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over 736,000 repositories

Git is an extremely fast, efficient, distributed version control system ideal for the collaborative development of software.

GitHub is the best way to participate in that collaboration: fork projects, send pull requests, create issues, and monitor development with all of your public and private code.

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Want to learn more about Git? Read our Pro Git book, available online free of charge.

How does it work?

Get up and running in seconds by forking a project, pushing an existing repository, or starting fresh. No approval is necessary.

GitHub was written for public, open source projects and private, proprietary codes — if you use Git, GitHub is for you.

What else does it do?

GitHub provides pre-rolled post-commit hooks (IRC, Jabber, Email, Trac, Campfire, etc.) as well as an innovative web hook system for writing your own.

Every repository comes with SSH support for pushing and pulling. Private repositories enjoy full SSL support on the web side, as well.

Join a growing selection of companies that have
adopted GitHub as their code host of choice.


Finally a code repository that works as well as you do.

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