VOA Video
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International Affairs
March 14, 2008
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2 minutes ago
The Voice of America is one of the world's leading international broadcasters. VOA produces radio, television, and Internet programming in 45 languages. Look at some of our best and most interesting news and feature report videos here on YouTube.
For more, go to our Web site: http://www.VOAnews.com/
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United States
Channel Comments (62)
FreedomIs0ur (1 week ago)
propaganda of the american terrorist government , you claim all is going good in afghanistan , lets see ;) people have realized that its not that as you claim the American invading terrorists are being slaughtered by the Taliban fighters and american terrorists are terrorizing the people of pakistan planing bombs in bazaars to win the populations hearts and minds and make them against Taliban , morons , cowards.
SamUU1987 (1 week ago)
this is propaganda and instigation!
stop telling lies!
maybe a little bit of your vids is true but the most is disproportionate and/or incorrect!!!
Lost8Wizard (2 weeks ago)
Have love in your heart and the world will become reborn
kronos251 (3 weeks ago)
My dad remembers hearing and watching VOA News back in the 1950's and 60's right here in the Philippines.

God Bless. Keep up the great work. Remain Fair!
huuuuuuuui (3 weeks ago)
jefgain (1 month ago)
Great informative videos!! Thanks!!!
RightToWork07 (3 months ago)
It is not just the food industry. It is how corporations look at we humans as a whole (an expendable commodity),
withabe (4 months ago)
The Springfield Bicentennial video continues to be a favorite on my site. Thank you so much for including us in your first rate coverage, and great photography of treasured monuments.
MomDawg057 (5 months ago)
WOW! Glad I found you ;)
TheVenomPhoenix (5 months ago)
comment pending approval... nice...

consor moar.
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