people to improve and expand
their own economic opportunities
is a key step in combating poverty.
15 November 2009 - World
leaders have pledged to achieve
the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) by 2015, which include the
overarching goal of cutting extreme
poverty in half. The United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), using
its worldwide network, is coordinating
global and national efforts to reach
these Goals.
many years of war, which required
sustained emergency assistance,
Southern Sudan is slowly beginning
to shift towards recovery,’’
said Mr. Joe Feeney, UNDP Southern
Sudan’s Head of Office. ’’In
light of this new reality, UNDP
is changing the way it does business
in the region.’’
UNDP has re-structured
its operations in Southern Sudan
to make poverty reduction a key
priority. Under the leadership of
Ms. Mandisa Mashologu, UNDP’s
new Poverty Reduction and MDG Unit
will provide support to national
and sub-national counter-parts to
plan, monitor, evaluate, and implement
poverty reduction initiatives. It
will also focus on consolidating
a number of related projects and
implementing new ones.
A top line initiative
includes producing and disseminating
National Human Development Reports
to inform and influence policy.
These reports will serve to strengthen
national and state level capacities
for data collection and management,
in order to support strategic and
annual planning efforts.
The private
sector is a vehicle of growth
and providing greater access
to markets, goods, and services
is vital |
In close collaboration
with the Ministry of Finance and
Economic Planning (MoFEP), the Poverty
Reduction and MDG Unit will also
work to improve aid management and
coordination. International assistance
plays a major role in expanding
the social safety net in Southern
Sudan, and effective aid management
will be crucial to ensuring that
donor funds are targeted appropriately.
In addition, the Unit
will lead on implementing policy
and regulatory reforms for micro,
small, and medium-scale enterprises
to improve social and economic opportunities
for the poor. The private sector
is a vehicle of growth and pro-viding
greater access to markets, goods,
and services is vital.
Improving the delivery and usage
of the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Malaria is also part the Unit’s
remit. HIV/AIDS, in particular,
is a key issue in the region and
national institutions must be supported
to mitigates its impact and prevent
its further spread.
The fight against poverty
requires a better understanding
of what causes poverty, who is poor
and how poverty changes over time.
Many developing countries —
including Southern Sudan —
lack consistent, reliable and timely
data on poverty and inequality.
UNDP will fill this gap by supporting
the establishment of a monitoring
and assessment system. It is hoped
that, as it develops, the data generated
will be used to inform evidence-based
policy-making aimed reducing poverty
and advancing human development.