The New York Times
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  1. 1
    Thumbnail 1:00

    Touch of Evil: Jessica Chastain

    by TheNewYorkTimes 49,698 views

  2. 3
    Thumbnail 0:59

    Touch of Evil: George Clooney

    by TheNewYorkTimes 37,682 views

  3. 4
    Thumbnail 1:11

    Touch of Evil: Kirsten Dunst

    by TheNewYorkTimes 51,796 views

  4. 5
    Thumbnail 0:39

    Touch of Evil: Adepero Oduye

    by TheNewYorkTimes 12,697 views

  5. 6
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    Touch of Evil: Ryan Gosling

    by TheNewYorkTimes 98,600 views

  6. 7
    Thumbnail 0:46

    Touch of Evil: Jean Dujardin

    by TheNewYorkTimes 32,722 views

  7. 8
    Thumbnail 1:17

    Touch of Evil: Mia Wasikowska

    by TheNewYorkTimes 40,707 views

  8. 9
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    Touch of Evil: Viola Davis

    by TheNewYorkTimes 17,720 views

  9. 10
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    Touch of Evil: Rooney Mara

    by TheNewYorkTimes 96,990 views

  10. 11
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    Touch of Evil: Michael Shannon

    by TheNewYorkTimes 15,985 views

  11. 12
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    Touch of Evil: Glenn Close

    by TheNewYorkTimes 21,774 views

  12. 13
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    Touch of Evil: Brad Pitt

    by TheNewYorkTimes 84,362 views

  13. 14
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    Touch of Evil: Gary Oldman

    by TheNewYorkTimes 28,084 views

  14. 15
    Thumbnail 3:27

    The Caucus - Anatomy of a Romney Rally

    by TheNewYorkTimes 3,259 views

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