PLO, P.L.O., PA, Palestinian Authority, Palestine Liberation Organization, palestinian, Zionism, Israel, Palestine, Jerusalem, Jewish, Palestinians, Middle East, Middle East War, Peace Process, Oslo, history israel, history palestine, history, geography, refugees, palestinian refugees, Middle East Conflict


       Yasser Araft, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (P.L.O.) and the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) but still a terrorist

...As A First Resort!


The Arabs are not denied 'national rights' because there is not, and never has been, a sovereign nation known as "Palestine."  The primary goal of Arab- "Palestinian" terrorism is not to achieve a military or even a political end. The goal is simply to kill Jews indiscriminately as an end in and of itself. Let's call it what it really is... a blood lust! This is what Arafat has tolerated, encouraged and practiced for his entire career. 


   Many people have been persuaded to believe that the various Arab-Palestinian terrorist organizations were daring guerrilla fighters springing out of the Arab population within "Palestine," determined to regain their lost homeland from the cruel Israeli occupier. They were pictured as modern day Fidel Castros of Cuba, Che Guevaras in the Bolivian jungle, Mao Tse-Tungs of China or even American Revolutionaries! This is the type of characterizations that capture the imaginations of Europeans and Americans.  But it is, in fact, a perversion of reality.

Arab Palestinian terrorism against Israeli citizens

   Is a terrorist someone who hates peace and just kills for the thrill of it?  In the case of the Arab Palestinian terrorist, that could be.  For nearly ALL of them, THAT'S the ONLY job they've ever held and they take this job very seriously!  Their goal?  By murdering and terrorizing Jews indiscriminately, they hope to drive ALL Jews from Israel!

Arab Palestinian terrorism against Israeli citizens

  The seeds of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) were first sown in 1956 by an EGYPTIAN, Ahmed Shukairy.  He was the guiding light of this terror group and is remembered today as the one who coined the organization's famous slogan about "driving the Jews into the sea."  Yasser Arafat took control of the PLO in 1964.  

Arafat-to-Hitler morphing animation Some "Palestinian HE was for he was born in Cairo, Egypt! Arafat is also a not-too-distant relative of that convicted Nazi war criminal, Haj Amin El Husseini, the so-called "Grand Mufti" of Jerusalem. This was Arafat's weak connection to "Palestine!" FACT: The birth of this "Palestinian" nationalistic organization was unnatural in that it was conceived and nurtured from outside "Palestine."

  Besides being committed to terrorist attacks against innocent Israeli citizens, the PLO was the most important member of the international terrorist network. It provided training, money, intelligence and weaponry for terrorist movements in Ireland, Spain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Africa, Asia and Latin America! The PLO left behind a trail of blood and an atmosphere poisoned with racist hatred over all corners of the world. In any conceivable trouble spot on Earth, they were always there, fanning the fires of death and destruction.  And while at it, the PLO, together with their Arab allies, have been methodically and diligently spreading the virus of anti-Semitism under the guise of anti-Zionism

  The PLO was actually an umbrella organization for various other factions: 

1. Fatah, the largest, was founded in 1956 by a group of young Gazans. It was, and STILL IS, the military arm of the P.L.O. Among the young terrorists was Yasser Arafat. By 1968 Arafat was al Fatah's leader. Among the offshoots of Fatah was the infamous Black September which massacred the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Rent the video, One Day in September, for stunning news footage of this horrendous brutality.

2. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was the second largest of the commando groups. It was founded in 1967 by George Habash. The P.F.L.P. carried out some spectacular skyjackings in the 1970. But 30+ years does not diminish their thirst for Jewish blood. In October or 2001, several of their operatives murdered the Israeli Government Minister Rechavam "Ghandi" ZeŽevi.

3. The Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine split from the P.F.L.P. which it accused of not being militant enough. This group carried out the terrorist raid on Ma'alot in May of 1974 in which 21 young Israeli school children were murdered.

4. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command was another splinter group of the P.F.L.P. They were responsible for the 1974 incursion into Northern Israel in which 16 residents of Kiryat Shemona were murdered.

5. Al Saiqa was formed by Syria in 1967 and was tightly controlled by Syrian intelligence. Most of its terror participants were Arab-Palestinian refugees who fled to Syria during the 1948 and 1967 Arab-Israel wars.

6. The Arab Liberation Front, a minor player in the terrorism against Israel.

  These were the original PLO terrorist splinter groups. The role they play today is rather insignificant compared to the new terrorists on the block... Islamic Jihad,  al Aqsa Brigade, Hizb'Allah, Hamas, Tanzim and countless other ARAB terror squads that seem to spring up every week! But one face has remained a constant over the last 40+ years and that is the ugly face of Yasser Arafat... Godfather of Arab-Palestinian Terrorism. He may have renamed his PLO the PA (Palestinian Authority) and he may have been given a Nobel Peace Prize (the first one ever given to a certified mass murderer!) but beneath his facial stubble is the same old butcher of Jews.  It must also be pointed out that most of the early Arab-Palestinian terrorist groups were formed BEFORE  the 1967 Arab-Israel War... a defensive war against the combined armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan resulting in the so-called Israeli "occupation" of the "West Bank" (from Jordan), Gaza Strip (from Egypt) and the Golan Heights (from Syria).  So unless it makes sense that the PLO and its various splinter terror groups were originally formed to get back territories the Arabs already controlled, then obviously, the "occupied land" was then, as it remains today... Israel itself!

  The various Arab terrorist groups were then, and are still now, not freedom fighters... 
 They are gun-crazed Arabians itching to kill  Jews! 

   Israel and the PLO are not equal in more ways than power. Israel teaches their people that they have to live with the Arab "Palestinians" and to accept them; whereas the PLO teaches their people from the cradle to the grave to hate the Jews and to drive them into the sea. During every crisis, Israel used the media to call for Israeli restraint and moderation.  The PLO, on the other hand, urged violence and more violence. The PLO orchestrated the violence whereas Israel only responded to that violence. Israel keeps their children at home to protect them, the Palestinians send them out into the street preferring martyrdom to safety. Israel made many compromises for peace, the PLO made none. Israel doesn't destroy religious sites, the Palestinians did when they occupied Jerusalem and they are at it again. Israel has a democracy whereas the PLO is authoritarian. Israel has a free press whereas the PLO controls the press. The PLO alone could stop the violence when they want to, but Israel can only defend against it. Israel absorbed all the Jewish refugees from the Second World War and from the Arab lands from which they were expelled in 1948. The Arabs kept their refugees in camps for fifty years. And on and on and on it goes. Same old, same old.


  The  war against the Jews of  "Palestine" began long before Yasser Arafat came of killing age and certainly NOT just after he became the acknowledged leader of the PLO. Spontaneous massacres of Palestine's Jews was the pastime of  packs of roaming Palestinian Arabs which could be ignited merely by the urging of the local religious leaders. These brutal attacks occurred throughout pre-state Israel culminating most notably during the Jerusalem Riots(1929, 1936-9). One such example occurred  in Hebron (1929) where hundreds of men, women and children were hacked to death by frenzied packs of wild Arabs.  

  The Jewish connection with Hebron goes back to Abraham and there has been an Israelite/Jewish community there since Joshua... long before it was King David's first capital. Hebron, the old capital of Judea, is the cradle of the Jewish nation.  In 1929, Arab rioters with the passive consent of the British -- killed or drove out virtually the entire Jewish community.  There were no Jews patrolling the "West Bank then. There were no such things as "occupied Arab lands of 1967."  There was not even a Jewish State in existence!  In fact, there was nothing that the Jews did to contributed to the Arab hatred except one thing... they existed! 

  The Jewish presence in Hebron was completely destroyed but their property remained, awaiting their return.  The Arabs transformed the Jewish neighborhood into a garbage dump and stockyard for animals.  The ancient Jewish cemetery was turned into a vegetable patch.  Jewish property was destroyed, ravaged and plundered, but the truth remained and the memory of the past survived.  It is therefore logical to expect that when the Jewish people returned to Hebron in 1967, it was their G-d given moral entitlement to return to their city, to reclaim and recover their property, to prevent terror from overcoming a peace-loving Jewish community. 

Jews murdered by Arabs in the Arab Revolt  Jewish victim of Arab terro occupation forrism before Israel became a state
   Above left, Joseph Hayyim Brenner, alive and well. Above right, Joseph Hayyim Brenner, a victim of Arab-Jewish "co-existence" in Jaffa ... stabbed to death during these riots presumably because of the land Israel would be forced to occupy sixty-six years later!

Arab riots and the ensuing massacres continued in 1929 and again in 1936-1939.  To get some idea what an Arab massacre looks like, view the video of the recent Ramallah Massacres of those two Israeli reservists who were beaten, knifed, disemboweled, thrown out the Palestinian police station window, dragged through the street and finally burned. 

For more information on the 1929 Hebron Riots
and its Jewish victims please click

The Distinctive Barbarism of Palestinian Terrorism


That He Makes Osama Bin Laden 
Look like a Punk! 

   By 1968, Yasser Arafat took control over Fatah. No one else has since had a knife sharp enough carve his way up to the top!  His Ugly Baby Arafatactual name is Abd al-Rahman abd al-Rauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini. He was born in Cairo, Egypt 1929 [Left Photo] but in 1939 came to "Palestine" at the age of ten. Majid Halaby was Arafat's school teacher in Gaza and introduced little Rahman to the pleasures of sodomy. Halaby named the chubby, effeminate little fellow, "Yasir" after Yasir al-Bira who had previously introduced him [Halaby] to homosexuality! The adopted the name Yasir means 'easy-going' and Abu Amar was named after a companion ofYasser Arafat... Arab Nazi terrorist the Prophet Muhammad.  He shortened it to obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and ex-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini.... the very same Moslem Religious leader who incited the massacres of Jews in the 1920s and 30s and later collaborated with Adolph Hitler! [Photo of Arafat. He's the fellow with purple lips and pubic hair on his face]

   From his earliest days, Arafat has indulged in exaggeration and the weaving of myths about his life, insisting, for example, that he was born in Jerusalem even though his birth, in 1929, is clearly recorded in Egypt. He even speaks Arabic with a decidedly Egyptian accent. Perhaps he just forgot where he was born! (Maybe it was because he was so young at the time!) His parents were NOT "refugees" or "exiles." They had simply moved to Egypt in the 1920s … more than twenty years BEFORE the State of Israel came into existence!  So if Yasser Arafat wants to fix blame where it belongs, he should be cursing on his parents’ graves for making the choice to leave Palestine and should stop blaming the Jews of Palestine who chose to stay and create a Jewish State!

   One more thing... Arafat is a butcher of Jews.  He is the biggest post-Hitler Jew-killer!  This little savage is a certified criminal psychopath... a modern  day "Creature from the Black Lagoon!"  

Arafat is Gay (click this audio-video link) 
More on Arafat's Homosexuality (click this WorldNewDaily Article)

"Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Jerry Seinfeld

Murderer of Jews... and Proud of it!He is also a certified child molester. Have you heard about the Romanian pedophilic orgies with young boys provided him by his host Caucescu and described in detail in the book, "Red Horizons," by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the former head of Romanian intelligence. No wonder his wife Suha keeps Arafat's daughter stowed away from him in Paris! 

  Arafat is NOT the Prince of Peace as some would have us believe.  Does anyone seriously believe that Yasser Arafat opposes the murder of Jews?  The PLO and the PA, (Palestinian Authority...their new sanitized name since the 1993 so-call Oslo "peace" negotiations began) were created SOLELY to murder, remove or otherwise separate the Jewish people from the Land of Israel.  In return, the Jewish people have no obligation whatsoever to provide this Arab Nazi  with anything, much less another Arab Terrorist State!  

   One might also say, "But Arafat says he and his PLO/PA want peace."  Well, perhaps they do.  But their idea of "peace" is a Middle East WITHOUT a Jewish Nation.  Be assured that what they say in English to the Western press is far different than what they say in Arabic to the Muslim on the street!  

   In an interview with the Dutch newspaper "Trau" (March 31, 1977), PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said: "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism.  These words could have come right from Arafat's mouth too!

Arafat was delighted to shake the hands of so many stupid leaders, both Israeli AND American.   Sure Arafat was delighted to shake the hands of so many stupid leaders, both Israeli AND American.  Sure he loved to be treated as  some foreign dignitary in the White House.  And sure he was probably amazed to be given a Nobel "Peace" Prize soaked in Jewish blood.   But remember this... with one phone call he could put the Muslim religious leaders on notice and within an hour every mosque loudspeaker would be turned on to full volume with the familiar words echoing forth, "Allah hu achbar; Itback el Yahud!" (God is Great; Slaughter the Jews!).  


"Land for Peace?"  How should this be described? 
How about "Absurd?  
How about "INSANE!"

Bullet hole           Bullet hole

For the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini / Yasser Arafat Blood Connection
Click HERE

Consider this... Arafat was hated and mistrusted by many Arab leaders. The PLO has fought with the Jordanian Army, the Syrian Army, the Lebanese Army and the Shiite Amal militia. When Sadaam Hussein attacked Kuwait, Arafat backed him up. This after Kuwait had supported Arafat for years. The Kuwaitis responded by kicking out 400,000 "Palestinians" after the liberation. He is persona non grata in Syria. The point is that why should Israel, America or any peace-loving nation have trusted him when even other Arabs didn't?



Yasser Arafat:  "I am willing to sacrifice 70 martyrs to kill one Israeli!" As part of the 1993 Oslo "Peace" Accord agreement, Israel agreed to arm Arafat's "police force" with thousands of weapons to reign in the "extremist" Arabs. Are these words an example how Arafat and the Palestinian Authority reign in Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hamas and the many other Arab-Palestinian butchers of Jews?

The average Arab strives to liquidate Israel.  While it is true that there may exist more "pragmatic" and "moderate" Arabs who may make a tactical decision to lay down their arms today, this would be done ONLY to put themselves in a better position to destroy Israel tomorrow. 

Israel will not win the war until she understands that Arafat and others like him are only a reflection of the "Palestinian" street. This may be a painful reality, yet it is the truth! The Arab "Palestinian" people have declared war on the Jewish people. They did this on the very day Israel declared her statehood on May 14, 1948. They must now be removed from any position where they could be of harm to Israel.  Hostile Arabs must be removed from ALL of Israel if Israel wishes to regain internal security.

Does Yasser Arafat represent the Arab Palestinians? In a word, yes. But so do the suicide bombers of Hamas, Hizb'Allah, Islamic Jihad, FATAH, PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine),Tanzim, Force 5, al-Aqsa Brigade and all the other Palestinian "liberation movements" who wish to "cleanse" the land of Jews! In effect, the ENTIRE Arab-Palestinian population is one giant incubator for terrorism and thus share a collective guilt.

And where does the incubation for terror come from?
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