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Shooting Incident

Photo: Gil Yohanan
Car riddled with bullets after attack  Photo: Gil Yohanan

Israeli shot in West Bank

Unknown assailants open fire on Israeli vehicle travelling near Shvut Rachel; driver suffers mild to moderate wounds to his hand

Efrat Weiss
Published: 09.29.09, 20:32 / Israel News

An Israeli citizen suffered mild to moderate gunshot wounds to his hand Tuesday evening near the West Bank settlement of Shvut Rachel, north of Jerusalem.


According to local settlers, at approximately 8 pm unknown assailants opened fire at an Israeli vehicle travelling east of Shvut Rachel.


Scene of shooting attack (Photo: Gil Yohanan)


The injured Israeli continued driving until he reached the entrance to the settlement of Kida, where he received medical treatment from security forces. The man was later evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.  


The shots apparently came from terrorists positioned at the side of the road.


"This is the fourth shooting in the area in the past four months," Binyamin Council Head Avi Roeh told Ynet.


"This attack is a direct result of the removal of roadblocks. It's only by some miracle that the outcome of these attacks has been no worse than injuries, but you cannot base security policies on miracles."


In August two Israelis were lightly injured near the Givat Haroeh outpost. The Israelis said Palestinians opened fire on the vehicle they were travelling in. The shooters fled the scene and have yet to be apprehended.


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