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February 11, 2010    Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?    
Descent Into Barbarism: The US and NATO Wage War on the World
- by Finian Cunningham - 2010-02-09
Throwing billions more dollars at banks and financiers on Wall Street, will not kickstart an economy in which millions of workers are without jobs...
The Myth of the Good War: America in World War II
- by Jacques R. Pauwels - 2010-02-09
60 Years Ago, February 13-14, 1945: Why was Dresden Destroyed. Churchill decided that the total obliteration of a German city would send the desired message to the Kremlin...
Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-02-07
The Militarization of the Indian Ocean. Securing US Control over Socotra Island and the Gulf of Aden.
The Planning of War Behind Closed Doors
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-02-05
Brussels, London, Istanbul: A Week Of Western War Councils
Supporting Grassroots Organizations in Haiti
- 2010-02-15
The Crisis in Haiti
Global Research Dossier of 50+ articles and reports
- 2010-02-15
Award Winning Movie: "SUPERPOWER":
Order the DVD Online from Global Research
- by Barbara-Anne Steegmuller - 2010-02-15
Canada's Copy and Paste NED: Foundation for "Political Warfare" Takes Cue from U.S. Strategy
- by Anthony Fenton - 2010-02-10
Food: New Bill Repeals Key Sections of Dietary Supplement Health
- 2010-02-10
China PLA Officers Urge Economic Punch Against U.S.
- 2010-02-09
Russian Military Calls US Missile Defense a Threat
- 2010-02-09
Russia Says U.S. Missile Plans Hamper Nuclear Arms Cuts Talks
- 2010-02-09
1,000 Architects & Engineers Call for a Real 9/11 Investigation
- by Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth - 2010-02-09
Attempted bombing of Flight 253: Terror Suspect Kept Visa to Avoid Tipping off Larger Investigation
- by Nathan Hurst - 2010-02-09
License to Kill? Intelligence Chief Says U.S. Can Take Out American Terrorists
Director of National Intelligence Says Intelligence Community Can Target Citizens Presenting a Terrorist Threat
- by Jason Ryan - 2010-02-09
The Chilcot Iraq Inquiry: Campbell Defends Blair in Emotional Interview
- by David Hughes - 2010-02-08
Chavez: U.S. Military Bases in Colombia "Stab againt Unity of South America"
- 2010-02-08
Militarization of the Indian Ocean: China Spurs Navy Fortification in Andaman
- by Rahul Singh - 2010-02-08
German Minister Calls for Lisbon Treaty EU Army
- by Derek Scally - 2010-02-08
Yanukovich to be Ukraine’s Next President – Exit Polls
- 2010-02-08
U.S Vows To Bury Goldstone Report At UN
- by Saed Bannoura - 2010-02-08
After Canada Cuts Funds to UNRWA, US Announces $40 Million Contribution
- by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East - 2010-02-08
Russia Condemns US Move to Put Missiles in Romania
- by Andrew Osborn - 2010-02-07
U.S. Senator Lieberman: Impose Sanctions on Iran or Attack It
- 2010-02-07
Russia Calls for Integrated Security Structure for Europe to "Overcome" NATO
- 2010-02-07
Cuban Health Mission Begins Rehabilitation Service in Haiti
- 2010-02-07
CFR: When the Fed Stops Monetizing US Sovereign Debt...
- 2010-02-06
20,000 Jobs Lost in US as Official Unemployment Rate Falls
- by Andre Damon - 2010-02-06
Russia Military Sees Nato as Chief Threat
- 2010-02-06
U.S. Uses Iran Pretext to Globalize Its Defenses and Threaten Russia
- by Lucian Kim - 2010-02-06
Moscow Wants Answers from U.S. on Romania Missile Shield Plan
- 2010-02-05
U.S. Missiles in Romania Would Threaten Russia - Analyst
- 2010-02-05
Russia Says US Tactical Nukes Must be Withdrawn from Europe
- 2010-02-05
The Militarisation of Aid to Haiti: Selected Articles
- by Richard Sanders - 2010-02-05
The SCO Military Alliance Appraises Membership of Iran, Pakistan
- by Cheng Guangjin, Yang Xue - 2010-02-05
Indigenous Leader Evo Morales Ayma Re-elected in Bolivia
- by Eva Golinger, Maria Elena Parada - 2010-02-04
Omar Khadr: Repatriation to Canada is the only option!
Amnesty International Canada Action Alert
- by Amnesty International Canada - 2010-02-04
Israeli Commander: 'We Rewrote the Rules of War for Gaza'
- by Donald Macintyre - 2010-02-04
Saudi Jets Pound Yemen, Kill 14 Civilians
- 2010-02-04
Cynthia McKinney Receives Munich Peace Prize
- by Munich American Peace Committee - 2010-02-04
Romania Okays U.S Plan to Host Anti-Missile Shield
- 2010-02-04
Report: Israel Stole $2bn from Palestinian Workers
40-year Deception Exposed
- by Jonathan Cook - 2010-02-04
Petition: War is Illegal
Sign and show your support
- 2010-02-03
Canada Supreme Court - Omar Khadr's Rights Violated
- by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East - 2010-02-03
Bomb Kills Three US Marines in Pakistan
- 2010-02-03
General James E. Cartwright: Missile Defense Goes Global
- 2010-02-03
US to Deploy 18,000 Troops to Afghanistan
- 2010-02-03
Glacier-melting Debate Highlights Importance of Satellites
- 2010-02-03
Secret CIA-Mossad Meeting, Preparation for New War Directed against Iran?
- 2010-02-03
America's "War without Borders": New US Defence Strategy Envisions "Multiple Conflicts"
- by Matthew Berger - 2010-02-03
China to Establish Military Bases Overseas
- 2010-02-03
Submission to the ICC: Preliminary Investigation of Tony Blair for War Crimes
- by The Blair War Crimes Foundation - 2010-02-03
US Predator Drones Killed 123 Innocent Pakistani Civilians
- by Amir Mir - 2010-02-02
CIA Assassination Squads Target US Citizens
U.S. Citizen in CIA's Cross Hairs
- 2010-02-02
Iraqi MP Fears US-Iran Tensions May Stoke "Regional War"
- 2010-02-02
US Probes Pacific Missile Test Failure: Pentagon
- 2010-02-02
US Missile Test Mimicking Iran Strike Fails
- 2010-02-02
Russian-Venezuelan Joint Venture to Invest $20 bln in Oilfield
- 2010-02-02
Saudi Jets Raid Yemen Despite Ceasefire
- 2010-02-02
Yemen: Opposition Politician 'Slain in South'
- 2010-02-02
Yemen Opposition Decries Outcome Conference
- 2010-02-01
New York City: In the Face of Intense Opposition, Mayor Bloomberg Closes 19 Public Schools
- 2010-02-01
China, Iran Prompt U.S. Air-Sea Battle Plan in Strategy Review
- by Viola Gienger, Tony Capaccio - 2010-02-01
US Military Threats Force China to Boost Its Defense Budget
- by Cheng Guangjin - 2010-02-01
        Feature Articles               
VIDEO: The Real Story Behind Israel's Invasion of Gaza: Deliberate Attacks against the Civilian Population
- by Goldstone Facts - 2010-02-11
New Balkans Wars on the Horizon
Part II
- by Dr. Pyotr Iskenderov - 2010-02-11
Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos
Interview of Mohamed Hassan
- by Grégoire Lalieu, Michel Colon - 2010-02-11
Yes, America is Still in an Official State of Emergency
- by Washington's Blog - 2010-02-11
Law Suit against 4 US Presidents & 4 UK Prime Ministers for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity & Genocide in Iraq
- by BRussells Tribunal - 2010-02-10
Extrajudicial Killings: US Government "Death List" for American Citizens
- by Prof. Francis A. Boyle - 2010-02-10
To Tea Or Not To Tea
- by Joel S. Hirschhorn - 2010-02-10
VIDEO: War and the Economy: We Must Take our Countries Back
We can’t give in and we can’t give up
- by Cynthia McKinney - 2010-02-10
The Theft of Haiti's National Sovereignty
- by Felicity Arbuthnot - 2010-02-10
The Inflationary Depression
- by Bob Chapman - 2010-02-10
The Democrats, the Deficit, and Social Security
- by Shamus Cooke - 2010-02-10
Redundant UK Inquiry Re-Exposes Iraq War Lies
- by David Swanson - 2010-02-10
Why the Oscars are a Con
- by John Pilger - 2010-02-10
The 700 Military Bases of Afghanistan
Black Sites in the Empire of Bases
- by Nick Turse - 2010-02-10
Canada's Supreme Court : Torture as Foreign Policy: the Omar Khadr Decision
- by Gail Davidson - 2010-02-09
20 Years Ago This Week: The Story Behind Nelson Mandela’s Release In South Africa
- by Danny Schechter - 2010-02-09
U.S. may be Interested in “Blitzkrieg” in Nagorno-Karabakh
interview with Azerbaijani political expert Rasim Agayev
- by Z. Ahmadov - 2010-02-09
What Do Rising Sovereign Credit Default Swaps Mean?
- by Washington's Blog - 2010-02-09
We Need Government Funded Media
- by David Swanson - 2010-02-09
Think Government Is Corrupt? You May Face 10 Years In Jail
South Carolina forces “subversives” to register with the authorities or do hard time
- by Paul Joseph Watson - 2010-02-09
Will the US Meet Its Waterloo in Afghanistan and Iraq?
- by Dr. Jan Myrdal - 2010-02-09
Wars Sending U.S. Into Ruin
- by Eric Margolis - 2010-02-09
Palestine: High Price Tag for Settlers' Eviction
- by Jonathan Cook - 2010-02-09
AUDIO: Obama's Republican Class War Presidency
The reappointment of Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke. What are the economic consequences?
- by Michael Hudson - 2010-02-09
The Terror-Industrial Complex
- by Chris Hedges - 2010-02-09
When the "War on Terror" Becomes Genocide
- by J. B. Gerald - 2010-02-09
The US Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the Media Applauds “Recovery”
- by Shamus Cooke - 2010-02-08
Liberals Get a War President of Their Very Own
- by Murray Polner - 2010-02-08
US to Launch Fallujah-style Attack in Afghanistan
- by Bill Van Auken - 2010-02-08
Israel’s Crisis Deepens Over Gaza War Crimes Report
- by Chris Marsden - 2010-02-08
Why We Seek War: Cowardly Congress Plays it Safe
- by Sherwood Ross - 2010-02-08
The US Military: A Mindset of Barbarism
- by Dahr Jamail - 2010-02-08
Where is the Rule of Law? My Ringside View of UK's Democracy at Work
- by Habiba Hamid - 2010-02-08
Flight 253: Intelligence Agencies Nixed State Department Move to Revoke Bomber's Visa
- by Tom Burghardt - 2010-02-08
War, Budgets and Blind Ambition
- by Chris Floyd - 2010-02-08
Towards a Russia -China -Iran Military Alliance?
Will Iran become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?
- by Flynt Leverett , Hillary Mann Leverett - 2010-02-08
Media Disinformation in America
You Can Say Anything You Want — As Long As It Doesn't Have Any Effect
- by William Blum - 2010-02-07
Consolidating the Coup in Honduras?
- by Todd Gordon, Jeffery R. Webber - 2010-02-07
The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain
- by Porter Stansberry - 2010-02-07
The "Other Reason" Why the U.S. is Not Regulating Wall Street
Financial Giants Overshadow Governments
- by Washington's Blog - 2010-02-07
Our Secret Government
Lawlessness in government has become the rule of the land.
- by Rev. Richard Skaff - 2010-02-07
Iran - Has Time Run Out? The Lead-up to War?
- by Tanya Cariina Hsu - 2010-02-07
WHO Plays Dubious Role in Swine Flu Pandemic
- by Daan de Wit - 2010-02-07
The second wave of mortgage defaults and foreclosures will hit the economy this year
- by Bob Chapman - 2010-02-07
Media Disinformation regarding Emergency Relief in Haiti
- by Danny Schechter - 2010-02-06
Honduran Resistance against US sponsored Regime Change
- by Prof Jeffery R. Webber - 2010-02-06
Veiled Threats Directed against Russia: U.S. Expands Missile Shield Into Black Sea
- by Rick Rozoff - 2010-02-06
Sovereign Debt Fears Signal New Stage of Global Crisis
- by Barry Grey - 2010-02-06
AIG-Gate: The World's Greatest Insurance Heist
- by Ellen Brown - 2010-02-06
Boiling Tea in America
Attitudes toward the Tea Party movement
- by John Zogby - 2010-02-06
Dangerous Crossroads in US Military Strategy: From Deterrence" to "Nuclear Compelence"
New Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty to enhance Effectiveness of US-NATO Global "Anti-missile Shield"
- by Alex Chisak - 2010-02-06
U.S. Counterterrorism Officials Insisted that Crotch Bomber Be Let Into Country
- by Washington's Blog - 2010-02-06
Why We Seek War?
Not Holding Leaders Responsable for Crimes Only Breeds More War
- by Sherwood Ross - 2010-02-06
The Sword and the Shield: Surround Russia and China with Mobile "Missile Defense" Systems
- by Bruce Gagnon - 2010-02-05
The Rising Tide of Internet Censorship
- by James Corbett - 2010-02-05
Top 10 Problems With America Assassinating Americans
- by David Swanson - 2010-02-05
When Israel joins NATO
- by Galal Nassar - 2010-02-05
It Is Now Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off The U.S. National Debt
- 2010-02-05
How Corporations Secretly Move Millions to Fund Political Ads
- by Brad Jacobson - 2010-02-05
Fake "War on Terrorism": In Yemen the US is Fighting against Democracy, not against Al Qaeda
- by Gregoire Lalieu, Michel Collon - 2010-02-04
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