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  1. 4
    Thumbnail 5:59
  2. 5
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    November Nor'easter

    by Diggy22 102 views

  3. 6
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    Snow Storm, New York, November 07, 2012

    by Uladzimir Taukachou 516 views

  4. 7
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    Nor' Easter walk in the snow.

    by Espartaco Albornoz Jr 74 views

  5. 10
    Thumbnail 1:32

    Snow Storm, New York, November 07, 2012

    by Uladzimir Taukachou 516 views

New Yorkers recovering from the devastation of Sandy in the past week were faced with more severe weather on November 7, as a nor'easter hit the area, bringing cold temperatures and heavy snow.

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