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:: ONU - XX Assemblea Generale (1965):
La XX Assemblea Generale dell’ONU (1965) dichiara "la legittimità della lotta da parte dei popoli sotto oppressione coloniale, per esercitare il loro diritto all' autodeter-
minazione e all'indipendenza".
Inoltre, l'Assemblea invita "tutti gli Stati a fornire assistenza morale e materiale ai movimenti di liberazione nazionale nei territori coloniali".

:: ONU - Risoluzione 1514
"L'Assemblea Generale dichiara che: la soggezione dei popoli a dominio straniero, conquista e asservimento costituisce una negazione dei diritti umani fondamentali, è contraria alla Carta delle Nazioni Unite ed è un impedimento alla promozione della pace e della cooperazione mondiali.
Tutti i popoli hanno diritto all' autodeter-
minazione; in virtù di tale diritto essi devono liberamente determinare il loro status politico e liberamente perseguire il loro sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale".

:: Convenzione di Ginevra, Protocollo Addizionale I (1977):
La lotta armata può essere usata, come ultima risorsa, come mezzo per esercitare il diritto all' autodeter-

:: Tribunale penale internazionale
In base allo Statuto del Tribunale penale internazionale, sono definiti “crimini di guerra”:
(1) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente contro popolazione civili in quanto tali o contro civili che non prendano direttamente parte alle ostilità;
(4) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente nella consapevolezza che gli stessi avranno come conseguenza la perdita di vite umane tra la popolazione civile, e lesioni a civili o danni a proprietà civili ovvero danni diffusi duraturi e gravi all’ambiente naturale che siano manifestamente eccessivi rispetto all’insieme dei concreti e diretti i vantaggi militari previsti.

:: Iraq anthem
(click to listen)

:: If you find this site informative, please donate - every donation helps us keep up with costs. Thanks.

Red Cross Iraq: coping with violence and striving to earn a living
By Nur Hussein Ghazali

March 31, 2010 - The beginning of 2010 was marred by acts of violence that claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians, mainly in Baghdad, the central governorates and Najaf. In Mosul, families fled violence and sought refuge in safer areas. Although recent violence-related displacement has been sporadic, there remain some 2.8 million internally displaced people (IDPs) in Iraq who had to leave their homes over recent years in search of safety. Many Iraqis, especially those worst affected by the effects of the conflict and the ongoing violence, such as displaced, elderly and disabled people and women heading households, continued to struggle to feed their families. Their inability to buy enough of the essential goods they require remains a major concern...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64700] [ 01-apr-2010 13:30 ECT ]

Haiti Watch: Disease Threatens Infants and No Plans to Stop It
By Georgianne Nienaber

March 31, 2010 - What should the mainstream media do when the guy who identified the H1N1 outbreak in Mexico and was a key player and founder of ARGUS, a global detection and tracking system for the early detection of biological events, says Haiti is facing a serious gap in preparedness, early warning, and rapid response regarding pediatric diarrheal disease? If they are doing their homework, they talk to him and other epidemiologists and doctors in the field who say that the big NGOs and the United Nations are fudging the facts about their accomplishments...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64699] [ 01-apr-2010 13:12 ECT ]

Military Resistance 8C19: All In Vain - 31 March 2010
Thomas F. Barton

U.S. Troop Deaths Double In Afghanistan: The Number Of U.S. Troops Wounded Increased Over 300%: Increase In casualties Was Partly Driven By The Higher Number Of Troops In Afghanistan In 2010.

Occupation Command Lied About Massacre Of Five Innocent Civilians: A Night Raid Carried Out By US And Afghan Gunmen Led To The Deaths Of Two Pregnant Women, A Teenage Girl And Two Local Officials. NATO Claimed That The Force Had Found The Women’s Bodies 'Tied Up, Gagged And Killed In A Room’. NATO’s Claims Are Either Willfully False Or, At Best, Misleading "Occupation Command Lied About Massacre Of Five Innocent Civilians".
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64698] [ 01-apr-2010 13:04 ECT ]

Accra Mail

March 31, 2010 - What is the current meaning of "War against Terror” for Africa? The true intention of America's recent military interventions in the African continent (both covert and open) is nothing other than the expansion and consolidation of Western capital. It all started in 2001 when George W. Bush declared his "War on Terror" in the continent, but has developed in a manner that has gone beyond human imagination in the body counts on the streets of Somalia, in the jungles of Uganda and Congo, and deserts of Sudan. The chief of the US African Command, General E. Ward, explained this in language more clear than that of any US politician when he stated that an Africa in which "African populations are able to provide for themselves, contribute to global economic development and are allowed access to markets in free, fair, and competitive ways, is good for America and the world..."...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64697] [ 01-apr-2010 05:33 ECT ]

Land Day 2010

Steve Amsel, Desertpeace

March 31, 2010 - For a quarter of a century, the Palestinian minority in Israel has celebrated Land Day on 30 March 30 as a protest against Israel’s discriminatory policies toward its one million Palestinian citizens and to underline its collective and individual rights. Land Day, or Yoam al-’Ard in Arabic, is also a commemoration of the bloody confrontations with state "security" forces that took place in 1976 when six Palestinians were killed and some 100 injured. The main action this year was in the town of Sakhnin in areas occupied since 1948. Over 10,000 attended the events from throughout historic Palestine...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64696] [ 01-apr-2010 05:21 ECT ]

IOF assaults on Land Day demos: 4 youths shot at close range
Eva Barlett

March 31, 2010 - Four non-violent demonstrators were shot at close range with live ammunition by Israeli soldiers during six simultaneous protests throughout the Gaza Strip commemorating "Land Day". Three of those injured come from Khoza’a, a village east of Khan Younis in Gaza’s south. The fourth, from Deir al Balah, was participating in a peaceful demonstration east of Meghazi, central Gaza. The Khoza’a demonstration neared the border shortly after 12 noon. Israeli jeeps stopped along the Green Line border, their number increasing quickly. Israeli soldiers exited their jeeps and assumed sniper positions on a raised dirt mound and along the border fence. Jemah Najjar, 22, was the first to fasten a Palestinian flag to the border fence in today’s demonstration. He was also the first injured in the Khoza’a region, roughly 10 minutes after he had placed the flag on the fence, he estimates...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64695] [ 01-apr-2010 05:08 ECT ]

The PA Abuses Journalists to Protect the Occupation
Kawther Salam

March 31, 2010 - Two days ago the Israeli military arrested a leader of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority, Abbas Zaki, during his participation in a peaceful demo in Bethlehem demanding the freedom of movement and worship on the sidelines of the celebrations of Palm Sunday, and transferred him to Ofer prison. This crime took place under the silence of the Palestinian Authority officials while its "security forces" attacked the journalists covering the event in order to prevent them from publishing the news about this shameful incident of arrest of Palestinian leaders and peaceful demonstrators...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64694] [ 01-apr-2010 04:34 ECT ]

No Protector...
Layla Anwar

March 31, 2010 - This is an old Iraqi folk song called "Che Malee Walee" meaning I have no Walee. Walee means many things...it can mean in its legalistic sense -- someone in charge of, someone responsible for... and it may also mean a benevolent authority, a rightful owner....a Protector...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64693] [ 01-apr-2010 03:30 ECT ]

U.S.-style ‘democracy’ in Iraq
Al-Maliki loses election, represses opponents

By John Catalinotto

March 31, 2010 - Contradicting all claims of having held a "fair election" in Iraq, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is using the repressive state apparatus constructed under the U.S. occupation regime to attempt to hold onto power by force. Al-Maliki has targeted four elected representatives of the victorious Al-Iraqiyya list in an attempt to downgrade this party to second place. Two of the representatives are in hiding. One is in prison. The fourth, a woman, has disappeared from sight, according to a March 28 investigative article in the McClatchy newspapers. Al-Maliki has said he won’t accept the vote count from the January election...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64692] [ 01-apr-2010 03:20 ECT ]

Aafia Siddiqui: Victimized by American Depravity
Stephen Lendman

March 31, 2010 - On February 3, 2010, after a sham trial, the Department of Justice announced Siddiqui's conviction for "attempting to murder US nationals in Afghanistanand six additional charges." When sentenced on May 6, she faces up to 20 years for each attempted murder charge, possible life in prison on the firearms charge, and eight years on each assault charge. In March 2003, after visiting her family in Karachi, Pakistan, government Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agents, in collaboration with Washington, abducted Siddiqui and her three children en route to the airport for a flight to Rawalpindi, handed them over to US authorities who took them secretly to Bagram prison, Afghanistan for more than five years of brutal torture and unspeakable abuse, including vicious beatings and repeated raping...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64691] [ 01-apr-2010 02:54 ECT ]

Shocking Admission on Killing Civilians by Top US General Almost Completely Ignored by Corporate Media
By Rory O'Connor

March 31, 2010 - President Obama's sneak visit to Afghanistan this weekend, although shrouded in secrecy, still received lots of prime press coverage. At the same time, an astonishing open admission of possible US war crimes by Obama's man on the ground in Kabul, senior American and NATO commander in Afghanistan General Stanley A. McChrystal, was reported by Richard A. Oppel Jr. in the New York Times... and then promptly ignored by the rest of the mainstream media. "We have shot an amazing number of people, but to my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a threat," McChrystal said during a recent video-conference to answer questions from troops in the field about civilian casualties...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64690] [ 01-apr-2010 02:47 ECT ]

28 Nations Helped US to Detain Suspects
Sherwood Ross ·

March 31, 2010 - Twenty-eight nations have cooperated with the U.S. to detain in their prisons, and sometimes to interrogate and torture, suspects arrested as part of the U.S. "War on Terror." The complicit countries have kept suspects in prisons ranging from public interior ministry buildings to "safe house" villas in downtown urban areas to obscure prisons in forests to "black" sites to which the International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) has been denied access. According to published reports, an estimated 50 prisons have been used to hold detainees in these 28 countries. Additionally, at least 25 more prisons have been operated either by the U.S. or by the government of occupied-Afghanistan in behalf of the U.S., and 20 more prisons have been similarly operated in Iraq...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64689] [ 01-apr-2010 02:27 ECT ]

Benevolent Occupier Allows Clothes to Reach Victims
Mohammad, KABOBfest

March 31, 2010 - As a gesture of its peaceful intentions, Israel yesterday announced to great fanfare that it would allow shoes and clothes into the besieged Gaza Strip for the first time in three years. Israeli spokesmen said the import of the dangerous materials was designed to ensure Gazans don’t fall too behind in the latest fashion trends, and also to ostensibly clothe naked Palestinian males who might pose a serious danger to innocent Jewish girls. Clothes, which are notorious for their anti-Semitism, have long been a favorite weapon of Palestinian terrorist hell-bent on the destruction of Israel...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64688] [ 01-apr-2010 02:20 ECT ]

‘Afghanistan now world’s top cannabis source’
Daily Times

March 31, 2010 - Long the world’s largest producer of opium, the raw ingredient of heroin, Afghanistan has now become the top supplier of cannabis, with large-scale cultivation in half of its provinces, the United Nations said on Wednesday. Between 10,000 and 24,000 hectares of cannabis are grown every year in Afghanistan, with major cultivation in 17 out 34 provinces, the UN drug agency (UNODC) said in its first report on cannabis production in Afghanistan. While some countries grow cannabis on more land, Afghanistan’s robust crop yields — 145 kg of resin per hectare compared to around 40 kg per hectare in Morocco — make it the world’s largest producer, estimated at 1,500-3,500 tonnes a year...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64687] [ 01-apr-2010 02:10 ECT ]

Afghan resistance statement
Why Obama Used the Cover of Night for His Flying Visit?.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

March 31, 2010 - By making a 6-hour unannounced trip to Afghanistan last night, Obama proved that his military strategy and surge of 30,000 troops, his morale-boosting propaganda, all have failed to make a dent. The Mujahideen have further driven the enemy into the corner, to the extent that now he is not able to visit Afghanistan in the light of the day. He comes during the night and hurries back in the darkness, ironically acting like a thief. Similarly, the brief speech of Obama to American soldiers in a military base, being dotted with his low- pitched and jittery-fraught voice was demonstrating the scope of the American military's fear and mistrust in Afghanistan...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64686] [ 01-apr-2010 02:01 ECT ]

Museum of Tolerance Desecrates Graves
John Taylor

March 31, 2010 - Rabbi Marvin Hier’s Los Angeles-based Museum of Tolerance, part of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, is building a $150 million branch in Jerusalem. The Museum, whose mission is confronting "global anti-Semitism, extremism, hate … and promoting unity and respect among Jews and people of all faiths," is being built atop part of the Mamilla Muslim cemetery, some of whose burials date to the 11th century. The graves, which may contain the remains of soldiers who fought with Saladin against the Crusaders, are being uprooted to make way for Rabbi Hier’s new museum...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64685] [ 01-apr-2010 01:42 ECT ]

Health workers and advocates support call for U of Arizona to divest
Press release, UA Health for Human Rights

March 31 2010 - The following press release was issued on 30 March 2010 by UA Health for Human Rights, an ad hoc group formed by the broader University Community for Human Rights, a student-led board leading divestment initiatives at the University of Arizona: A joint group of more than 50 Jewish, Christian, Muslim and agnostic medical and health advocates of the Tucson and surrounding region, following student initiative, are calling on the University of Arizona to divest from corporations benefiting from the global health and humanitarian crisis in Palestine caused by Israel's military occupation, supported by the United States...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64684] [ 01-apr-2010 01:37 ECT ]

Why Did Iraqis in Fallujah Vote For the Man Who Let the U.S. Destroy Their City?
By Uthman al-Mukhtar and Fadhil al-Badrani, Institute for War and Peace

March 31, 2010 - In his insurgent days, Abdullah Messir would hear Fallujah's clerics decry the former Iraqi prime minister Iyad Allawi as an infidel and a traitor. But in last month's parliamentary elections, Messir and thousands of people from his city hailed Allawi as their leader, contributing to the electoral success of a politician who presided over a ferocious assault on Falluja, a former stronghold of the Sunni Arab insurgency. Residents of the city interviewed by IWPR said they voted for Allawi because they feared the hegemony of Shia Arab parties backed by Iran and were frustrated with the pace of reconstruction...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64683] [ 01-apr-2010 01:11 ECT ]

Palestinian Prisoners Forum: Israeli Occupation arrested 80 children from Hebron last month
Middle East Monitor

March 31, 2010 - The Palestinian Prisoners Club in Hebron said that the rate of arrests of Palestinians from the Hebron district is the highest of all of the Palestinian governorates, in the context of the Occupation's wave of arrests since the beginning of the year. Amjad Al Najjar, the Director of the club, said that the number of prisoners from Hebron in Israeli jails amounts to 1,540 prisoners from among the governorate's villages, towns and camps, and that the number of prisoners detained since the beginning of this year (2010) has reached around 350 detainees, including 80 children arrested in February...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64682] [ 31-mar-2010 19:55 ECT ]

Video: Palestinians mark "Land Day"

March 31, 2010 - It has been 34 years since six Palestinian activists were killed by Israeli troops during a demonstration against Israeli occupation. It is a day remembered annually as the Palestinian Land Day. Like every year, Palestinians around the world used the day to voice their opposition against the occuption of their land. Nour Odeh reports from the Palestinian town of Beit Sahoor, where many Palestinians planted olives as a symbolic statement of preserving their land...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64681] [ 31-mar-2010 19:49 ECT ]

Israel's policy of land theft
Middle East Monitor

March 31, 2010 - A Palestinian human rights report has accused the Israeli Occupation of confiscating approximately 160,000 acres of Palestinian land during 2009 by abusing various laws, such as the Barren Land Law and the laws on closed areas and fallow land. A report issued by the International Solidarity Foundation for Human Rights to commemorate Land Day (March 30) revealed that the Israeli Occupation confiscates Palestinian land on various pretexts, such as security reasons, building the apartheid wall and expanding Israeli settlements and the roads within them...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64680] [ 31-mar-2010 19:32 ECT ]

Chaos as Israel attempts to try Palm Sunday detainees
Ma'an News

March 31, 2010 - Israeli military judges inhaled thick tear gas used to disperse protesters in front of the Ofer military court on Wednesday, as men detained during a peaceful Palm Sunday demonstration were set to be tried. Most notable among the dozen detainees was PLO Executive Committee member Abbas Zaki, who refused to stand in front of the military judge, calling his detention illegal. Supporters gathered in at the Beituniya military checkpoint outside of the Ofer detention center were tear gassed, with observers in the court saying the smell was so thick that it wafted in the courtroom and caused judges to cough...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64679] [ 31-mar-2010 18:59 ECT ]

Free Gaza Movement to Launch Cargo Ship from Ireland
Sarah Irving

March 31, 2010 - Today, Wednesday 31st March, the Free Gaza Movement, a human rights organisation which has successfully sent a number of boats into Gaza through the Israeli naval blockade, announced that it had bought a 1200 tonne cargo ship at an auction in Dundalk, Ireland. The vessel had been impounded a year ago following an inspection by the International Transport Federation (ITF) which found that its owners had exploited their Lithuanian crew members - not paying their wages and subjecting them to humiliating treatment...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64678] [ 31-mar-2010 18:46 ECT ]

The Censorship Act: New Amendment Could Block Wikileaks
Frank James "Jimbo" Gunn

March 31 2010 - I gave extensive commentary in my previous post on the parliamentary shenanigans that will be needed to introduce the government's new amendment to the Digital Economy Bill's censorship (blocking) clause 18. A few legal scholars have now had time to read and comment on the new amendment. Lilian Edwards, a professor of internet law, has a great analysis on her blog. Analysis from Lilian and other legal experts greatly help my understanding of this clause. It's now clear in my own mind that the powers described in clause 18 could easily be used to block the whole of Wikileaks and any other whistle-blowing website...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64677] [ 31-mar-2010 18:35 ECT ]

My Beautiful Palestine
By Samah Sabawi

March 30, 2010 - This is to all of the Palestinian parents in exile and the long trail of olive trees they've planted around the globe. A few days ago, my father emailed me a photo of my mom and him standing proudly next to my newest sibling; a young olive tree they've planted in their garden in Queensland Australia. I was moved beyond belief looking at that photo and thinking of my beautiful Palestine. To many Palestinians my generation, raised in the Diaspora, Palestine is more than the landscape, old stones and holy places that so many have written about yet most of us on the outside have never seen...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64676] [ 31-mar-2010 18:21 ECT ]

Iraq snapshot - March 30, 2010
The Common Ills

Tuesday, March 30, 2010. Chaos and violence continue, Chris Hill self-embarrasses yet again, Nouri continues attempts to knock out the results of the election, and more...Timothy Williams (New York Times) reports that Iraq's Justice and Accountability Commission -- a paralegal committee whose mandate expired many years ago and whose membership was not appointed by Parliament -- has decided to disqualify six winners in the Parliamentary elections and this "could prove critical to the election's outcome because the political alliance headed by Ayad Allawi, the country's former interim prime minister, won only two seats more than Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki's coalition in the March 7 contest." McClatchy's Hannah Allam (Christian Science Monitor) notes that if the "federal court upholds" the barring, not only would Allawi's slate lead their lead but it also "could threaten hopes that the elections would pave the way to a new unity government"...Leila Fadel (Washington Post) quotes Falah al-Naqib as well and he tells her that if the banning is approved by the court and if it robs Allawi's slate of their lead, "It would be civil war, absolutely no doubt...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64675] [ 31-mar-2010 18:01 ECT ]

Palestinian Land Day call for equality
By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

March 30, 2010 - Palestinians in Israel and the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip have marked the 28th anniversary of Land Day with renewed demands for equality and an end to Israel's occupation. Numerous rallies, parades and demonstrations were organised on Tuesday in Arab towns and villages in Israel to mark the prominent annual anniversary. Land Day marks the 1976 Israeli killing of six Palestinians in northern Israel as they protested the confiscation of large swathes of Arab land. One of the largest rallies took place in the northern Israeli town of Arrabeh, where one of the six youths was killed...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64674] [ 31-mar-2010 17:51 ECT ]

Israel's war against children
Shadi Salman AlQarra

March 30, 2010 - Naseem Jawad Abu Dakka, 14, was playing in front of his grandfather’s house, under the lemon tree in the front of the house, 800 metres from the area where Israeli army the made an incursion, firing tanks shells and bullets. One medium calibre bullet entered his back and exited from his chest, leading to a fracture in the spine in the ninth and tenth vertebrae. The second bullet pierced his chest and has harmed him so much that his spleen had to be removed. He is now in the intensive care unit in the hospital...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64673] [ 31-mar-2010 04:27 ECT ]

An interview with Omar Deghayes, following Kent screening of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”
Andy Worthington

March 30, 2010 - Former Guantánamo detainee Omar Deghayes paid a visit to Kent to help fulfil a promise made to fellow inmates after six years of captivity. The Libyan-born British citizen claims he was blinded, beaten and sexually assaulted at the notorious American detention camp between 2002 and 2007, despite having never been charged with an offence. He is now one of six former Guantánamo detainees who are suing the British government and its intelligence agencies for alleged complicity in their abuse while behind bars...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64672] [ 31-mar-2010 04:10 ECT ]

AFGHANISTAN: Displacement fears ahead of Kandahar operation

March 30, 2010 - Mir Ahmad has decided to leave for Pakistan ahead of a much-heralded pro-government Afghan and foreign forces offensive against Taliban insurgents in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. "I want to save my family no matter how difficult life could be in Pakistan," Ahmad told IRIN, adding that he was a refugee in Pakistan during the Soviet invasion (1979-1989). Kandahar Province’s estimated more than one million people, already affected by drought and conflict, could be in for a difficult and dangerous time, aid agencies say. Large-scale displacement is the most obvious risk...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64671] [ 31-mar-2010 03:43 ECT ]

Human rights abuses exacerbating poverty in Afghanistan, UN report finds
UN News Centre

March 30, 2010 - The United Nations human rights office is urging that Afghanistan’s poor be at the centre of decision-making processes that affect their lives, after a new report found that rights abuses are exacerbating poverty in the country. "Poverty actually kills more Afghans than those who die as a direct result of the armed conflict," Norah Niland, Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Afghanistan, told reporters in Kabul today. "Poverty is neither accidental, nor inevitable; it is both a cause and a consequence of a massive human rights deficit," she added. "The deficit includes widespread impunity and inadequate investment in, and attention to, human rights. Patronage, corruption, impunity and over-emphasis on short-term goals rather than targeted long-term development are exacerbating a situation of dire poverty that is the condition of an overwhelming majority of Afghans." ...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64670] [ 31-mar-2010 03:24 ECT ]

Palestinian Land Day: The Non-Violent Struggle Continues
Palestine Monitor

March 30, 2010 -In the occasion of the Palestinian Land day several non-violent demonstrations will be held during the week: March 30, 2010: Land Day: Qarawet Bani Zeid Friday March 2, 2010: Bilin, Nilin, Ma’sara, Nebi Saleh, Sheikh Jarrah The non-violent struggle in West Bank: Since the construction of the separation and Apartheid Wall began on June 16th 2002, Palestinian villages across the West Bank have cooperated in non-violent resistance. The communities of Qalqiliya, Jayyous, Budrus, Bil’in, Ni’lin and Al Masara and Umm Salamonah have all non-violently resisted the Wall being built around them....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64669] [ 31-mar-2010 02:13 ECT ]

Answering an email about Iran
Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

March 30, 2010 - Yesterday I received an email that has the merit at least of encapsulating all of the arguments from the "anti-imperialist" supporters of President Ahmadinejad, including Yoshie Furuhashi, Edward Herman/David Peterson, Sam Marcy’s followers of one stripe or another, James Petras and others not important enough to mention. The letter appears below. My reply is interspersed in italics. I would only preface the letter with an observation that "Margo White" is probably a phony identity. Frankly, I never understand why people conceal their true identity since one of the greatest pleasures I get out of writing crank letters to people like Avishai Margalit is the knowledge that they will wince at the sound of my name....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64668] [ 31-mar-2010 01:55 ECT ]

UNHCR sees deepening needs among Iraqi refugees even as world interest wanes
Wafa Amr

March 30, 2010 – Seven years after the start of the Iraq war, the future of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees remains shrouded in uncertainty. While much of the world is losing interest in their fate, UNHCR is warning of deepening needs that will take years to resolve. Most Iraqi refugees see no immediate solution to their plight, unconvinced it is safe to return home. Although conditions in Iraq have improved over the past two years, the situation remains fragile. In recent months, the number returning has been largely offset by new departures from Iraq...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64667] [ 31-mar-2010 01:35 ECT ]

Palestinian Land Day
Talal Shihadeh

March 30, 2010 - On 30th March each year, the Palestinian people commemorate the anniversary of Land Day, the day in March 1976 on which the Zionist occupation government confiscated thousands of dunums* of Palestinian land in the Galilee, leading to the displacement of the Palestinian people living inside the 1948 occupied territories (so-called Israel). A general strike and peaceful demonstrations ensued in various villages as the Palestinian people began to defend their confiscated land. Six Palestinians were killed, 100 were wounded [and hundreds of others arrested]. The strategic plan of all Zionist governments has been to confiscate the land, isolate the Palestinian people into limited zones and complicate their situation in an effort to force them to emigrate...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64665] [ 31-mar-2010 00:32 ECT ]

Palestine's "turbulent priest" delivers a blistering Easter message
Stuart Littlewood

March 30, 2010 - Fr Manuel Musallam recently retired at the age of 71 after serving as the parish priest of the Holy Family Church in Gaza for 14 years. For most of that time the Israelis would not allow him to visit his family and friends in the West Bank. So, in spite of failing health, he soldiered on through the devastating siege and the murderous blitzkrieg. I was privileged to meet a couple of years ago and I just love the way this man speaks out. He doesn't mince words. He tells it the way it is, with truth and style. Retirement hasn’t silenced him or dimmed his perceptions.
This Easter he's concerned, as always, about the Occupation and how it robs those in the Holy Land of Easter's message of hope and joy. "We Christians of Palestine have been under Occupation for many long years. We’ve been suffering with bitterness being kept away from the Holy Sites. We’ve been denied our right to worship in Jerusalem. Many Christian generations have never been able to reach Jerusalem to visit its holy places...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64664] [ 31-mar-2010 00:23 ECT ]

Army Intel ACORNing WikiLeaks? Web Publisher Under Attack
Michael Collins

March 30, 2010 - U.S. Army Counterterrorism issued a report that said WikiLeaks is a threat to U.S. security, particularly in Afghanistan. The report says that the organization should be destroyed and offered a plan. Does the government really think it can destroy WikiLeaks or is the leaked report part of a plan to smear the organization so badly, it will lose supporters and money? Since its launch three years ago, WikiLeaks has produced more scoops than the Washington Post has in the past thirty years according to a report by The Guardian....
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64663] [ 31-mar-2010 00:10 ECT ]

Expected Obama Administration Backing for Indonesian State Terror
Stephen Lendman

March 30, 2010 - Indonesia’s National Armed Forces (TNI), especially its thuggish Kopassus Special Forces Command, has a long, sordid human rights record, including political killings and massacres of hundreds of thousands of civilians in East Timor, Aceh, Papua, and elsewhere in the country. In response to the November 12, 1991 Santa Cruz cemetery massacre of over 270 demonstrators in Dili, East Timor’s capital, Congress restricted Indonesia’s TNI from receiving International Military Education and Training (IMET). It brings foreign military officers to America for what’s taught at the infamous School of the Americas (SOA, renamed WHINSEC ) – namely, the latest ways to kill, maim, torture, oppress, exterminate poor and indigenous people, overthrown democratically elected governments, suppress popular resistance movements, assassinate targeted leaders, and work cooperatively with Washington to solidify hard-right rule, intolerant of democratic rights, social justice, and progressive change...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64662] [ 30-mar-2010 23:47 ECT ]

Palestinian captive loses eyesight as prisoners agree on strike next month
Palestinian Information Center

March 30, 2010 -- A Palestinian captive went blind in Israeli occupation jails due to the medical neglect of his case on the part of the Israeli prisons authority (IPA), a released prisoner told the Palestinian center for the defense of prisoners. The center in a statement on Monday said that the captive was primarily diagnosed with spring conjunctivitis but the IPA did not offer him the proper treatment and refused to let a doctor check him, which led to deterioration of his condition few months later at the end of which he lost his eyesight. It warned of the continued IPA deliberate medical neglect of Palestinian prisoners, describing it as "intentional slow death"...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64661] [ 30-mar-2010 23:18 ECT ]

No, They Can't: Palestinians Can't Live and Build in West Jerusalem
Hagit Ofran

March 30, 2010 - One argument for Jewish settlement of East Jerusalem that is heard quite often is based on a principle of civil rights: Jews should be able to build their homes in East Jerusalem because Palestinians are able to build theirs in West Jerusalem. "There can't be a situation where only Jews are prohibited from building in Jerusalem, while Arabs are allowed to both build and buy," said Minister Lieberman this week in the Israeli media. It's time to tell the truth: Palestinians can't really buy and build freely in West Jerusalem...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64660] [ 30-mar-2010 22:52 ECT ]

Shiites begin talks to form Iraq coalition government
By Duraid Al Baik

March 30, 2010- Major Shiite groups are in talks to form a bigger coalition ahead of the first meeting of the newly-elected parliament in 10 days. According to reports, talks are under way between the representatives from the State of Law bloc, led by the outgoing prime minister Nouri Al Maliki and the Iraqi National Alliance (INA). The State of Law bloc, the second largest group with 89 seats, is mainly formed from Dawa Party, while the INA, an alliance of three Shiite groups, is an offshoot of Dawa Party with Ebrahim Al Jaafari, Ammar Al Hakim of the Higher Islamic Council and Moqtada Al Sadr as its leaders. Aides to incumbent Al Maliki on Monday met with Al Sadr in the Iranian city of Qom to discuss moves to form a coalition government...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64659] [ 30-mar-2010 22:47 ECT ]

Afghan resistance statement
Does America Want Peace in Afghanistan?

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

March 30, 2010 - This is a main question every one asks. Does America want peace in Afghanistan? However, the following data can help us reach a rationale conclusion: At the beginning of 2009, American had 30,000 troops in Afghanistan which they increased to 68,000 soldiers until the end of the year. This shows 110 percent boost of military man power. In December 2009, US president Obama announced 30,000 more troops for Afghanistan, showing further 30% increase. In January this year in London Conference on Afghanistan, US supported Hamid Karzai program of reintegration and reconciliation with Taliban i.e. the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Two weeks later, on 13 February, Pentagon launched a massive military operations against Marjah township in Nad Ali district, Helmand province, violating their own commitment to work for peace in the country. Now they are talking of taking the offensive to Kandahar. So far, America has built 700 bases in the country, the major of them being in Kandahar and Bagram. They allocate hundreds of millions of dollars each year for construction of more bases in Afghanistan. In view of these facts, no one can say America wants peace in Afghanistan. They have hidden and long-term colonialist objectives, not only in Afghanistan but in the whole region...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64658] [ 30-mar-2010 22:34 ECT ]

Chris Hill is not troubled or concerned
The Common Ills

March 30, 2010 - ...nd Duraid Al Baik (Gulf News) reports on Iraqi attitudes towards Allawi's slate's apparent victory (they won the count released last Friday), fear as they see his supporters targeted, fear "that Al Maliki and his supporters will not hand over authority peacefully." And before we go any further into events in Iraq, the above should give most people pause. Most people. Not the uninformed. Enter Chris Hill. Yesterday on NPR's All Things Considered, Noah Adams spoke (link has text and audio) with the US Ambassador to Iraq...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64656] [ 30-mar-2010 22:26 ECT ]

Video: Gazans' pay with lives for work

March 30, 2010 - Gaza has one of the poorest economies in the world and last year's Israeli offensive on the territory has made matters worse. According to the United Nations, the offensive destroyed or damaged hundreds of factories, besides ruining Gaza's agriculture. The UN puts the region's jobless rate at 45 per cent. As a result, thousands of Gazans try to cross into Israel in desperate search for work. But in view of the siege imposed on the territory by Israel, it is a hazardous journey and many do not make it...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64655] [ 30-mar-2010 22:12 ECT ]

Egyptian forces detain 12 Gaza children
Ma'an News

March 30, 2010 – Egyptian authorities detained 12 Palestinian children attempting to enter Egypt on Monday, through Gaza's subterranean tunnel complex. Egyptian police said they seized the boys, aged between 10 and 17, after ambushing them to reveal the location of the tunnels in use. The boys told Egyptian forces that they were attempting to flee the dire economic situation in the Gaza Strip, police said...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64653] [ 30-mar-2010 22:01 ECT ]

Tehran in Baghdad
Layla Anwar

March 30, 2010 - ...- Iyad Allawi strongly condemns Iranian (and other ) interference in Iraq's political scene and its trying to impose its will in Iraqi affairs - Oh poor Mr.Allawi, did you just wake up to that fact now ?!- an INA delegation led by prominent figures (Chalabi and Co.) begin its Arab tour starting with Damascus -- the heart of "the Arabic Baath" as the Syrians like to call themselves (of course where else !)- Iran seeking to unify State of Law Coalition and INA (Iraqi National Alliance i.e Ahmed Chalabi, Sadr and Hakeem) - consider it done... - Maliki's state of Law coalition with Iranian efforts is aiming for a broad coalition of the Kurdish and Shiite parties - done deal with the full blessings of the Americans...

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64652] [ 30-mar-2010 21:42 ECT ]

What is it that Palestinians commemorate on Land Day?
Arjan El Fassed

30 March 2010 - On 30 March 1976, thousands of people belonging to the Palestinian minority in Israel gathered to protest Israeli government plans to expropriate 60,000 dunams of Arab-owned land in the Galilee. In the resulting confrontations with Israeli police, six Palestinians were killed, hundreds wounded, and hundreds jailed. In the intervening years, those events have become consecrated in the Palestinian memory as Land Day. After years of military rule and political docility, Land Day 1976 was the first act of mass resistance by the Palestinians inside Israel against the Zionist policy of internal colonialisation, a systematic process of expropriation that had reduced Palestinian land ownership from around 94 per cent of all territory in pre-1948 Palestine to less than three per cent in what is now considered to be Israel...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64651] [ 30-mar-2010 19:56 ECT ]

America the Pacified
Atrocities in Afghanistan


March 30, 2010 - If the U.S. public looked long and hard into a mirror reflecting the civilian atrocities that have occurred in Afghanistan, over the past ten months, we would see ourselves as people who have collaborated with and paid for war crimes committed against innocent civilians who meant us no harm. Two reporters, Jerome Starkey (the Times UK), and David Lindorff, (CounterPunch), have persistently drawn attention to U.S. war crimes committed in Afghanistan. Makers of the film "Rethinking Afghanistan" have steadily provided updates about the suffering endured by Afghan civilians. Here is a short list of atrocities that have occurred in the months since General McChrystal assumed his post in Afghanistan...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64650] [ 30-mar-2010 19:42 ECT ]

Sadrists hint at a merger with State of Law
Gregg Carlstrom

March 30, 2010 - Iyad Allawi's Iraqiyya coalition may have won the most seats in this month's Iraqi election -- but increasingly it looks like prime minister Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law coalition will form the next government, even if Maliki himself loses his job...Sources close to the Tehran talks say the Sadrist movement is willing to integrate with State of Law if Maliki is not the prime minister, and offered Qusay as-Suhail [a Sadrist MP] as a possible head of the next government...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64649] [ 30-mar-2010 19:23 ECT ]

Two-Thirds of Boys in Afghan Jails Are Brutalised, Study Finds
By Gareth Porter*

March 30, 2010 - Nearly two of every three male juveniles arrested in Afghanistan are physically abused, according to a study based on interviews with 40 percent of all those now incarcerated in the country's juvenile justice system. The study, carried out by U.S. defence attorney Kimberly Motley for the international children's rights organisation Terre des Hommes, reveals a justice system that subjects juveniles, many of whom are already innocent victims, to torture, forced confessions and blatant violation of their rights in court. Motley, who may be the only practicing Western defence attorney in Afghanistan, told IPS that the study shows the need for alternatives to introducing juveniles into what she calls the "injustice system"...
  continua / continued avanti - next    [64648] [ 30-mar-2010 18:33 ECT ]

Lest We Forget
Land Day Martyrs

Reham Alhelsi

March 30, 2010 - 30.03.19761. Kheir Mohammad Salim Yasin (23 yrs old) from Arraba, shot dead by the IOF 2. Khadija Qasem Shawahneh (23 yrs old) from Sakhneen, shot dead by the IOF 3. Raja Hussein Abu Rayya (30 yrs old) from Sakhneen, shot dead by the IOF 4. Khader Eid Mahmoud Khalaila (24 yrs old) from Sakhneen, shot dead by the IOF 5. Muhsin Hasan Said Taha (15 yrs old) from Kufr Kanna, shot dead by the IOF 6. Ra’fat Ali Az-Zheiri (21 yrs old) from Nur Shams refugee camp and was shot dead by the IOF in Al-Taybeh..

  continua / continued avanti - next    [64647] [ 30-mar-2010 18:25 ECT ]

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