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US Trade Rep Balding
Statistically proven only happy person on Twitter, Fulbright University professor, & Bloomberg Opinion contributor RT not endorsement
US Trade Rep Balding 6m
From the readings of it, they basically get to control the satellite and apparently, they have already accessed most/major parts of the technical documentation
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US Trade Rep Balding 22m
Replying to @MDK_2030
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US Trade Rep Balding 43m
Remember how I keep telling you about how Chinese behavior and willingness to abide by agreements/follow the law are the crux of everything? Read this.....
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US Trade Rep Balding 1h
99 bottles of baiju on the wall, you take one down.....99 bottles of baiju still on the wall
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US Trade Rep Balding 2h
There are enough professors, students, and others out there who I'm sure can help here
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US Trade Rep Balding 2h
Replying to @diegovinicius55
Absolutely and they are both really good at lying
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US Trade Rep Balding 3h
Trust me you'll want to read all about bankers acceptances
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Replying to @MilenaRodban
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
One question I've gotten is to explain "yield inversion". So let's take a pop quiz. Yield inversion is: A. What Stormy and The Donald did B. Reason for the trade war C. Drink at Trump Towers Moscow D. Long term interest rates dropping below short term interest rates
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
China mentions the 90 days. This is interesting...
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Looks like I'm not going back to school
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
One thing I find so fascinating about the US China trade negotiations is that you have arguably the two biggest liars on the planet trying to make it seem like they are negotiating in good faith
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Replying to @smurflx @MsDaisycutter
Among others
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Replying to @tanvi_madan
Are you serious? Hahahaha
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Only damn book we read. Then we watch Jack Donaghy clips on Negotiations
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Replying to @ArtimusZacharia
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
I teach a Negotiations class. I have a short section on even if you win, even if they offer you $25k over what you hoped to get for a job offer, do not stand up on their desk and scream "TAKE THAT SUCKAS!!"
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Yipee! More pointless research from the Chinese Communist Party
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US Trade Rep Balding 4h
Trump working really hard to reassure the markets they still have a deal announced over the weekend
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US Trade Rep Balding 5h
Replying to @greggsterling
"Will private bank for food" ?
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