Read all posts from January 2014

  • In this week's address, President Obama said Congress should act to extend emergency unemployment insurance for more than one million Americans who have lost this vital economic lifeline while looking for a job. Letting emergency unemployment insurance expire not only harms American families, but it is also a drag on the overall economy. The President urges both parties to pass the bipartisan three-month extension under consideration in the Senate so that we can once again focus on expanding opportunities for the middle class and creating jobs for all hardworking Americans.

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  • As we move into 2014 we'd like to take a quick look back with you at some of our favorite moments, large and small from the 2013 White House video library. There was quite a bit to choose from, but we were able to narrow it down to 10. Take a look in this years edition of "Best of the West (Wing Week)."

  • Today is a new day for the millions of Americans who finally have the security that comes from quality, affordable health coverage. And those who already have health insurance will have better, more reliable coverage than ever before. From now on, insured Americans won't be forced to put off a check-up or worry about going broke if they get sick.

    While there is much more work to be done, beginning today, no family will be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition like high blood pressure or asthma. Women can no longer be charged more than men for the same coverage. No American will have to worry that losing a job means you can't get health coverage. And small businesses may qualify for more financial help to pay for new affordable coverage options for their employees.

    The challenges in our health care system were decades in the making and won't be solved overnight, but now more than 6 million Americans have been enrolled in Marketplace or Medicaid coverage and are getting peace of mind, knowing that they can get the care they need without losing everything they've worked and saved for.

    New Benefits and Consumer Protections Begin Today

    • Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions: Up to 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions no longer have to worry about being denied health coverage or charged higher premiums because of their health status.
    • New Insurance Options: Many previously uninsured Americans have new health insurance options through private health plans in the Marketplace or Medicaid in States that have opted to expand it. Nearly 6 in 10 of Americans who were uninsured could pay $100 or less per month for coverage.
    • No More Annual Caps on Health Benefits: Millions of Americans no longer have to worry about having their health benefits cut off after they reach an annual dollar limit on benefits.
    • Comprehensive Coverage: Health plans in the individual and small group markets are now required to cover ten categories of essential health benefits – including emergency services, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, and prescription drug coverage. As a result of these new protections, approximately 60 million people will gain expanded mental health and substance use disorder benefits and/or parity protections.

  • As we ring in the start of 2014, today millions of Americans across the country will finally have the security and peace of mind that comes from having quality, affordable health insurance coverage. Today is the first day that coverage kicks in for more than 6 million people who purchased private health insurance plans through the Marketplaces, or signed up for coverage through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

    One of those Americans is Trinace Edwards, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor shortly after being laid off and losing her insurance. Unable to work or afford private insurance, she has not received treatment. Her daughter Lenace, a student at the University of Maryland, had considered dropping out of school in order to help pay for her mother’s bills.

    When Trinace began shopping for coverage after the Health Insurance Marketplace opened, she learned she would be eligible for coverage through Medicaid. Starting today, Trinace can get the health care she needs, without forcing her daughter to give up on her dreams.

    In October, President Obama met with a group of Americans – including Trinace and Lenace – who are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. Watch what the mother and daughter had to say to him about what the law means for their family.