Holocaust Myth

What is this about a "Holocaust Myth?" The facts about the Holocaust are well documented,  by photos, stories of survivors and confessions of war criminals, by soldiers who rescued victims, as well as by physical evidence of gas chambers. About six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust by the German national socialists and their stooges in various countries.

Nonetheless, a great industry has grown around generating and enlarging the myth about the Holocaust Myth.

"Holocaust Myth" is a vile propaganda slogan that assembles under its banners all those who falsely claim that the Holocaust, the massacre of Jews in World War II, did not occur or that actually many less Jews were killed than is "claimed" by "Zionists." Holocaust Myth is also called Holocaust Hoax. Both are Holocaust denial.


Holocaust myth: Anti-Zionists claim Holocaust is a lie
Anti-Zionists claim the Holocaust is a Zionist Hoax

Holocaust Myth Web sites and publications forget to tell their readers some inescapable facts about the "Holocaust Myth" -

- Before World War II there were about 17 million Jews in the world.

- In 1945 there were about 11 million Jews. Where did all the Jews go?

-The number of dead can be easily verified in numerous ways and it has been.

- It is really not material if seven million Jews were murdered or "only" five million. The fact is that most of Europe's Jewish population disappeared.

The disseminators of the lie are anti-Semites and anti-Zionists, including Jewish anti-Zionists.

Web materials about the Holocaust Myth issue are fairly obnoxious. Some of these materials, with media reports, are presented below.

Holocaust Myth Song

A very moving song has been written about the Holocaust Myth by Mick Terry


If the Holocaust was a myth, where is my sister?
Do you think I made it all up,
part of some massive sympathy plan?
If the Holocaust was a myth, why do I miss her?
Why is this emptiness still inside me?
Why is this number burned into my arm?

More Holocaust Myth lyrics

Holocaust Myth by governments: Syria

Agence France-Presse

February 1, 2000

A Syrian government newspaper accused Israel on Monday of creating "the myth of the Holocaust..."

The official newspaper Tishrin accused the Jewish state of using the "myth" of the murder of millions of Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War to "blackmail and terrorize politicians and intellectuals around the world."

Please note: All the assertions below about the Holocaust Myth - that the Holocaust never happened - are untrue - they are vicious, deliberate racist lies.

Holocaust Myth - Ahmadinejad promoting Holocaust denial

Holocaust Myth by governments:  of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

TEHRAN, Dec. 14, 2005

(AP) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday the Holocaust is a "myth" in another sharp attack on Israel's right to exist....

Holocaust Myth by political parties: Muslim Brotherhood promotes it

Al-Jazeera, Dec. 24, 2005

Brotherhood chief: Holocaust a myth

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition force in Egypt's parliament, has echoed Iran's president in describing the Holocaust as a myth.


Holocaust Myth by governments: The Palestinian authority

The Palestinian authority has been a source of anti-Semitic propaganda ever since it was founded, though it is usually not as bad as other Arab governments.


From a Palestinian TV program:

"Moderator: It is well-known that every year the Jews exaggerate what the Nazis did to them. They claim there were 6 million killed, but precise scientific research demonstrates that there were no more than 400,000. Has the complex which the Jews have as a result of the Nazis' actions created within them psychological burdens which they are now releasing against the Palestinians?

Al-Agha: ...They have profited materially, spiritually, politically and economically from the talk about the Nazi killings. This investment is favorable to them and they view it as a profitable activity so they inflate the number of victims all the time. In another ten years, I do not know what number they will reach....

Holocaust Myth in the Arabian Peninsula

From a speech delivered by Dr. Walid Al-Rashudi, head of the Department of Islamic Studies at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, aired on Al-Aqsa TV on February 29, 2008.
"...A holocaust is not the burning of 50-60 Jews in Germany or Switzerland, but the Jews continue to call it the Holocaust. In case you don't know, let me tell you that more than 90% of the Muslims in the world do not know that the Jews receive reparations from Germany and Switzerland for the so-called Holocaust affair. We believe that there was indeed a holocaust, but how many died? 50-60 people? Afterwards, they used it to blackmail these two countries."


Holocaust Myth Mythology of Ahmadinejad breeds more Holocaust Revisionism 

The Holocaust as Sacred Myth and Ideology:

Final Reflections in the Wake of the Iran Holocaust Conference


By Paul Grubach © 2007

I. The Specter

A specter is haunting Western Civilization. It is the specter of Holocaust revisionism. The power elites of Europe, the United States and beyond have entered into holy alliance to exorcise this specter: Pope and US President, British and Canadian Prime Minister, French and Russian Foreign Ministers, German Chancellor and Justice Minister, international Zionism and the Western mass media...

Holocaust Myth and Free Speech


Codoh is an all-purpose racist Web site, promoting the Holocaust Myth, anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

On campus, the free speech issue is this: Should college students be granted the rights of adults and allowed free access to Revisionist scholarship on the Holocaust...?

For half a century now historians have told us that during World War II the Nazis had a policy to exterminate the Jews of Europe, along with homosexuals and Gypsies. We are told that millions were "gassed" at German camps such as Auschwitz and Treblinka....

.... I urge you to consider whether any of the individuals or institutions that have contributed to the perpetuation of the debasing "human soap" hoax deserve to be believed about anything they say about the "Holocaust."

Holocaust Myth: Confusing the Issue

Making believe there is no difference between killing in war and murder of civilians in your own country


The Modern Myth of the Holocaust

The myth which I here dispute is not that the Holocaust (so-called with capital H) ever happened, but that it was a unique event...


Holocaust Myth: Ordinary Anti-Semitism

Holocaust Hoax


The "Holocaust" myth, as mentioned above, is a structure built of lies, exaggerations, and half- truths.....

Holocaust Myth: Having it all ways

Eric Zundel says BOTH that the Holocaust never happened and also that less people were killed. 


"Holocaust Myth 101"

PART II - There is no proof that the Holocaust, as depicted by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby and the highly politicized Hollywood industry, actually occurred.

PART III - The numbers of "Holocaust" victims are irresponsibly exaggerated.

Holocaust Myth: Having it all ways with Zundel and company - again

No, we don't deny the Holocaust, and no, there was no Holocaust.


2 - Having stated the previous, it is therefore obvious that Revisionists do not "deny" the Jewish Holocaust as their critics claim.


4 - Contrary to Holocaust Mythology there was no attempt by Nazis, or anyone else, to exterminate the Jews....




All original work is copyright © 2007 by Ami Isseroff and Zionism and Israel and may not reproduced in any form without permission unless explicitly noted otherwise.