
Свързвайте се с всеки във Facebook.
Вашите приятели не са единствените, които могат да харесват Ваши снимки или публикации. Споделяйте с всеки във Фейсбук и намерете хора със същите интереси.
Включване на следенето
To let people follow you, log in to your account.

Как работи това

  • Общодостъпно
  • Приятели
  • Само аз
Всеки път, когато публикувате нещо, избирате с кого да го споделяте. Когате направите публикацията си общодостъпна, тогава всеки може да я вижда и приятели и последователи могат да я получат в новинарския си поток.

Изберете своите настройки

To let people follow you, log in to your account.

Последвайте други

Получавайте новини за известни личности, журналисти или за всеки друг, който Ви интересува. Calvin Broadus, Mark Zuckerberg и Nick Bilton са само някои от хората, които можете да следвате.

Научете повече за последването

Your friends automatically follow you. You can also let people who aren't your friends follow you.
To manage who can follow you:
  1. Click at the top-right corner and select Settings.
  2. Click Public Posts on the left.
  3. Select Friends or Public next to Who Can Follow Me.
Additional Settings
  • Public Post Comments: Allows you to select who can comment on your public posts. Learn how to adjust who can like or comment on your public posts.
  • Public Post Notifications: Allows you to select if you want to get notifications when people who aren't your friends start following you and share, like or comment on your public posts.
  • Public Profile Info: Allows you to select who can like or comment on your public profile information, which includes profile photos, profile videos, cover photos, featured photos and News Feed updates about changes to your Intro section. Learn how to adjust who can like or comment on your public profile information.
See Who's Following You
If you've allowed people to follow you, you can see a list of your followers by going to your profile, clicking Friends below your cover photo and then clicking Followers. If you don't have any followers, you won't see this option.
Note: If you let people who aren't your friends follow you, people who send friend requests that you ignore or delete will automatically start following you. If you don't want someone to follow you, you can block them at any time.
Полезна ли беше тази информация?
To post public updates to people following you, set the audience for your post as Public. Your update will be shared with the people who follow you and anyone will be able to view it.
Learn more about selecting the audience for your post.
Полезна ли беше тази информация?