Couple buys house to help neighbor stay

Published: March. 21, 2010 at 3:06 PM

INDIANAPOLIS, March 21 (UPI) -- An Indiana couple has purchased a neighbor's home in a tax auction -- because they say they want to help him stay in the house.

Debbie and Clint Harrell's winning $4,272 bid at a Marion County tax sale meant neighbor Mark Reeves would not have to move out of the house, put up for sale when his landlord stopped paying property taxes on it, The Indianapolis Star reported Sunday.

The Harrells decided to help Reeves despite their own financial worries. Clint Harrell lost his job at a steel company in November, and Debbie Harrell, 57, is on disability, the newspaper said.

Debbie Harrell says Reeves called her in tears after the auction.

"My friends that I've known for over 30 years -- they knew my problem and they never even offered to help me," Reeves said. "It's hard for me to (understand) that there are people out there like the Harrells. They're not in much better shape than I am."

The Harrells say they will help Reeves set up an account so he can pay property taxes. They don't plan to charge him rent, they say.

"I'm just glad that Mark's not going to have to live in his van," Debbie Harrell said. "The house is a pretty run-down shack, but it's home to him."

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