"With our progress we have destroyed our only weapon against tedium: that rare weakness we call imagination." Oriana Fallaci

October 18, 2009


Confessions of a Cultural Drop-out
by Victor Davis Hanson

Confusions of the Age
by Victor Davis Hanson



Questions for the Author


Obama, the Prize and Political Theater
by Bruce S. Thornton

An Open Question to Osama Bin Laden
by Raymond Ibrahim

Guru America
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Power of Payback
by Victor Davis Hanson

by Victor Davis Hanson

The Left's Selective Outrage
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Buck Passes Here
by Victor Davis Hanson

Thoughts on the Hysteria About Afghanistan
by Victor Davis Hanson

Change and Hope
by Victor Davis Hanson

The War in Afghanistan
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Troubling Policy On Iran
by Victor Davis Hanson

Three Dangerous Stooges
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Obsolescence of a Slur
by Victor Davis Hanson

Being Frank
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bitter Harvests to Come
by Victor Davis Hanson

A PR Nightmare for the Obamas
by Victor Davis Hanson

Some Signs of the Times
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Past Is Not Quite Past
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Fishy Tale
by Victor Davis Hanson

Sleeping Through Speeches
by Victor Davis Hanson

Barack Obama, College Administrator
by Victor Davis Hanson

Devolving, Depressing and Debased Debate
by Victor Davis Hanson

No Rules in the Arena?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Desperately Seeking a Healthcare Bill
by Victor Davis Hanson

Deconstructing the "Whup Ass"
by Victor Davis Hanson

Dr. Barack and Mr. Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Rise of the Uncouth
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Left, Too Left
by Victor Davis Hanson

Now Wait Just a Minute...
by Victor Davis Hanson

When Will Westerners Stop Westernizing Islamic Concepts
by Raymond Ibrahim

Why Obama Blinked
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Address to Congress Didn't Quite Do It
by Victor Davis Hanson

Rep. Charles Rangel - Sign of Our Times
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our National 9/11 Schizophrenia
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Lamentations of the Elite
by Victor Davis Hanson

Holder's Destructive Investigation
by Bruce S. Thornton

Once Upon a Time...
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obamacare's Poison Pill
by Dr. Linda Halderman

Not This Pig
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Second World War - Seventy Years Later
by Victor Davis Hanson

Van Jones' Resignation
by Victor Davis Hanson

From Preparedness to Appeasement and Back
by Victor Davis Hanson

Whining Will Get You Nowhere
by Victor Davis Hanson

What We Are Learning About the Era of Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

War - What War?
by Victor Davis Hanson

'Senator High and Mighty'
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama and 'Redistributive Change'
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama vs. Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Fault Is Not in the Stars, But in Ourselves
by Victor Davis Hanson

Divine Debt Trumps All
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Follies
by Victor Davis Hanson

Who's in Charge of Diplomacy?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Strange Case of the Obama Meltdown
by Victor Davis Hanson

On Dishing It Out...
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Road to Oceania
by Victor Davis Hanson

What Went Wrong
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Muslim Charities Fund the Jihad
by Raymond Ibrahim

Our Ongoing Catharsis
by Victor Davis Hanson

The New York Times' Resident Voodoo Statistician
by Bruce S. Thornton

Prairie-Fire Anger
by Victor Davis Hanson

Clinton's North Korean Odyssey
by Victor Davis Hanson

Sailing to Byzantium
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bullying Israel
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Great Race to Change America
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Great American Debt
by Victor Davis Hanson

No Free Lunch
by Victor Davis Hanson

New Commentary

Popular Culture

Victor Davis Hanson: There are only so many canned acts one can consume before he realizes it's tuna fish and not caviar. "Confessions of a Cultural Drop-out" 10/18/09

Current Issues

Victor Davis Hanson: Consider for a moment football and morality, rape and sodomy, wealth and taxes. "Confusions of the Age" 10/16/09

Peace Surprise

Bruce S. Thornton: The Nobel Peace Prize is just another event in political theater as a quick look at the 20th century assures us. "Obama, the Prize and Political Theater" 10/14/09


Raymond Ibrahim: Do jihadists hate the West because we support Israel or because we are infidels? "An Open Question to Osama Bin Laden" 10/14/09


Victor Davis Hanson: Mr. Nice Guy is proving a faulty policy position for Obama. "Guru America" 10/12/09

Campaign Rhetoric, Administration Woes

Victor Davis Hanson: What we say and do often comes back to us - in an unpleasant fashion. "The Power of Payback" 10/12/09

Week October 5-11, 2009

Nobel Laureate

Victor Davis Hanson: What will a peace prize do for the soldier on the battlefield? "Nobelitics" 10/11/09


Bruce S. Thornton: The Left wants to silence opposition that is much less vicious than there own anti-Bush campaigns. "The Left's Selective Outrage" 10/11/09


Victor Davis Hanson: "They did it" is the new credo for the White House. "The Buck Passes Here" 10/9/09


Victor Davis Hanson: It helps to have an honest asssessment of death tolls and history in our current conflicts. "Thoughts on the Hysteria About Afghanistan" 10/9/09

Presidential Policy

Victor Davis Hanson: The Olympic disaster is a logical result of Obama policy - what Obama should do instead. "Change and Hope" 10/7/09


Victor Davis Hanson: What is America's mission now in Afghanistan? "The War in Afghanistan" 10/6/09


Victor Davis Hanson: What is the meaning of Iran's second nuclear facility and Obama's peace offensive? "The Troubling Policy on Iran" 10/6/09

Global Politics

Victor Davis Hanson: U. N. speeches by oil-rich tyrants remind us that self-reliance and financial stability are not passé. "Three Dangerous Stooges" 10/5/09

Week September 29-October 3, 2009


Victor Davis Hanson: The charge of racism is losing its potency. "The Obsolescence of a Slur" 10/4/09

The Administration

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama should consider two bits of advice as he moves forward. "Being Frank" 10/4/09


Victor Davis Hanson: On the global chessboard, Obama's moves seem poorly thought out and their consequences may be dire. "Bitter Harvests to Come" 10/3/09

Olympic Dreams

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama's "hate America, love me" jockeying fails to impress the Olympic Committee. "A PR Nightmare for the Obamas" 10/3/09

Political Thoughts

Victor Davis Hanson: Take a moment to reflect on some current events. "Some Signs of the Times" 10/01/09

History Lessons

Victor Davis Hanson: Reflecting on WWII helps us to see more clearly where developments in modern diplomacy are leading. "The Past Is Not Quite Past" 9/29/09


Victor Davis Hanson: The water issue in California has left a thirsty state with on bad and worse choices. "A Fishy Tale" 9/28/09

Week September 21-27, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson: "Sleeping Through Speeches" 9/24/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Barak Obama, College Administrator" 9/23/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Devolving, Depressing and Debased Debate" 9/22/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "No Rules in the Arena?" 9/21/09

Week September 14-20, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson: "Desperately Seeking a Healthcare Bill" 9/20/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Deconstructing the 'Whup Ass'" 9/20/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Dr. Barack and Mr Obama" 09/18/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Rise of the Uncouth" 9/17/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Left, Too Left" 9/16/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Now Wait Just a Minute..." 9/16/09

Raymond Ibrahim: "When Will Westerners Stop Westernizing Islamic Concepts" 9/15/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Obama Blinked" 9/15/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Address to Congress Didn't Quite Do It" 9/14/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Rep. Charles Rangel - Sign of Our Times" 9/14/09

Week September 7-13, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our National 9/11 Schizophrenia" 9/13/ 09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Lamentations of the Elite" 9/13/09

Bruce S. Thornton: "Holder's Destructive Investigation" 9/11/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Once Upon a Time..." 9/10/09

Dr. Linda Halderman: "Obamacare's Poison Pill" 9/9/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Not This Pig" 9/9/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Second World War - Seventy Years Later" 9/8/09

Week September 1-6, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson: "Van Jones' Resignation" 9/6/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "From Preparedness to Appeasement and Back" 9/4/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Whining Will Get You Nowhere" 9/4/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "What We Are Learning About the Era of Obama" 9/3/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "War - What War?" 9/2/09

Week August 24-30, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson: "'Senator High and Mighty'" 8/30/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama and 'Redistributive Change'" 8/29/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama vs. Obama" 8/26/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Fault Is Not in the Stars, But in Ourselves" 8/25/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Divine Debt Trumps All" 8/24/09

Week August 17-23, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Follies" 8/22/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Who's in Charge of Diplomacy?" 8/21/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Strange Case of the Obama Meltdown" 8/21/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "On Dishing It Out..." 8/20/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Road to Oceania" 8//17/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "What Went Wrong" 8/17/09

Week August 10-17, 2009

Raymond Ibrahim: "Why Muslim Charities Fund the Jihad" 8/16/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Ongoing Catharsis" 8/16/09

Bruce S. Thornton: "The New York Times' Resident Voodoo Statistician" 8/15/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Prairie-Fire Anger" 8/15/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Clinton's North Korean Odyssey" 8/13/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Sailing to Byzantium" 8/12/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Bullying Israel" 8/10/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Great Race to Change America" 8/10/09

Week August 3-9, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Great American Debt" 8/8/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "No Free Lunch" 8/8/09

Bruce S. Thornton: "The End of Post-Racialism" 8/4/09

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Angry Aristocracy" 8/3/09


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Calendar of Speaking Events

Carnage and Culture
Wars of the Ancient Greeks
The Western Way of War