WASHINGTON, DC, 04:50 AM, FRI MARCH 19 | Advertise on Wonkette | tips@wonkette.com | SUBMIT A TIP | RSS

  • GOOD HEALTH CARE BILL OVERVIEW: Here is what you need to know about the major components of the final health care reform bill. It is a good bill and it will help more people than any bill in recent memory. It is not scary. It is so, so comically un-scary. [AP]


This Is Starting To Get Exciting!


“They intend to vote on the Sabbath, during Lent, to take away the liberty that we have right from God,” [Steve] King said.

“Faith has been perverted,” [Glenn] Beck responded, then repeated. “They are going to vote for this damn thing on a Sunday, which is the Sabbath, during Lent.”

Beck continued:

“Here is a group of people that have so perverted our faith and our hope and our charity, that is a — this is an affront to God.” [...]

“I think it’s absolutely appropriate that these people are trying to put the nail in the coffin on our country on a Sunday — something our founders would have never, ever, ever done. Out of respect for God.”

God is dead. [Huffington Post]


‘American Exceptionalism’ And ‘Miley Cyrus,’ Interconnected, Obviously

  • A 90 second video about the Democratic Congress and its illegal parliamentary trickeries. [RedState]
  • Another one of those romantic candlelit riverboat cruises with K-Lo and Michael Mukasey. [The Corner]
  • Matt Yglesias is quite enraptured by the cryptic lyrics of Miley Cyrus’ songwriter. [Matt Yglesias]
  • The U.K. uses the price of processed fish to calculate inflation rates, because they don’t have to worry about Ron Paul or the Federal Reserve and can basically do whatever they want. [Hit & Run]
  • Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) is having a super day because: 23 seasons of C-SPAN, now free and downloadable, woah! [Twitter]


White House Press Briefings Now Just Show Whatever’s On The Teevee

CNN’s beloved Ed Henry shares this picture from today’s White House Press Briefing, where everyone is just watching teevee. Those lazy slugs! It’s a beautiful day outside, and everyone should go play on Sasha and Malia’s swing set. CORRECTION: It’s a beautiful day outside, and everyone should go play Xbox on Sasha and Malia’s swing set. (Is it actually a beautiful day? We just read about it on the Internet.) [TwitPic]


The Coburn death stareGOD IT IS JUST SOME BASIC FIXES TO THE INDIVIDUAL INSURANCE MARKET: “Raising the bar on Republican opposition maneuvers in the Senate, Mr. Coburn on Thursday threatened to put future holds on any Democratic House members who switch their vote in favor of the health care bill, lose their election as a result next November, and then are rewarded with a high-ranking job in the Obama administration.” He’ll fuck your spouse and eat your babies, too! [NYT/The Caucus]


Alex Chilton Finally Gets Recognition On House Floor

And all he had to do was die. Nice commemoration, Steve Cohen! And almost the exact same length as “I’m In Love With A Girl,” which is a good song. [Spencer Ackerman]


John Boehner Insults Those People Who Are Fun To Insult: Hill Staffers

John Boehner stands near little punk Wonkette staffersJohn Boehner did one of the more Republican things ever yesterday: while meeting with the American Bankers Association to discuss their Evil Plan to kill financial reform, he told them, “Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves.” KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY! This did not sit well with Barney Frank, who wrote a nasty letter to John Boehner for being mean to the Hill Staffer kids. MORE »


Kathy Griffin Ruins Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Maybe

Ha ha, it’s Kathy Griffin, from… wherever she’s from! She is the one who curses a lot on CNN’s Anderson Cooper New Year’s Party, yes? In one of those “unplanned” moments of live television. Well she is now in Washington D.C., videotaping something that will not advance gay rights. MORE »


Yeah fuck you too, thenSO THE HOUSE WILL VOTE IN… JUNE? “President Obama will not go on his already delayed trip to Indonesia, Australia and Guam this weekend, preferring to stay in Washington to see health care through, the White House said today. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced that Obama will postpone the trip until June and that he phoned the leaders of those nations to express his regret but to say that the health care vote was too important to be out of town.” [TPM]


CNN’s New Blog Planning Campaign of Terror Against America

Where's fat spiderman lady when you need her?Have you heard that CNN hired the blog Red State to be its new political commentator, to keep up with Glenn Beck or whatever? It is true. And the blog Red State is super-double crazy, which is fine and all, but now it is advocating some kind of insane “The Joker vs. Batman” wave of constant vandalism and harassment and destruction, nationwide, 24 hours a day, if those Democrats who were elected to run the White House and the Senate and Congress try to enact any of that legislation they were elected by wide margins to pass. Says this Red State person who we surely hope is wearing a V For Vendetta plastic Guy Fawkes mask: “They fear the threat of physical pain.” Why does CNN advocate violence against American democracy? MORE »


Official NASA Mission Posters Exactly Like Real NASA Missions

Needs more sex with Vulcans.What happens when you make a lousy low-budget movie with a story that goes nowhere and outdated special effects? You spend a whole lot of money marketing the crap. What happens if you have a vague understanding of this concept but you work for NASA, with its 1970s jalopy shuttles and its moment of glory forty years in the past? You make the marketing posters, but you don’t really show them to anyone, because they’re embarrassing, but you leave the pdf files on the NASA website anyway. Was the future supposed to be this lame? MORE »


Joe Biden Is Sorry the Irish Prime Minister’s Dead Mother Is Still Alive

Wacky Joe Biden, who will you hurt with jokes now? MORE »


‘Doggy Style For Diabetes’ Was Already Taken

Diabetes is a terrible, terrible disease, but you can cure it for everyone this very Saturday by dodging balls at the 5th Annual Dodging Diabetes Charity Dodgeball Tournament. This isn’t a cheap sporting event — cost is $500 dollars for a team of six to ten players — BUT IT’S FOR CHARITY, PEOPLE. MORE »