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Procedural Justice Webinar

Procedural justice provides a framework for organizational transformation within law enforcement agencies. By promoting the idea of fairness and transparency in resolving disputes, making decisions and allocating resources, procedural justice guides the development of sustainable organizational practices and procedures.


Cyberbullying Webinar

In this webinar, Andrew Yeager and Lieutenant Joe Rampolla detail the current trends in cyber-bullying, harassment and victimization, particularly as they relate to adolescent development; explore how the blending of technology and adolescent development creates a potent and dangerous combination, leading to excessive risk-taking and the inability to control impulses and foresee consequences; and discuss intervention strategies for law enforcement, school officials, parents, and students.



COPS Video Cast: May, 2011 - Hiring In The Spirit Of Service

King County Sheriff Sue Rahr explains how her agency’s involvement in the “Hiring In The Spirit Of Service” program helped aid organizational transformation and drastically improved recruiting and retention.



What Can Law Enforcement Learn from Public Health?

Anthony Iton of the California Endowment talks about the public health approach to crime and safety problems. (March 2011)
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Photo: Anthony Iton of the California Endowment

COPS Video Cast: April , 2011 - Biased Policing

Biased policing can have disastrous effects on a law enforcement agency’s effectiveness and community relations. Dr. Lorie Fridell explains the science behind implicit bias and shows how law enforcement agencies can proactively address this issue. Dr. Fridell shares how she and Circle Solutions have come up with two courses designed to help police facilitate fair and impartial policing.

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Director's Speech on Alternatives to Incarceration

On December 2, 2009, COPS Director Bernard Melekian delivered the keynote address at the 1st Annual Conference of the National Network for Safe Communities. The Network is a coalition of police chiefs, prosecutors, community leaders, service providers, mayors, street workers, scholars and others concerned about the impact of crime and current crime polices on communities.

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Interoperable Communications and Data Sharing Technology Podcasts contain interviews with COPS 2007 Technology Program grant recipients on topics related to voice interoperability and data information sharing. The purpose of these podcasts is to leverage the lessons learned by the grantees into a format that could benefit other agencies around the country implementing similar technology projects. The podcasts were produced by SEARCH, Inc. with funding from the COPS Office.

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