Friday, July 17

Blackmahal and Mandeep Sethi

Punjabi singer Lal Singh Bhatti and beatboxer Radioactive played Oakland last night, a fascinating mix:

In December, Mandeep Sethi and Blackmahal collaborated for S.F.’s Yerba Buena fest. Blackmahal fuses jazz with Punjabi folk:

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The invisible woman’s burden

Stephen Colbert had a hard-hitting segment last night over Republicans’ questioning of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor and the omphaloskepsis of white men in America. It’s Okay If You’re the Majority is a blind spot for every majority group, no less middle-class northie Hindus in India.

Colbert drew a prosaic analogy to light skin-colored band-aids and crayons. One of the nicest things about living in Bombay was rediscovering that clothing proportions and palettes, flavors, vegetarian menus, labels, greeting cards, were designed with you in mind. Like the Apple bonus, it was like two thousand years of brown Steve Jobses had optimized your environment. I’d imagine it’s hard getting a Yorkshire pudding in Patna.

It was obvious, of course, when you match culture to culture. For once, the bunker mentality, the fossilizing of a culture overseas, paid off.

Thursday, July 16

Hey hey hey, Vindaloo

‘Vindaloo’ a parody of a mashup. It’s a riff on how some desis are fake ethnics, like chop suey, chicken tikka or American pizza. And the song about Goan curry became an English football anthem (thanks, khoof):

“Vindaloo” is a song by Fat Les… recorded for the 1998 FIFA World Cup. The song was originally written as a parody of football chants, but was adopted as one … Much of the song consists of the phrase “nah nah nah” and the word “vindaloo”… “We’re England; we’re gonna score one more than you”… The song has brief verses, spoken/sung by Keith Allen

… the band were deliberately waking the ghost of an earlier incident on the BBC TV programme The Late Show. Guest Keith Allen got into an extremely heated row with the panel over his view that comedy was now being hamstrung to appease rules of political correctness. Just before storming off the live broadcast, Allen stormed at an Asian member of the panel that “It’s not a chip you’ve got on your shoulder, it’s a f**king vindaloo!”. He later explained to press reporters that a vindaloo is as faux ethnic (this piece of Goan cuisine actually originated from Portugal) as those who masquerade as self-appointed spokespeople for ethnic minority communities’ rights in order to censor arts and culture according to their own pet prejudices.

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Death, taxes and flooding


Bombay is flooded.
Bombay is water-rationed.
Bombay lies next to the sea.


Indian cities budget for storm drains.
Much of those budgets is embezzled.
Indians are major tax evaders.


From: [U.S.] City of S–, Traffic Signals
Sent: Monday, July 13

[Re: your email from July 6]

Dear Manish,

It seems that a video camera was not working well. That has been replaced. The signal is now operating properly.

Thank you for your interest in Traffic.

Seven days from complaint to fix, conducted entirely over email.

Three ways of looking at assimilation


Among three indie cafés,
The only moving thing
Was a tall, stylish, desi barista.


I was of three minds,
Like a mod brown brewer
Inside a suburban Starbucks.


The popcorn seller whirled at the cinema counter.
Srishti was a small part of the pantomime.

(apologies to Wallace Stevens)

Wednesday, July 15

‘Hurt Locker’

The Hurt Locker is the most intense war movie I’ve seen since Waltz with Bashir. It reminds me of The English Patient novel in some ways. Like Kip the Sikh, the central character is a sapper, an American soldier who defuses IEDs in Iraq; and like Patient, the movie is about the intense personal bonds forged in wartime more than the events of battle themselves.

The movie is an episodic sequence filmed in tight focus, nowhere near as poetic as Ondaatje’s prose. It’s muscular and in-your-face. But there’s a certain elegance in its focus on one Roarkian soldier intent on doing his job well despite his saner, more risk-averse colleagues. He approaches bombs as logic puzzles, grappling with new variations despite — because of — the risk of dying. The character is a seductive combination of chess geek and soldier. The movie, a must-see.

News feed moved

The news column’s RSS feed has moved to this address:

Please update your newsreaders. The posts feed remains unchanged.

Thanks, PK, for the reminder.

Related post: Waste even more time at work

Phixxit, a new project

(Vij-vertisement) This isn’t desi-related, but moments ago I finished a techie side project. Phixxit is a place to gripe about, and vote on, issues with brand-new tech. It covers the iPhone 3GS, Palm Pre, Kindle, Windows 7, Snow Leopard and so on. It’s the nitpicky perfectionist in me writ large.

So please check it out. Post your own gripes. I’ll make sure the product designers see the gripes with the most votes.

By the way, you can post suggestions for the site itself — where else — under the Phixxit tab.

Monday, July 13

Reincarnated Zeppelin.

Remember the post I did regarding Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song?
The post covered what the inspiration was behind the song as well as how it inspired a Bollywood tune, if you haven't seen it yet it's worth checking out.

In any case check out this crazy mash up between that song and the insane 1980s Indian religious sitcom ‘Ramayan.What the Wat?

Via Boing Boing

Notes on Sankat City

Pankaj Advani’s Sankat City has so many things going on at the same time – it's brimming over with good ideas, verbal gymnastics and visual gags – that it leaves you feeling giddy. More than once I felt sure that the film would eventually trip over its own cleverness, but it held its ground. Though it’s loud and ribald, it establishes a lunatic tone and sticks with it, right from the opening shot where a man dressed up in a gaudy Rakshasa costume is shown pursuing another man in Deva get-up through the busy streets of Mumbai. (What is this, you wonder, a Ram-Lila rehearsal gone terribly wrong or a visual metaphor for a corrupt policeman hectoring a minor – and relatively innocent – offender?) Variations on this bizarre chase will recur at different points through the film, as it cuts between many characters and sub-plots.

It would take a long time to detail the plot in a way that would satisfactorily explain the relationship between all the characters (and I’m not sure I even caught every detail), but here’s the essence of it: Guru (Kay Kay Menon), a small-time crook with a soft corner for (living) fish, makes the mistake of stealing a Mercedes that’s transporting a cash stack of 1 crore rupees for the sadistic gangster Faujdaar (Anupam Kher). Deep in trouble and given three days to retrieve the money (which is now mysteriously missing), Guru teams up with con-girl Mona (Rimi Sen) who had once knocked him over the head with a pair of handcuffs after cheating him of his share of a loot. Others involved in this unholy mess include a nervous builder in severe debt to Faujdaar, a Godman with a weakness for bathing with men who supposedly remind him of his childhood friends in the village talaab, and a D-grade film director who has just been arm-twisted into blowing up a van with his hammy leading man inside (which, incidentally, leads to a sly line implying that Amitabh Bachchan’s near-fatal accident during the shooting of Coolie might not have been an accident after all).

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Friday, July 10

It’s Friday Dance Time.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Dont forget to signup for the *PMH Giveaway. Enjoy.....

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Wednesday, July 8

Nehwal makes a racket

Nineteen-year-old Saina Nehwal upset the Chinese at the Indonesian Super Series badminton tourney June 21st with an overhead smash for match point (at 6:10). She became the first Indian to win a Super Series:

Currently ranked number 6 in the world by Badminton World Federation, Saina is the first Indian woman to reach the singles quarterfinals at the Olympics and the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships… the first Indian to win a Super Series tournament after clinching the Indonesia Open with a stunning victory over higher-ranked Chinese Lin Wang in Jakarta…

Saina was born in Hisar, Haryana, India and spent her complete life in city of Hyderabad. Her foray into the world of badminton was influenced by her father Dr. Harvir Singh, a scientist at the Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad and her mother Usha Nehwal, both of whom were former badminton champions in Haryana. [Wiki]

I had been visiting badminton courts with my parents ever since I was an infant. While they were playing, I was made to sleep in the corner for hours. I learnt to handle a racquet at five and by nine I was fully into the game. [Outlook]

Here’s a clip of the medal ceremony.

Gomber’s Goonies

Does not Vivek Gomber (Mumbai Calling) bear a resemblance to the young Corey Feldman?

Last night I watched episode four of the series, ‘Boy to Man.’ Nitin Ganatra wrote it with help from Meera Syal and my buddy Anuvab Pal. It didn’t much inspire me to watch another. The twitchy handheld cam makes you expect something edgy like The Office. ‘Twas not to be. The episode leaned heavily on uncley humor and stereotype: Indian work culture’s rigid hierarchies and Lilette Dubey forcing her call-center-worker son into an arranged marriage.

It is, to be sure, much better than most Western takes on India. The office of Teknobable is relatively modern, the characters identifiable humans rather than brownies in the background like that Al Brooks flick. There are a handful of good gags, including a running joke about banning romance in the office. But much of the humor is insuperably predictable. The Bombay-based actors are better than the material.

Related posts: ‘Mumbai Calling’, The British Asian Raj (updated)


The contestants on Operación Triunfo (Operation Triumph), a Spanish talent show, sang ‘Jai Ho’ last night:

A kind of cross between Pop Idol, Voces en Función, Star Search, and Big Brother, the show aimed to find the country’s next solo singing sensation, putting a selection of hopefuls through their paces by getting them to sing a variety of cover versions of popular songs (mainly in Spanish and English, but also sporadically in Italian or Portuguese), with tutoring from various professionals, and a headmaster… [Wiki]

Spaniards and Latinos are generally pretty good with their Hindi pronunciation for the same reason why Hindi-wale do well in Spanish. The default consonants in both languages are unaspirated, and both have gendered nouns. Latinos do tend to murder the ‘j’ though, calling my brother ‘Raha-neesh.’

But guess which lyrics they sang to perfection, I mean absolutely nailed? The ones Rahman and Maya took from them. The Spanish.

¡Baila baila!
Ahora conmigo, tu bailas para hoy
Por nuestro día, olvida
Problemas lo que sean
¡Salud! ¡Baila baila! [Link]
Dance dance!
Right now, with me, you dance for today
For our day, forget
Whatever problems may be
Cheers! Dance dance!

(thanks, Joolz)

Related posts: Showing us the hand, Soft power, Jai ho Rahman

South Asian Youth Action (SAYA!) Summer Cocktail
Goldspot @ Joe's Pub (NYC)

Post news
(Tsarbooks) Sheema Khan — scientist, newspaper columnist, hijabi and hockey mom — writes on issues concerning muslims & multiculturalism in canada. Cant confess to having read this but would welcome input. btw TSAR was co-founded by mg vassanji.
(NPR) Adiga: Being a Communist — being an idealist — asks you to see the best in human beings, and being a writer often asks you to see the worst in them.
(WSJ) To evade truck bomb barriers, the Jakarta attackers assembled bombs in-room. But this limited their size and kill radius.
(Vid) UB guest blogger Chandrahas Choudhury interviewd by Mint on ‘Arzee the Dwarf.’
(NYT) NYT: India is a ‘longtime nuclear scofflaw’ and HRC’s visit should focus on Pakistan. Scofflaw like the U.S. allowing A.Q. Khan? India never signed the NPT. F- off.
Previously: nyt, media
(WaPo) Hillary Clinton flew into Bombay, not Delhi, and is meeting Aamir Khan before any Indian officials.
(Anothersubcontinent) I once wandered into a bookstore and there was some desi dude reading poetry like somebody had just died. I look at his career with great avuncular interest. This sort of thing forms a bond. It’s a guy thing.
Previously: jeet thayil
(Charlierose) Desi Neurologist Academic summarizing newer discoveries in neurology. Awesome explanation of mirror neurons, and phantom limbs.
(11points) Taco Bell kills half a million cows every year. To sell in Mexico, they rebranded themselves as American food.
Previously: taco bell, cows, vegetarians
(Vid) Chi-town songwriter Raman Sachdev strums before funky Gehry bandshell in ‘Song for Soni.’ More Sachdev: [via]
Previously: raman sachdev
(Fashionista) Vogue and the CFDA announced their Fashion Fund Finalists the other day. Word is House of Waris designer Waris Ahluwalia, who if you don’t know from fashion you know from The Darjeeling Limited — got in with a little help from his social friends.
(Quietus) The clink of tea apparatus is like waiting for yr vinyl record to bust. The pouring process is like the conductor tapping their baton... The news of the day was in the kitchens of every self-respecting Wog household.
(AP) SC gov Mark Sanford bought Nikki Haley a $7K ticket to China. She claims she can’t remember whether she flew first class. Both pols claim fiscal responsibility as campaign points. More: [via]
(NYT) NY artist Zarina Hashmi is one of S. Asian art’s few minimalists: single sheets of paper perforated with pinpricks, an impression of delicacy and irritation. Her art reflects Sufism with gold leaf to evoke a presence of light.
(NDTV) Stays at the Taj Mahal Hotel. Received by (mere?) Protocol Officer. US Team brings its own mineral water (pic 4).
(WSJ) Jakarta bombers apparently used a J.W. Marriott room to assemble bombs. [Like rumors of 11/26 attackers casign the Taj.]
(WaPo) Nilekani: ‘The poor have no access to identity. They are running around re-establishing their identity. It keeps me awake at night, thinking what the hell have I got into.’
Previously: nandan nilekani
(WSJ) Chandrayaan came close to overheating and lost its star orientation sensor, replaced with a gyroscope hack.
Previously: space, chandrayaan
(WaPo) Indian land records hand-drawn on cloth, soiled by tea stains, are finally being digitized. Various Mughal units are used; some records are in Arabic and Farsi.
(Mediabistro) Rushdie had dinner with Pynchon, who was ‘extremely Pynchon-eque... He never called again.’ Just finished ‘Midnight’s Children’ screenplay draft.
(Gettyimages Pic) Hillary Clinton greeted with umbrellas, roses at Bombay’s airport. She’s staying at the Taj.
Previously: hillary clinton
(NYT) Taliban were caught in Swat refugee camps because they’d recently shaved and had pink, unweathered skin.
Previously: taliban, beards
(NYT) Nawaz Sharif acquitted of hijacking charges in turning away Musharraf’s plane, clearing the way for him to run for office.
Previously: nawaz sharif, musharraf
(NYT) Apparently, the Kindle burns books. Amazon disappeared already purchased electronic books by a certain famous author from its customers’ e-book readers. The irony? Author. Bihar-born Orwell. Deleted books. ’1984’ and ‘Animal Farm.’
(Granta) Rana Dasgupta on Delhi’s thuggish ultrarich. DLF property empire from wooing farmers. One developer exporting Punjabi farmers to 700K acres in Ethiopia, imperialist. PM can’t get midnight Lamborghini drag racing to pipe down.
Previously: rana dasgupta, delhi
(Baradwaj) Short Kut (based on the Malayalam blockbuster Udayananu Tharam) is symptomatic of practically everything wrong with mainstream Bollywood.
Previously: short kut
(Merc) Motwani’s blood alcohol level was .26 when he drowned, after an end-of-school year party June 5 — San Mateo County Coroner Robert Foucrault said, as the inquiry concluded Friday. The legal limit for operating a motor vehicle is .08. [via]
Previously: rajeev motwani
(Marinebuzz) Before Bastille Day, the Indian Navy ships Delhi, Brahmaputra and Beas, plus escorts, exercised with French ships including the nuclear sub Casabianca in waters off the coast of Brittany in Varuna 2009. (Varuna is the Vedic God of Sea and Sky.)
Previously: india, france, varuna 2009
(Forbes) The Canadian funny-man brought in $10 mill talking about uncle-jis and aunty-jis
(Fox) I once issued a search warrant in my gym shorts from my living room at 3 a.m., and I know of a former FISA court judge who did the same from his cell phone while riding a motorcycle.
(ABC) Members of Congress are prohibited from meeting with Guantanamo detainees, even as intelligence officials from China interrogate them.
Previously: guantanamo, china
(AFP) Indian PM apparently told Gilani he’d restart peace talks without antiterrorist preconditions, then told Parliament it would only be after 26/11 was prosecuted.
(NYT) Indonesian JW Marriott bombed, like Islamabad, Kabul, Bali and Bombay hotel attacks. Handful dead.
(Sidewalklyrics) Instead of Rafsanjani’s speech, Iranian state TV is currently broadcasting: an Indian movie, a discussion on havij bastani (an Iranian dessert with carrots and ice cream), a 1986 Japanese cartoon...
Previously: iran, bollywood
(Pratilipi) especially for Manish. Sridala Swami writes about the poem The Snow Man and his response to it in the poetry magazing Pratlipi.
(Indep) My grandfather’s house was full of dusty books, all in English. This surprised me, because my grandfather, an Indian nationalist, disdained to speak English, except to correct another man’s. [Great essay.]
Previously: aravind adiga
(WSJ) 500 Days of Summer has a dance number, part ‘Enchanted’ and part ‘Slumdog Millionaire,’ that’s endearing in its unchained exuberance.
(MSNBC Vid) Then-i-banker Divya Gugnani on small biz advice show, now does cooking show. [It’s an inviolable rule that all desi female professionals in NYC must go into high-end restaurants or fashion.] [via]
Previously: divya gugnani
(Tabloid) In her autobiography, nine-year-old Slumdog Millionaire star Rubina Ali comments, among other things, on her recent Schweppes TV commercial with Nicole Kidman, who she says was holed up in her trailer when not shooting.
(Gallup) After his Kenneth the Page speech, Bobby Jindal’s fallen off the early GOP presidential contenders list. At the top? Sarah Palin. Mavericky.
(WaPo) CIA’s AQ assassination program allowed operations in U.S., Europe — imposed no geographical limit.
Previously: cia, al qaeda
(Salon) Eggers’ latest nonfiction is about Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a Syrian New Orleans contractor who rescued people after Katrina and was taken away by federal agents. His ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ movie (dir. by Spike Jonze) releases in the fall. (ht: Amar)
(WSJ) A U.S. soldier wants the Afghanistan army to become more overtly religious to counter the Taliban. [Dangerous territory — see Zia.]
Previously: muslims, afghanistan
(Vid) Vasundhara Das in gold and silver lame and lipstick in ’01 Tamil flick ‘Citizen’ (ht: Beth).
Previously: vasundhara das
(LAT) Judy Chu just became the first Chinese-Am Congresswoman, winning a special election to succeed Hilda Solis (D-E. Los Angeles), now U.S. Labor secretary. (ht: Mini)
Previously: judy chu
(NYT) Indian knockoffs: Woodland shoes, Cocoberry fro-yo, FT paper, 6Ten cornershops, Marlborne cigarette ads.
Previously: knockoffs
(WaPo) Rita Bahuguna Joshi, Congress chief from UP, jailed for 14 days for saying Mayawati should be raped because her rape victim compensation is inadequate. Joshi’s house then torched by masked men.
(WaPo) With dating sites for Indian dogs, your nosie auntie has new fields to plow.
Previously: dogs, dating
(WaPo) Australia won’t be suspended from the Davis Cup for refusing to play in Chennai because of fear of terrorism. It will also keep hosting rights for its next home match.
(BBC) One of India’s main tiger parks admitted it no longer has any tigers, perhaps due to poaching to satisfy demand in E Asia.
Previously: tigers
(NYT) During the recession, yoga retreats’ coop-style work-study have become popular. For $300-900/mo, you get room, board and yoga classes in exchange for chores.
Previously: yoga
(NYT) Though Hillary Clinton departs tomorrow for India and Thailand, she is in constant pain from a broken elbow and faces grueling physical therapy 5x/day.
Previously: hillary clinton
(Outlook) Sheela Reddy interviews Vikram Seth. Asks some thoughtful questions. But can’t suppress her inner 13-year-old for too long.
(Vid) Engaging video for a track by Swedish indie-electropop band Miike Snowm going for averite style just like Cornershop & others have done recently, probably Slumdog vibed.
(Guardian) Cate Blanchett will play Lady Edwina Mountbatten in Indian Summer, based on the book by Guardian columnist Alex von Tunzelmann, the film cover the last days of the British in India. Let’s see who plays Nehru...
(Politico) Nikki Haley knocked off SC’s longest-serving incumbent and forced state lawmakers to vote on the record, an unpopular ethics move. She’s attracted attention from the national GOP.
(Israelnationalnews) Zionist site accuses Rep. Anthony Weiner of diluting his culture by getting engaged to Huma Abedin, wingnut readers abuse him for sleeping with the enemy. Posted for entertainment value.
(Postandcourier) Nikki Haley: Sanford ‘is no longer is the voice of that reform movement. I am now the new voice of that reform movement.’
(Tumblr Pic) Except for Dev Patel, all the Asian ‘Airbender’ characters were re-cast with white actors, and M. Night presided. More on protests: [via]
(Twitpic Pic) Tony Kanal on tour with his Giant Pink Bass.
Previously: tony kanal, no doubt
(Dailybruin ‘07) Kalpen: ‘Sangam was a politically active group I founded with other outcasts from (the UCLA Indian Student Union),’ which was social. They fought Prop. 209, which struck down UC aff action.
Previously: kal penn, ucla
(Google) U.S. companies fear India could buy 8 nuke reactors from foreign companies before U.S. companies even have a chance to bid.
Previously: india nukes
(NYT) Indian and Chinese schools use cell jammers to stop cheaters. Pakistan allows jamming in banks and libraries.
Previously: mobile jammers
(Autocar) The Tata Nano passed European front and side impact crash tests.
Previously: tata nano
(NYT) Hillary Clinton will visit Delhi and Bombay this week to talk about the nuke deal.
(WaPo) Anil Ambani has picked up a 50% stake in Steven Spielberg’s Dreamworks SKG for $325 million.
(WaPo) India’s foreign minister Shivshankar Menon and Pakistan’s Salman Bashir met at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
(CBC) Russell Peters one of the top ten highest earning comedians in the world, apparently made CDN 10 million last year.
(Guardian) AQ bigwig Ayman al-Zawahiri released an audio message saying the U.S. is coming after Pakistani nukes and AQ can ‘protect’ them.
(Dawn) Pakistan’s SC ordered the gov’t to stop discriminating against hijras in welfare programs. (ht: MM)
Previously: hijras
(AP) Google closed its 250-person Hyderabad office for 2 days after an employee caught swine flu.
Previously: swine flu, google
(Funniesttshirts) After Monty Panesar helped save the first Ashes test for England, patriotic English men idolise him and wear him on their chests.
Previously: monty panesar, cricket
(Vid) Vid by D.C. band U.S. Royalty features Miss India ’07 Sarah-Jane Dias. Directed by my friend Shruti Ganguly.
(Imgur) MSN India reports on Amitabh Bachchan’s house before flooding of Bombay’s Mithi Creek.
(SMH) THOUSANDS of overseas students are being made to work free — or even to pay to work — by businesses exploiting loopholes in immigration and education laws in what experts describe as a system of economic slavery.
(AP) Edward & Joan Downes die hand in hand. Reminds me of the classic Hindi movie Saaransh in which the protagonist couple, disillusioned with life, buy bottle of poison to commit suicide. Do diminished faculties mean endgame? Only questions. No answers.
(Gettyimages Pic) Alphajets from the French air force soar over Indian soldiers on the Champs Elysees.
Previously: indian army, paris, france
(Gettyimages Pic) Sikh honor guard with sword rehearses for Bastille Day parade.
(Gettyimages Pic) Carla Bruni’s taller in heels than Manmohan Singh, even with his turban.
(Gettyimages Pic) Indian troops head the Bastille Day military parade on the Champs Elysees today in Paris.
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