125/01/10

Successful day of action in Barking sees 200 campaigners out to oppose the Nazi BNP

Some 200 campaigners turned out for Unite Against Fascism's first day of action against the Nazi BNP in Barking & Dagenham.

The activists delivered leaflets from UAF and Barking Says No, a local community campaign against the BNP, to every home in Alibon, Parsloes and Goresbrook wards. The NUT teachers union supported the day of action by hiring an ad-van to tour Barking & Dagenham with a billboard urging people to vote against the fascist BNP.

"It was a brilliant day," said Caroline from the Barking Says No campaign. "We're really grateful that so many people came to support to support our efforts in fighting the far right and their political agenda in this borough. I'd urge everyone to come along next time to help the local community in Barking say no to the BNP"

Milton McKenzie, a local councillor in Barking & Dagenham, said in a personal capacity: "I personally would like to echo a deep thanks to all those who devoted their time to joining together in Barking & Dagenham to fight the atrocity of racism - and in particular the BNP and the racist lies they are peddling. There is no place for the BNP and once again I thank everyone that came out in such huge numbers for their effort.”

"It was great to see so many people out to stop Nick Griffin and the BNP in Barking & Dagenham," said Alice from Bethnal Green in east London. "We had a warm reception among people in the borough, black and white, who are fed up with the Nazi BNP and welcome people standing up to them. I'll definitely be back for future campaign days - and I'll be bringing more people with me."

Barking & Dagenham UAF will be holding two more days of action in coming weeks on Saturday 6 February and Sunday 21 February, as well as further dates in March and April. We are aiming for a high profile and visible campaign that raises the confidence of the anti-fascist majority in Barking & Dagenham and sends a clear message to the BNP that they are not wanted in the borough.

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News item 121/01/10

UAF to mark Holocaust Memorial Day with campaign against the Nazi BNP in Barking

Unite Against Fascism supporters will be assembling in Barking, east London, this Sunday 24 January to mark Holocaust Memorial Day which takes place on Wednesday next week.

Campaigners will be leafleting homes in the constituency to warn people of the BNP's Nazi politics and build the campaign against BNP leader Nick Griffin, who plans to stand as an MP in the area.

The BNP poses as a legitimate and democratic party, but in reality it is a fascist organisation in the tradition of Hitler's Nazis. The party was founded by open Hitler admirer John Tyndall. Its current leader Griffin has a criminal conviction for incitement to racial hatred for publishing a magazine that tried to deny the Holocaust took place.

Click here to watch a video of Griffin denying the Holocaust in 1997. Griffin now likes to claim he has put his Nazi past behind him - but this is just a pose. He is appearing next month as guest of honour at a US neo-Nazi conference organised by American Renaissance.

To join the UAF day of action meet at 12 noon on Sunday 24 January, outside Dagenham Heathway tube station. For more information contact Barking & Dagenham UAF on or call 07946 850967.

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News item 121/01/10

Stop the racist EDL in Stoke-on-Trent

Stoke-on-Trent is a multiracial and multicultural city and home to many communities living in harmony. But some people don't want it that way.

The English Defence League, a group of football thugs with links to the Nazi BNP, is coming to Stoke on Saturday 23 January to whip up race hatred against Muslims. Join our demonstration against the EDL to show these racists and fascists that they are not welcome in Stoke.

Meet 12.30pm at the North Staffordshire African Caribbean Association, Lindsay Annexe, Cannon Place, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4EP. March into Hanley starts at 2.00pm for vigil at 3.00pm outside Hanley Town Hall, Albion Square, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 1QQ.

Demo called by Unite Against Fascism and North Staffordshire Campaign Against Racism & Fascism (Norscarf), and supported by Stoke-on-Trent TUC.

 » read the full story

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» UCU one-day seminar on the Holocaust and Jewish Resistance: Wednesday 27 January

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» more news in the archive


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