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An international network that provides information, solidarity and support for all women whose lives are shaped, conditioned or governed by laws and customs said to derive from Islam.
 Current site highlights 
The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! was launched in November 2007 and is hosted by Women Living Under Muslim Laws. The Campaign seeks to end the relentless mis-use of culture, tradition and religion to justify violence against women. Read more here: www.stop-stoning.org

 News and Views 

Iran: Shadi Sadr wins 2009 Human Rights Defenders Tulip Award (WLUML Networkers)
23/10/2009: WLUML is delighted to announce that Ms. Shadi Sadr is the recipient of the 2009 Tulip Award, the Dutch Human Rights Defenders Award.

UN: "Traditional values" Resolution adopted at Twelfth session of HRC (WLUML Networkers)
13/10/2009: The resolution "Promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms through a better understanding of traditional values of humankind in conformity with international human rights law" was adopted by a vote of 26 in favour, 15 against and six abstentions.

Guinea: In the aftermath of rape (IRIN)
12/10/2009: Even in Guinea, which since independence in 1958 has regularly seen military repression of civilians, the sexual violence that took place on 28 September was a shock.

Canada: Muslim Canadian Congress urges Ottawa to ban niqabs in public (Metro)
12/10/2009: Middle Eastern garments designed to cover a woman's face are "medieval" and "misogynist" symbols of extremism with no basis in Islam, a Canadian Muslim lobby group said Wednesday as it urged Ottawa to ban the burka and the niqab.

Sudan: A Future Without Female Genital Mutilation (World Pulse)
12/10/2009: In February the Sudanese government legalized the Sunna form of FGM. The Council of Ministers dropped the 13th article of the 2009 Children’s Act which banned FGM to take into account the fatwa that distinguishes “harmful” circumcision from Sunna.

Iran: ‘Mourning Mothers Iran’ Stand with Activist Mothers Worldwide (WNN)
12/10/2009: In silent public protest, the ‘Mourning Mothers of Iran,’ known locally in Tehran as the ‘Mothers of Laleh,’ stand together each week, on Saturday evening vigils in Tehran’s Laleh Park.

Egypt: Al-Azhar bans niqab from schools and colleges (The Telegraph)
8/10/2009: Egypt has embarked on a campaign to restrict the most conservative forms of Muslim dress after one Sheikh Mohammed Tantawi ordered a schoolgirl to remove her niqab, or veil.

Nigeria: Grace Ushang’s Death and The Indecent Dressing Bill (WLUML Networkers)
7/10/2009: On the day that Nigeria celebrated its 49th Independence Anniversary on 1 October 2009, Ms. Ushang was murdered for wearing trousers.

Iran: Jelveh Javaheri Receives 6 Month Sentence (WLP)
6/10/2009: One Million Signatures campaign activist Jelveh Javaheri has been issued a six month prison sentence by Iran’s Revolutionary Courts for her participation in a peaceful protest on June 12, 2008.

Pakistan: Protests mount against blasphemy laws (WSWS)
6/10/2009: Pakistan’s draconian “blasphemy” laws have come under renewed criticism since several Christians were killed this summer by a mob of Muslim fundamentalists in a pogrom-style attack.

 Calls for Action 

URGENT: Malaysia: Caning sentence of Kartika upheld
28/09/2009: The International Solidarity Network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML), and the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! (SKSW) are greatly concerned that the caning of Madam Kartika will take place in the next few days, possibly in secret. Sister in Islam's (SIS) application for Revision on Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno's case was turned down by the Assistant Registrar of the Kuantan Syariah High Court on 2 October. This unprecedented action from the office of the Registrar is a clear violation of the court process as all applications filed and duly paid must be accepted and heard. The Registrar or any court officer has no right to filter any applications. The Courts duty is to accept such applications and then it is for the Judiciary to hear all cases. This sentence has been upheld in spite of clear statements from government authorities casting serious doubt upon the wisdom of such punishments. WLUML and SKSW support the Malaysian Bar Council's call for Zero tolerance for caning as a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment.

UPDATE: Malaysia: Contradictory statements over caning sentence
22/09/2009: Sisters in Islam (SIS) of Malaysia has submitted an application for revision and stay of execution of the caning sentence passed on Madam Kartika. SIS is asking the court to revise the sentence on several grounds, reminding the Malaysian government of its obligations under international law, constitutional and legal issues, and sentencing guidelines. Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno was sentenced by the Pahang Syariah Court to be lashed six times and fined RM 5000 as punishment for drinking beer with her husband in a hotel nightclub in Cherating (Pahang state) on 12 July 2007. The mother of two was charged under Section 136 of the Pahang Islamic and Malay Traditional Practices Enactment (Amendment) 1987. We have recently learned that the same judge has passed five other sentences on Muslim men and women for alcohol consumption.

Indonesia: New law in Aceh makes adultery punishable by stoning
17/09/2009: The Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network and the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women (SKSW Campaign) are gravely concerned to learn of a set of regressive new laws introduced in Aceh, Indonesia on 14 September 2009. Indonesia's province of Aceh has passed a new law that imposes severe sentences for consensual extra-marital sexual relations, rape, homosexuality, alcohol consumption and gambling. Previously, Aceh's partially-adopted Sharia law enforced dress codes and mandatory prayers. "This law is a preventive measure for Acehnese people so that they will avoid moral degradation," said Moharriyadia, a spokesman for the Prosperous Justice Party.


WLUML Newsletter 8 (Published: August 2009)
In this issue, we are delighted to welcome the launch of the programme “Women reclaiming and re-defining cultures: Asserting rights over body, self, and public spaces”, a joint venture between WLUML and the Institute of Women’s Empowerment (IWE), which will bring together women from the Muslim world to examine and discuss how systems of culture, tradition and religion, are used as instruments to legitimize their oppression.

WLUML Newsletter 7 (Published: January 2009)
We are delighted to present the seventh issue of the Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) Newsletter! In this edition, once again we welcome new staff members at the International Coordination Office, as well as looking at WLUML's participation in several significant events, such as The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) 11th International Forum in Cape Town, South Africa. The theme of the forum was "The Power of Movements".

Dossier 29: A Collection of Articles various (Published: July 2008)
Dossier 29: "Mechanisms and Structures to Promote and Protect Women's Human Rights and Gender Equality"

What's the Point of Revolution if We Can't Dance? Jane Barry and Jelena Djordjevic (UAF) (Published: 2007)
What's the Point of Revolution if We Can't Dance? brings us the experiences of more than 100 activists from around the world. Their fears. Hopes. Exhaustion. Exaltation. Grief and pleasure. Pain and loss and wicked black humour. Spirituality. Funding crunches. Backbiting and burnout. Self-worth, desire, selfishness, and selflessness. In Revolution activists from all walks of life talk about the intensely personal and inextricably important side of activism that leaves so many of us fatigued, isolated and ill. Together, we name a culture of activism that sometimes celebrates dying for the cause as a necessary and acceptable part of the activist bargain. We also talked about what keeps us strong the love and passion for the work, and for each other. The simple and complex strategies that activists use to stay well and safe. The book concludes with a call for a revolution within activism that will ensure that we can sustain ourselves and our movements.

WLUML Newsletter 6 WLUML (Published: June 2008)
We are delighted to present the sixth issue of the Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) Newsletter! In this edition, we welcome new staff members at the International Coordination Office, cover new developments in the Global Campaign Stop Killing and Stoning Women!, and catch up with some of our networkers from around the world. A special section highlights the political aspects of women and sport in Muslim contexts.

WLUML Newsletter 5 WLUML (Published: Dec. 2007 / Jan. 2008)
Women Living Under Muslim Laws is delighted to present the fifth issue of the WLUML Newsletter! The objective of WLUML's newsletters is to present a platform for women's rights activists around the world to project their voices, and for networkers to share their experiences of activism across boundaries.

This issue features articles on the launch of the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! and our Feminism in the Muslim World Third Leadership Institute. This issue features networkers' submissions from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Burma, India and Pakistan, as well as book and film reviews, updates on solidarity cases and more.

Knowing Our Rights: Women, family, laws and customs in the Muslim world - 3rd edition WLUML (Published: December 2006)
This third and completely revised version of the "Knowing Our Rights" handbook is an essential resource for those taking a critical and questioning approach to rights, laws, and constructions of womanhood in Muslim countries and communities and beyond. "Knowing Our Rights" forms part of the international synthesis of the Women & Law in the Muslim world Programme and is based on some 10 years of field experience, research and analysis by multi-disciplinary teams of networkers in over 20 countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

The third edition of the publications is now available to download!
