U.S. Department of State
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February 25, 2007
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Welcome to statevideo, featuring official video produced by the U.S. Department of State. Videos include remarks by Secretary Clinton, Daily Press Briefings, special video collections based on foreign policy issues, and candid interivews of U.S. diplomats. Comment Policy: http://blogs.state.gov/inde...
United States
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U.S. Mission to the European Union Regional Public Diplomacy Officer Susan Elbow discusses Secretary Clinton's $100 billion fund pledge at COP15 (C...   more
statevideo uploaded a new video (23 hours ago)
Minnesota State Representative Kate Knuth discusses state leadership on climate change in the U.S. at the U.S. Center at COP15, Bella Center, Copen...   more
statevideo uploaded a new video (23 hours ago)
Innovations Center for U.S. Dairy's Erin Fitzgerald at the U.S. Center at COP15, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark on December 15, 2009. Go to http...   more
statevideo uploaded a new video (23 hours ago)
U.S. Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher discusses bringing into force the United States-United Arab Emirate...   more
statevideo uploaded a new video (1 day ago)
U.S. Department of State Deputy Spokesman Robert Wood leads the Daily Press Briefing at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC December 17,...   more
Channel Comments (37)
naughtypinayscandals (3 weeks ago)
excellent channel
hideaway33 (3 weeks ago)
why not?
Vutxzzn (1 month ago)
Hey umm Mrs. Clinton, I have an Idea about how to deal with the Iraq situation, Maybe you could pass it on to President Obama, We should give every single, I mean everbody in Iraq, Afghanistan and Even Isreal and Palistine, each one respectivly, every single person a baseball bat. Remove all troops from those areas. Last one Alive gets it all. So what do you think
CONCEPTENERGY (1 month ago)
dilgevicius (1 month ago)
...... Images, sounds, feelings, senses - are not external subjects, but its only... reaction to that matter......
AcaiCarter (1 month ago)
I love this channel. Hilary, you are an inspiration to women everywhere!
d1nx2 (1 month ago)
Honorable U.S. Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton -- I think you are doing an excellent job as U.S. Secretary of State. We the American people are very fortunate to have you working towards a better America and a safer world. I appreciate your ability to get the job done. When you are abroad remember that we support your decisions. Your tough attitude towards extremists in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are on point. You would have made a great President. Although, President Obama is loved by many including me! You too would have done an excellent job in Office. You guys and gals on the Hill keep up the good work! Thanks for making the world a better place.

Please don't forget about Kenya. The Government there is still unethical and corrupt.
2008 Kenya National Commission on Human Rights report, The Cry of Blood.
monstersofcockcarmen (1 month ago)
Go get 'em Hillary! Do your nation proud!
3rkid2 (1 month ago)
I giggle whenever someone says "New World Order"
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