Canadian Politics Column: Three Letters On The BC Rail Scandal Part One
Contributed by Robin Mathews on Friday, March 19 at 09:02 (49 reads)

This is the first part of a four part series.  Three letters will be sent to "officials" I believe are in dereliction of their responsibility to law and the administration of justice.  The fourth part is an overview, placing the BC Rail Scandal and the Gordon Campbell government in relation to the present, persistent attack on democratic accountability across the Western World.

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Canadian Politics Motion To Limit PM's Prorogation Power Passes
Contributed by RickW on Friday, March 19 at 09:01 (49 reads)

Opposition members of Parliament joined together Wednesday to pass a motion that would prevent the prime minister from proroguing Parliament for longer than seven days unless supported by the House.

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Civil Liberties and Privacy Tories Revive Random Roadside Breath Test
Contributed by NAUWATCH on Tuesday, March 16 at 09:41 (187 reads)
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Globalisation and Trade CCFTA - Bill C-2 - COC Action Alert + Send Letter Online
Contributed by Janet M Eaton on Friday, March 12 at 12:07 (316 reads)

ACTION ALERT: Liberals must stop fast-track of Canada-Colombia free trade agreement (Bill C-2)
March 11, 2010

The Harper government has reintroduced implementation legislation for the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement in Bill C-2. As the number suggests, it is the second bill the government will handle after the budget, with second reading debate on the free trade agreement starting as early as this Friday. There is every reason to believe Harper will try to fast-track it through the House of Commons.

The Liberal Party was prepared to help last term's implementation legislation (Bill C-23) pass second reading and head to committee despite a June 2008 all-party recommendation of the Standing Committee on International Trade that an "impartial human rights impact assessment be carried out by a competent body, which is subject to independent levels of scrutiny and validation... before Canada considers ratifying and implementing an agreement with Colombia."

With the new bill (C-2) taking Parliament back to square one, there is no longer any justification for the Liberals to ignore the need for a human rights assessment before passing the free trade
agreement. We need to make sure they make that choice.


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Globalisation and Trade CCFTA Prorogued: Be Ready For Action; It Has Returned
Contributed by Janet M Eaton on Friday, March 12 at 12:07 (187 reads)

CCFTA Prorogued. Be ready for action when Parliament resumes

Widely Opposed CCFTA which died with prorogation will likely rise again.
By Janet M Eaton, Trade and Environment Campaigner, SCC.

Bill C-23, the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) Implementation Act, which has created a furor of opposition in Canada, was temporarily sidelined, along with 35 other bills working their way through Parliament, when Stephen Harper prorogued parliament on December 31st 2009.

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