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    Famous in 31 Days

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  • movies added a movie 10 hours ago


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  • movies added a movie 17 hours ago

    Savages (Unrated)

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  • movies added a movie 17 hours ago


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    Save The Date

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  • movies added a movie 19 hours ago

    Resident Evil: Damnation

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    Most Valuable Players

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    Miss Representation

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    Sons of Perdition

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    Family Affair

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    Serving Life

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    Louder Than a Bomb

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    Tent City, U.S.A.

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    One Lucky Elephant

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    Life 2.0

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    Crime After Crime

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    Becoming Chaz

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    No Woman No Cry

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    Electoral Dysfunction

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    Layer Cake

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    There Will Be Blood

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    Saving Private Ryan

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    American Beauty

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    Lockout (Unrated)

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    Battlestar Galactica: Razor

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    Battlestar Galactica: Razor - Unrated Extended Version

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    Contradictions of the Heart

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  • movies added a movie 1 day ago

    A Bird of the Air

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    California, 90420

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