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Impeach Donald Trump
Donald Trump should be impeached. The Latest controversy. Russian Dossier -
Impeach Donald Trump 17s
There used to be respectful pictures on U.S. coins -- Melania is changing that with this NUDE half Dollar
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Impeach Donald Trump 1h
CNN’s Don Lemon: "We Won’t 'Aid and Abet the People' Pushing Susan Rice 'Diversion' " RETWEET!!
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Impeach Donald Trump 2h
Trump's golf trips during the first two months of his presidency would have funded Meals on Wheels for the next 4 years. Plus change.
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Impeach Donald Trump 3h
New Rule... RETWEET if you agree!
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Impeach Donald Trump 4h
It's Hilarious how Trump Fans are calling for & Obama to be arrested, when what they did was 100% LEGAL! Wake up Trump Cult!!
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Impeach Donald Trump 4h
Retweet if you miss this family!!
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Impeach Donald Trump 5h
Unfortunately men and women will not see and as long as this demon is president!
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Impeach Donald Trump 5h
BRILLIANT! New Dem bill would delay Trump's tax reform legislation until he releases his tax returns:
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Impeach Donald Trump 6h
Perhaps the funniest greeting card ever, and better yet, it completely makes fun of Donald Trump!!!!
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Impeach Donald Trump 6h
$78,000 - Trump's salary donated to gov $30,750,000 - cost for Melania to stay in Trump Tower so far $21,000,000 - Mar-a-Lago stays
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Impeach Donald Trump 6h
How can Trump blame Obama for Assad's chemical attack while Tillerson has basically backed Assad to remain in power?
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Impeach Donald Trump 7h
Oh the Irony!! RETWEET If you support Susan Rice doing her job!
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Impeach Donald Trump 8h
Love this Sign! RETWEET
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Impeach Donald Trump 8h
An American president has just blamed a war crime against children by a foreign dictator, on the previous American president...
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Impeach Donald Trump 8h
How we can simply turn our backs on people fleeing gas attacks, torture & mass murder is simply unbelievable..
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Impeach Donald Trump 9h
Susan Rice did nothing wrong, besides being a black woman working for a black pres., doing her job & protecting this country from traitors
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Impeach Donald Trump 9h
When You Spend $600 BILLION a year on your Military but can't provide healthcare to everyone because that would be socialism...
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Impeach Donald Trump 10h
I find it Ironic that Trump is Villainizing former W.H. Nat. Sec. Adviser Susan Rice, when Flynn Was in the same role & lasted just 23 days.
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Impeach Donald Trump 10h
The sick GOP is more upset that Susan Rice wanted to know who was talking to the Russians than the fact that Trump was doing the talking
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Impeach Donald Trump 10h
Trump's Approval: RETWEET to
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