United Nations
Environment Programme
environment for development
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Green Economy Takes Centre Stage at UNEP 2010 Champions of the Earth Awards
Green Economy Takes Centre Stage at UNEP 2010 Champions of the Earth Awards more>>

Other News

Multiple challenges are facing the Arab region from climate change and food insecurity to decreasing water availability and unemployment according to a new assessment by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). More>>

  Beyond Copenhagen

Ban entreats leaders to seal climate deal on final day of Copenhagen talksThe UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009 was the culmination of months of negotiations complemented by community, industry and private sector-led events aimed at promoting urgent decision-making and action to combat climate change. It resulted in the Copenhagen Accord under which several developing and developed countries outlined intentions and commitments on carbon emissions, pledged support for technology transfer and acknowledged the importance of forest systems in combating climate change.
Speaking to the media in January, UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Yvo de Boer said COP15 had produced three key outcomes - raising climate change to the highest level of government; political consensus on the long-term, global response to climate change, and negotiations which brought the set of decisions to implement rapid climate action closer to completion - and looked ahead to COP16 in Mexico late this year. 
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  Climate Pledges

Climate Pledges websiteThe site presents the current country pledges and the remaining gap for reaching global climate change mitigation goals. More>>

    Spotlight on Science

Sea Levels Rising... IPCC estimated sea levels may rise 18cm - 59cm in the coming century.
Arctic Warming... Since the 1980s the Western Arctic is warming 3.5 times more than the rest of the globe.
Methane on the Increase... Researchers calculate that...


  Regional Climate Change networks
  UNEP Partners on their way to Climate Neutrality

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Further Resources

UNEP priority areas
Disasters and Conflicts
Ecosystem Management
Environmental Governance
Harmful Substances
Resource Efficiency
Other thematic areas  
UNEP Experts  


 Seal The Deal! Billion Tree Campaign 


United Nations Climate Change Gateway

UN-REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation