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15 July 2009 

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Bombing Near Baghdad Funeral Site Kills 5

15 July 2009

Medical staff and Iraqi soldiers gather around a man wounded in a bomb attack on a funeral in the Shi'ite enclave of Sadr City in Baghdad, Iraq, 15 Jul 2009
Medical staff and Iraqi soldiers gather around a man wounded in a bomb attack on a funeral in the Shi'ite enclave of Sadr City in Baghdad, Iraq, 15 Jul 2009
Iraqi police say five people have been killed in a bomb blast near a funeral tent in the capital.

Authorities say another 28 people were wounded in Wednesday's blast in Baghdad's mostly Shi'ite slum of Sadr City.

Elsewhere in the country Wednesday, Iraqi officials say a car bomb blast killed six people, including two traffic police officers, in western Anbar province.

Authorities say a police checkpoint in the provincial capital, Ramadi, was the target of the attack. Sixteen people were wounded in the explosion.

Iraq has seen multiple deadly attacks in the two weeks since U.S. combat troops withdrew from Iraqi cities.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.

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