Environmentalists say Maui is harming a coral reef in a case that has wider implications.

John Sturgeon fought the federal government for years after he was banned from using his hovercraft in a national preserve. But success at the high court doesn’t come cheap. Here’s how he did it.

‘Every time I read one of her opinions, I’m thrilled by it,’ the former president said.

The court appears to benefit from the public’s low opinion of the political branches, experts say, but some see trouble ahead.

The prize carries a $1 million award, which the Supreme Court justice will donate to charities.

The Trump administration, and even the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s director, say it is not properly structured.

The Trump administration objects to a lower-court ruling that such undocumented immigrants deserve judicial review.

Attorneys for Lee Boyd Malvo argue he deserves resentencing because his age was not considered when he was sent to prison for life.

At issue is whether the board’s members were appointed in a way that comports with Constitution.

Does forbidding discrimination “because of sex” include sexual orientation and identity?

Justice Clarence Thomas, sick with the flu, was absent Monday. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who underwent cancer treatment this summer, appeared healthy and active.

Resolution of the most divisive issues will occur in the heat of next year’s presidential race.

The 2014 law, which has not gone into effect, requires doctors at abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

It’s among the most consequential issues facing the justices. Arguments are set for Tuesday.

The Republican former solicitor general will argue that the Trump administration cannot arbitrarily end DACA.

When nine people are bound together by life tenure and equally weighted votes, there are reasons to live and let live.

  • Analysis

Since June, the high court has approved two emergency requests from the Trump administration to overrule lower courts on border security matters.

Immigrant advocacy groups had challenged the rule banning most asylum requests along the southern border.

In a new book and interview, the Supreme Court justice discusses his strong views on the law and the art of judging.

Letter says justices should not feel pressured to either drop or hear upcoming gun case.

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