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The Bible

The King James Version

Old Testament

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The Bible, the Old Testament, is a monumental shared cultural artifact that attests to the close connection between the Jews and the land of Israel.

History of the King James Version  Meaning and pronunciation of Hebrew names in the Old Testament   Preface to the First Edition of the King James Version of the  Bible

The bible and Zionism

The Bible, and especially the Old Testament, has become a mainstay of human culture, but it is first and foremost a historical document of the Jewish people and our culture. It tells the story of our ancient kingdoms and civilization in the Land of Israel, and therefore it kept alive the tie of the people of Israel to the land of Israel for 2000 years. It forms the moral and cultural basis of Zionist ideology and aspirations.

The Old Testament is accepted by the three major Western faiths. It is a major work of Western civilization. The Bible documents the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel, even for those who do not believe that the Bible is the literal word of God, and even for those who do not believe in God at all. It is the historic epic of the Jewish people in our land.  

Scholars believe that the first books of the Bible reflect a very old oral tradition, including stories and myths that entered Hebrew culture from Ur, such as vague reflections of the Gilgamesh legend. It was probably redacted into something like its present form about 500 or 600 BC. Textual analysis shows that the writings reflect the edited and merged texts of two or more authors, who referred to God respectively as Elohim or Jehovah (Yahweh in Hebrew).

King James Version of the Bible

Since its appearance, the King James translation of the Bible, has been a fixture of classical Western culture. Despite its faults, many prefer this rich, sonorous and authoritative diction to the perhaps more accurate but less attractive and dignified translations of later times. The King James Bible preserved some of the idiom of Seventeenth Century England for modern usage, and its language, like that of Shakespeare, remains a part of modern English. The translation suffers in places from the fact that it relied in part on conventions adopted in error in earlier translations, and from the fact that there were no Jews in England at the time who could have assisted in translating from the Hebrew. The Jews of England had been banished some time before.

The availability of a bible in commonly understood English, accessible to all, helped fuel the revolt against various dicta of sovereigns and churches. Based on biblical narrative, reformers challenged the doctrine that kings rule by diving right. Clearly visible in the bible too, was God's promise to restore the people of Israel, the Jews, to their ancient land.

Read about the history of the the King James Version of the Bible

King James Bible Frontispiece Image

The availability of English language bibles challenged the doctrine known as "replacement theology. Christian doctrine had taught that "Israel" should be read as "the Church" throughout the Old and New Testament, claiming that God had transferred all his promises to the Christian church. It became very difficult to hold this view in the light of the clear testament of the text, and therefore the translation of the Bible into English stimulated the Christian movement for restoration of Israel in Britain and later in the United States.

For the Jews, the Bible was a central document of national culture as well as religious life. It played a central role in preserving Jewish national aspirations and in the rebirth of Jewish Zionism. During the early days of the Jewish return to Israel, secular as well as religious education included memorization of large portions of the bible and extensive study of the Old Testament to find the roots of people and places in the land. Anti-Zionist and non-Zionist religious Jews emphasize the Talmud, the oral law, and later writings and de-emphasize the Torah. They are not "True Torah Jews." For about three millennia, Jews have looked to Israel as the center of our national, cultural and religious life, and the Bible is proof of this connection, known and accepted throughout the world.

Bible - Textual notes

Distortions in the text are noted and variant translations are noted when important. We have also added a few notes to explain names.

Some notes on meaning and pronunciation of Hebrew names in the Old Testament are given here.

The books are given below in the order and according to the groupings  of the Hebrew Bible as they appear there. This is different from their order and groupings in the King James Version of the Old Testament, which places the books in approximate historical order of narration, rather than placing the minor prophets and chronicles at the end, as in the Hebrew version.

The King James version of the ordering of the books of the old testament: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth) Canticles (Song of Solomon) Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi

The King James version of 1611 included the Apocrypha, which were removed from later editions. These are: Additions to Daniel, Judith,   Esdras,   Additions to Esther,   Susanna,   1 Maccabees,   2 Maccabees,   4 Ezra,   Prayer of Manassheh,   Sirach,   Wisdom of Solomon,   Baruch (including the Epistle of Jeremiah),   Tobit,   Bel.   

Of the above, the book of Esther was accepted as canonical by the Jews, while the book of Maccabees and others were not. The book of Maccabees was apparently suppressed by anti-Maccabean Pharisaic scribes, who also substituted the fast of Esther and the holiday of Purim for a holiday that had celebrated a victory of the Maccabees. The surviving manuscripts of the Maccabees were mostly in Greek, and this may have also prevented their inclusion in the Mesoretic text. Much of the apocrypha may have been Christian interpolations.

The Old Testament Bible was divided into verses in the Middle Ages apparently, by Christians. The Geneva bible was the first English bible to add numbering of verses.

The books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles were divided into two in the translation of the Septuagint, apparently for convenience in production of the scrolls.  This practice was continued even though the King James bible and other English bibles were printed as a single volume.

Bible Quotes

History of the King James Version

Preface to the First Edition of the King James Version of the Bible

Book Hebrew Name Chapters

Torah - The Pentateuch or five books of Moses - the "Law"

Genesis  Beresheet Genesis 1 | Genesis 2 | Genesis 3 | Genesis 4 | Genesis 5 | Genesis 6 | Genesis 7 | Genesis 8 | Genesis 9 | Genesis 10 | Genesis 11 | Genesis 12 | Genesis 13 | Genesis 14 | Genesis 15 | Genesis 16 | Genesis 17 | Genesis 18 | Genesis 19 | Genesis 20 | Genesis 21 | Genesis 22 | Genesis 23 | Genesis 24 | Genesis 25 | Genesis 26 | Genesis 27 | Genesis 28 | Genesis 29 | Genesis 30 | Genesis 31 | Genesis 32 | Genesis 33 | Genesis 34 | Genesis 35 | Genesis 36 | Genesis 37 | Genesis 38 | Genesis 39 | Genesis 40 | Genesis 41 | Genesis 42 | Genesis 43 | Genesis 44 | Genesis 45 | Genesis 46 | Genesis 47 | Genesis 48 | Genesis 49 | Genesis 50
Exodus Shmot Exodus 1 Exodus 2 | Exodus 3 | Exodus 4 | Exodus 5 | Exodus 6 | Exodus 7 | Exodus 8 | Exodus 9 | Exodus 10 | Exodus 11 | Exodus 12 | Exodus 13 | Exodus 14 | Exodus 15 | Exodus 16 | Exodus 17 | Exodus 18 | Exodus 19 | Exodus 20 | Exodus 21 | Exodus 22 | Exodus 23 | Exodus 24 | Exodus 25 | Exodus 26 | Exodus 27 | Exodus 28 | Exodus 29 | Exodus 30 | Exodus 31 | Exodus 32 | Exodus 33 | Exodus 34 | Exodus 35 | Exodus 36 | Exodus 37 | Exodus 38 | Exodus 39 | Exodus 40|
Leviticus Vayikrah Leviticus | Leviticus 1 Leviticus 2 | Leviticus 3 | Leviticus 4 | Leviticus 5 | Leviticus 6 | Leviticus 7 | Leviticus 8 | Leviticus 9 | Leviticus 10 | Leviticus 11 | Leviticus 12 | Leviticus 13 | Leviticus 14 | Leviticus 15 | Leviticus 16 | Leviticus 17 | Leviticus 18 | Leviticus 19 | Leviticus 20 | Leviticus 21 | Leviticus 22 | Leviticus 23 | Leviticus 24 | Leviticus 25 | Leviticus 26 | Leviticus 27
Numbers Bamidbar Numbers| Numbers 1 | Numbers 2 | Numbers 3 | Numbers 4 | Numbers 5 | Numbers 6 | Numbers 7 | Numbers 8 | Numbers 9 | Numbers 10 | Numbers 11 | Numbers 12 | Numbers 13 | Numbers 14 | Numbers 15 | Numbers 16 | Numbers 17 | Numbers 18 | Numbers 19 | Numbers 20 | Numbers 21 | Numbers 22 | Numbers 23 | Numbers 24 | Numbers 25 | Numbers 26 | Numbers 27 | Numbers 28 | Numbers 29 | Numbers 30 | Numbers 31 | Numbers 32 | Numbers 33 | Numbers 34 | Numbers 35 | Numbers 36 |
Deuteronomy Dvarim Deuteronomy | Deuteronomy 1 | Deuteronomy 2 | Deuteronomy 3 | Deuteronomy 4 | Deuteronomy 5 | Deuteronomy 6 | Deuteronomy 7 | Deuteronomy 8 | Deuteronomy 9 | Deuteronomy 10 | Deuteronomy 11 | Deuteronomy 12 | Deuteronomy 13 | Deuteronomy 14 | Deuteronomy 15 | Deuteronomy 16 | Deuteronomy 17 | Deuteronomy 18 | Deuteronomy 19 | Deuteronomy 20 | Deuteronomy 21 | Deuteronomy 22 | Deuteronomy 23 | Deuteronomy 24 | Deuteronomy 25 | Deuteronomy 26 | Deuteronomy 27 | Deuteronomy 28 | Deuteronomy 29 | Deuteronomy 30 | Deuteronomy 31 | Deuteronomy 32 | Deuteronomy 33 | Deuteronomy 34
The Prophets 


Yehoshua Joshua | Joshua 1 | Joshua 2 | Joshua 3 | Joshua 4 | Joshua 5 | Joshua 6 | Joshua 7 | Joshua 8 | Joshua 9 | Joshua 10 | Joshua 11 | Joshua 12 | Joshua 13 | Joshua 14 | Joshua 15 | Joshua 16 | Joshua 17 | Joshua 18 | Joshua 19 | Joshua 20 | Joshua 21 | Joshua 22 | Joshua 23 | Joshua 24 |
Judges   Shoftim Judges | Judges 1 | Judges 2 | Judges 3 | Judges 4 | Judges 5 | Judges 6 | Judges 7 | Judges 8 | Judges 9 | Judges 10 | Judges 11 | Judges 12 | Judges 13 | Judges 14 | Judges 15 | Judges 16 | Judges 17 | Judges 18 | Judges 19 | Judges 20 | Judges 21
1 Samuel Shmuel Alef 1 Samuel 1 | 1 Samuel 2 | 1 Samuel 3 | 1 Samuel 4 | 1 Samuel 5 | 1 Samuel 6 | 1 Samuel 7 | 1 Samuel 8 | 1 Samuel 9 | 1 Samuel 10 | 1 Samuel 11 | 1 Samuel 12 | 1 Samuel 13 | 1 Samuel 14 | 1 Samuel 15 | 1 Samuel 16 | 1 Samuel 17 | 1 Samuel 18 | 1 Samuel 19 | 1 Samuel 20 | 1 Samuel 21 | 1 Samuel 22 | 1 Samuel 23 | 1 Samuel 24 | 1 Samuel 25 | 1 Samuel 26 | 1 Samuel 27 | 1 Samuel 28 | 1 Samuel 29 | 1 Samuel 30 | 1 Samuel 31 |
2 Samuel Shmuel Bet 2 Samuel 1 | 2 Samuel 2 | 2 Samuel 3 | 2 Samuel 4 | 2 Samuel 5 | 2 Samuel 6 | 2 Samuel 7 | 2 Samuel 8 | 2 Samuel 9 | 2 Samuel 10 | 2 Samuel 11 | 2 Samuel 12 | 2 Samuel 13 | 2 Samuel 14 | 2 Samuel 15 | 2 Samuel 16 | 2 Samuel 17 | 2 Samuel 18 | 2 Samuel 19 | 2 Samuel 20 | 2 Samuel 21 | 2 Samuel 22 | 2 Samuel 23 | 2 Samuel 24 |
1 Kings Melachim Aleft 1 Kings 1 | 1 Kings 2 | 1 Kings 3 | 1 Kings 4 | 1 Kings 5 | 1 Kings 6 | 1 Kings 7 | 1 Kings 8 | 1 Kings 9 | 1 Kings 10 | 1 Kings 11 | 1 Kings 12 | 1 Kings 13 | 1 Kings 14 | 1 Kings 15 | 1 Kings 16 | 1 Kings 17 | 1 Kings 18 | 1 Kings 19 | 1 Kings 20 | 1 Kings 21 | 1 Kings 22 |
2 Kings Melachim Bet 2 Kings 1 | 2 Kings 2 | 2 Kings 3 | 2 Kings 4 | 2 Kings 5 | 2 Kings 6 | 2 Kings 7 | 2 Kings 8 | 2 Kings 9 | 2 Kings 10 | 2 Kings 11 | 2 Kings 12 | 2 Kings 13 | 2 Kings 14 | 2 Kings 15 | 2 Kings 16 | 2 Kings 17 | 2 Kings 18 | 2 Kings 19 | 2 Kings 20 | 2 Kings 21 | 2 Kings 22 | 2 Kings 23 | 2 Kings 24 | 2 Kings 25 |
Isaiah Yeshayahu Isaiah 1 | Isaiah 2 | Isaiah 3 | Isaiah 4 | Isaiah 5 | Isaiah 6 | Isaiah 7 | Isaiah 8 | Isaiah 9 | Isaiah 10 | Isaiah 11 | Isaiah 12 | Isaiah 13 | Isaiah 14 | Isaiah 15 | Isaiah 16 | Isaiah 17 | Isaiah 18 | Isaiah 19 | Isaiah 20 | Isaiah 21 | Isaiah 22 | Isaiah 23 | Isaiah 24 | Isaiah 25 | Isaiah 26 | Isaiah 27 | Isaiah 28 | Isaiah 29 | Isaiah 30 | Isaiah 31 | Isaiah 32 | Isaiah 33 | Isaiah 34 | Isaiah 35 | Isaiah 36 | Isaiah 37 | Isaiah 38 | Isaiah 39 | Isaiah 40 | Isaiah 41 | Isaiah 42 | Isaiah 43 | Isaiah 44 | Isaiah 45 | Isaiah 46 | Isaiah 47 | Isaiah 48 | Isaiah 49 | Isaiah 50 Isaiah 51 | Isaiah 52 | Isaiah 53 | Isaiah 54 | Isaiah 55 | Isaiah 56 | Isaiah 57 | Isaiah 58 | Isaiah 59 | Isaiah 60 Isaiah 61 | Isaiah 62 | Isaiah 63 | Isaiah 64 | Isaiah 65 | Isaiah 66
Jeremiah Yermiyahu Jeremiah 1 | Jeremiah 2 | Jeremiah 3 | Jeremiah 4 | Jeremiah 5 | Jeremiah 6 | Jeremiah 7 | Jeremiah 8 | Jeremiah 9 | Jeremiah 10 | Jeremiah 11 | Jeremiah 12 | Jeremiah 13 | Jeremiah 14 | Jeremiah 15 | Jeremiah 16 | Jeremiah 17 | Jeremiah 18 | Jeremiah 19 | Jeremiah 20 | Jeremiah 21 | Jeremiah 22 | Jeremiah 23 | Jeremiah 24 | Jeremiah 25 | Jeremiah 26 | Jeremiah 27 | Jeremiah 28 | Jeremiah 29 | Jeremiah 30 | Jeremiah 31 | Jeremiah 32 | Jeremiah 33 | Jeremiah 34 | Jeremiah 35 | Jeremiah 36 | Jeremiah 37 | Jeremiah 38 | Jeremiah 39 | Jeremiah 40 | Jeremiah 41 | Jeremiah 42 | Jeremiah 43 | Jeremiah 44 | Jeremiah 45 | Jeremiah 46 | Jeremiah 47 | Jeremiah 48 | Jeremiah 49 | Jeremiah 50 Jeremiah 51 | Jeremiah 52 |
Ezekiel Yechezkel Ezekiel 1 | Ezekiel 2 | Ezekiel 3 | Ezekiel 4 | Ezekiel 5 | Ezekiel 6 | Ezekiel 7 | Ezekiel 8 | Ezekiel 9 | Ezekiel 10 | Ezekiel 11 | Ezekiel 12 | Ezekiel 13 | Ezekiel 14 | Ezekiel 15 | Ezekiel 16 | Ezekiel 17 | Ezekiel 18 | Ezekiel 19 | Ezekiel 20 | Ezekiel 21 | Ezekiel 22 | Ezekiel 23 | Ezekiel 24 | Ezekiel 25 | Ezekiel 26 | Ezekiel 27 | Ezekiel 28 | Ezekiel 29 | Ezekiel 30 | Ezekiel 31 | Ezekiel 32 | Ezekiel 33 | Ezekiel 34 | Ezekiel 35 | Ezekiel 36 | Ezekiel 37 | Ezekiel 38 | Ezekiel 39 | Ezekiel 40 | Ezekiel 41 | Ezekiel 42 | Ezekiel 43 | Ezekiel 44 | Ezekiel 45 | Ezekiel 46 | Ezekiel 47 | Ezekiel 48  |
  The "dozen" - 12 minor prophets Trey Asar
Hosea Hosheya Hosea 1 | Hosea 2 | Hosea 3 | Hosea 4 | Hosea 5 | Hosea 6 | Hosea 7 | Hosea 8 | Hosea 9 | Hosea 10 | Hosea 11 | Hosea 12 | Hosea 13 | Hosea 14
Joel Yoel Joel 1 | Joel 2 | Joel 3 |
Amos Amos Amos 1 | Amos 2 | Amos 3 | Amos 4 | Amos 5 | Amos 6 | Amos 7 | Amos 8 | Amos 9 |
Obadiah Ovadya Obadiah 1 |
Jonah Yona Jonah 1 | Jonah 2 | Jonah 3 | Jonah 4 |
Micah Micha Micah 1 | Micah 2 | Micah 3 | Micah 4 | Micah 5 | Micah 6 | Micah 7 |
Nahum Nachum Nahum 1 | Nahum 2 | Nahum 3 |
Habakkuk Habakuk Habakkuk 1 | Habakkuk 2 | Habakkuk 3 |
Zephaniah Tsephanyah Zephaniah 1 | Zephaniah 2 | Zephaniah 3 |
Haggai Hagai Haggai 1 | Haggai 2 |
Zechariah Zecharya Zechariah 1 | Zechariah 2 | Zechariah 3 | Zechariah 4 | Zechariah 5 | Zechariah 6 | Zechariah 7 | Zechariah 8 | Zechariah 9 | Zechariah 10 | Zechariah 11 | Zechariah 12 | Zechariah 13 | Zechariah 14 |
Malachi Malachi Malachi 1 | Malachi 2 | Malachi 3 | Malachi 4 |
Writings - Ktuvim
Psalms Tehilim Psalms 1 | Psalms 2 | Psalms 3 | Psalms 4 | Psalms 5 | Psalms 6 | Psalms 7 | Psalms 8 | Psalms 9 | Psalms 10 | Psalms 11 | Psalms 12 | Psalms 13 | Psalms 14 | Psalms 15 | Psalms 16 | Psalms 17 | Psalms 18 | Psalms 19 | Psalms 20 | Psalms 21 | Psalms 22 | Psalms 23 | Psalms 24 | Psalms 25 | Psalms 26 | Psalms 27 | Psalms 28 | Psalms 29 | Psalms 30 | Psalms 31 | Psalms 32 | Psalms 33 | Psalms 34 | Psalms 35 | Psalms 36 | Psalms 37 | Psalms 38 | Psalms 39 | Psalms 40 | Psalms 41 | Psalms 42 | Psalms 43 | Psalms 44 | Psalms 45 | Psalms 46 | Psalms 47 | Psalms 48 | Psalms 49 | Psalms 50 Psalms 51 | Psalms 52 | Psalms 53 | Psalms 54 | Psalms 55 | Psalms 56 | Psalms 57 | Psalms 58 | Psalms 59 | Psalms 60 Psalms 61 | Psalms 62 | Psalms 63 | Psalms 64 | Psalms 65 | Psalms 66 | Psalms 67 | Psalms 68 | Psalms 69 | Psalms 70 Psalms 71 | Psalms 72 | Psalms 73 | Psalms 74 | Psalms 75 | Psalms 76 | Psalms 77 | Psalms 78 | Psalms 79 | Psalms 80 Psalms 81 | Psalms 82 | Psalms 83 | Psalms 84 | Psalms 85 | Psalms 86 | Psalms 87 | Psalms 88 | Psalms 89 | Psalms 90 Psalms 91 | Psalms 92 | Psalms 93 | Psalms 94 | Psalms 95 | Psalms 96 | Psalms 97 | Psalms 98 | Psalms 99 | Psalms 100 | Psalms 101 | Psalms 102 | Psalms 103 | Psalms 104 | Psalms 105 | Psalms 106 | Psalms 107 | Psalms 108 | Psalms 109 | Psalms 110 | Psalms 111 | Psalms 112 | Psalms 113 | Psalms 114 | Psalms 115 | Psalms 116 | Psalms 117 | Psalms 118 | Psalms 119 | Psalms 120 | Psalms 121 | Psalms 122 | Psalms 123 | Psalms 124 | Psalms 125 | Psalms 126 | Psalms 127 | Psalms 128 | Psalms 129 | Psalms 130 | Psalms 131 | Psalms 132 | Psalms 133 | Psalms 134 | Psalms 135 | Psalms 136 | Psalms 137 | Psalms 138 | Psalms 139 | Psalms 140 | Psalms 141 | Psalms 142 | Psalms 143 | Psalms 144 | Psalms 145 | Psalms 146 | Psalms 147 | Psalms 148 | Psalms 149 | Psalms 150
Proverbs Mishlei Proverbs 1 | Proverbs 2 | Proverbs 3 | Proverbs 4 | Proverbs 5 | Proverbs 6 | Proverbs 7 | Proverbs 8 | Proverbs 9 | Proverbs 10 | Proverbs 11 | Proverbs 12 | Proverbs 13 | Proverbs 14 | Proverbs 15 | Proverbs 16 | Proverbs 17 | Proverbs 18 | Proverbs 19 | Proverbs 20 | Proverbs 21 | Proverbs 22 | Proverbs 23 | Proverbs 24 | Proverbs 25 | Proverbs 26 | Proverbs 27 | Proverbs 28 | Proverbs 29 | Proverbs 30 | Proverbs 31
Job Iyov Job 1 | Job 2 | Job 3 | Job 4 | Job 5 | Job 6 | Job 7 | Job 8 | Job 9 | Job 10 | Job 11 | Job 12 | Job 13 | Job 14 | Job 15 | Job 16 | Job 17 | Job 18 | Job 19 | Job 20 | Job 21 | Job 22 | Job 23 | Job 24 | Job 25 | Job 26 | Job 27 | Job 28 | Job 29 | Job 30 | Job 31 | Job 32 | Job 33 | Job 34 | Job 35 | Job 36 | Job 37 | Job 38 | Job 39 | Job 40 | Job 41 | Job 42
Song of Songs Shir Hashirim Song_of_Songs 1 | Song_of_Songs 2 | Song_of_Songs 3 | Song_of_Songs 4 | Song_of_Songs 5 | Song_of_Songs 6 | Song_of_Songs 7 | Song_of_Songs 8| Mariolatry- Song of Songs in the book of Hours
Ruth Rut Ruth 1 | Ruth 2 | Ruth 3 | Ruth 4 |
Lamentations Aycha Lamentations 1 | Lamentations 2 | Lamentations 3 | Lamentations 4 | Lamentations 5
Ecclesiastes Kohelet Ecclesiastes 1 | Ecclesiastes 2 | Ecclesiastes 3 | Ecclesiastes 4 | Ecclesiastes 5 | Ecclesiastes 6 | Ecclesiastes 7 | Ecclesiastes 8 | Ecclesiastes 9 | Ecclesiastes 10 | Ecclesiastes 11 | Ecclesiastes 12 |
Esther Megilat Esther Purim and the book of Esther Esther 1 | Esther 2 | Esther 3 | Esther 4 | Esther 5 | Esther 6 | Esther 7 | Esther 8 | Esther 9 | Esther 10
Daniel Dahnyel Daniel - Introduction Daniel 1 | Daniel 2 | Daniel 3 | Daniel 4 | Daniel 5 | Daniel 6 | Daniel 7 | Daniel 8 | Daniel 9 | Daniel 10 | Daniel 11 | Daniel 12
Ezra Ezra Ezra 1 | Ezra 2 | Ezra 3 | Ezra 4 | Ezra 5 | Ezra 6 | Ezra 7 | Ezra 8 | Ezra 9 | Ezra 10 |
Nehemiah Nechemia Nehemiah 1 | Nehemiah 2 | Nehemiah 3 | Nehemiah 4 | Nehemiah 5 | Nehemiah 6 | Nehemiah 7 | Nehemiah 8 | Nehemiah 9 | Nehemiah 10 | Nehemiah 11 | Nehemiah 12 | Nehemiah 13
1 Chronicles Divrei Hayamim A 1 Chronicles 1 | 1 Chronicles 2 | 1 Chronicles 3 | 1 Chronicles 4 | 1 Chronicles 5 | 1 Chronicles 6 | 1 Chronicles 7 | 1 Chronicles 8 | 1 Chronicles 9 | 1 Chronicles 10 | 1 Chronicles 11 | 1 Chronicles 12 | 1 Chronicles 13 | 1 Chronicles 14 | 1 Chronicles 15 | 1 Chronicles 16 | 1 Chronicles 17 | 1 Chronicles 18 | 1 Chronicles 19 | 1 Chronicles 20 | 1 Chronicles 21 | 1 Chronicles 22 | 1 Chronicles 23 | 1 Chronicles 24 | 1 Chronicles 25 | 1 Chronicles 26 | 1 Chronicles 27 | 1 Chronicles 28 | 1 Chronicles 29
2 Chronicles Divrei Hayamim B 2 Chronicles 1 | 2 Chronicles 2 | 2 Chronicles 3 | 2 Chronicles 4 | 2 Chronicles 5 | 2 Chronicles 6 | 2 Chronicles 7 | 2 Chronicles 8 | 2 Chronicles 9 | 2 Chronicles 10 | 2 Chronicles 11 | 2 Chronicles 12 | 2 Chronicles 13 | 2 Chronicles 14 | 2 Chronicles 15 | 2 Chronicles 16 | 2 Chronicles 17 | 2 Chronicles 18 | 2 Chronicles 19 | 2 Chronicles 20 | 2 Chronicles 21 | 2 Chronicles 22 | 2 Chronicles 23 | 2 Chronicles 24 | 2 Chronicles 25 | 2 Chronicles 26 | 2 Chronicles 27 | 2 Chronicles 28 | 2 Chronicles 29 | 2 Chronicles 30 | 2 Chronicles 31 | 2 Chronicles 32 | 2 Chronicles 33 | 2 Chronicles 34 | 2 Chronicles 35 | 2 Chronicles 36 |

Additional Background

Maps of Israel (Canaan, Palestine) in Bible Times

Map of Canaan (Israel) in the time of Joshua (Black and White)
Map of ancient Canaan (Palestine) after the Conquest by the Israelites
Palestine (Israel, Canaan) in the Time of the Judges
Map of Ancient Israel (Canaan) in the reigns of Kings David and Solomon (Black and White)
Map of Judah (Judea) in the Divided Kingdom
Map of Judah (Judea) in the Maccabean Kingdom of Alexander Janeus (Yannai)
Map of the Roman Province of Judea

Map - Canaan Before the Hebrews

Map - Canaan and the Early Israelite Kingdom

Map - The kingdoms of Israel and Judea; Judea and Samaria in the time of Jesus

Map and article - Judea (Judah) and Judea and Samaria

Map of Palestine 1845 - Showing biblical and contemporary sites

Jews & Jew Hate

History of Israel and Zionism, Zionist Advocacy at Zionism and Israel Information CenterZionism and Israel Issues and Answers  Zionism and Its Impact Definitions of Zionism History of Zionism and the Creation of Israel  Timeline of Zionism and Israeli History Zionism and Israel Online Biography  Jewish anti-Zionism Jews against Zionism Neturei Karta (Jews against Zionism, Jews not Zionists) Encyclopedia of Zionism, Israel, Middle East and Jewish History My Personal Exodus Christian Zionism

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MidEastWeb  History of Israel Palestine and the Middle East Conflict conflict 

MidEastWeb: Middle East

Zionism  Definition and Brief History A balanced article that covers the definitions and history of Zionism as well as opposition to Zionism and criticisms by Arabs,  Jewish anti-Zionists.

Labor Zionism   History and Critique  Contribution of Labor Zionism to the creation of the Jewish state, and problems of Labor Zionism in a changing reality.

Concise Guide to IsraeliZionist CyberSpace

Israel-Palestina  (Dutch) Middle East Conflict, Israel, Palestine,Zionism... Israël-Palestina Informatie gids Israël, Palestijnen en Midden-Oosten conflict... Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a European perspective  Dutch and English.

English  Israel-Palestine.info Guide to the Middle East Conflict (Peace, Zionism, antiSemitism ...)

Active Zionism  A Zionist advocacy site with many useful links

PEACE Watch  Middle East Dialog and Peace Process

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Peace with Realism

Israel Boycott?

What is Zionism?  Chicago Peace Now on Zionism.
Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism

Zionism at Jewish Virtual Library 

What is Zionism?- ADL on Zionism

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 Bible - Old Testament-  King James Version