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Discover, collect, and share inspiration

Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.

Join millions of pinners who are using Pinterest to share and explore their interests:
• Find recipes that will surprise your friends
• Plan destinations for your next vacation
• Collect your favorite music videos
• Discover design ideas for your home
• Save and compare items you’re shopping for

• Pin what you love from around the web
• Discover content by browsing interest categories
• Explore pins and boards curated by pinners you follow
• Repin, like and comment on your favorite pins
• Pin with your camera


Посетите веб сајт програмераПошаљи поруку е-поште програмеруПолитика приватности

Снимци екрана апликација

Оцене корисника

5 звездица  6.769
4 звездице  1.300
3 звездице  477
2 звездице  203
1 звездица  521
Просечна оцена:

Рецензије корисника

Напиши рецензију >
Alex - 17.08.2012. - Верзија 1.0.1


Ovo sam zaista čekao dugo...Sjajno

Sandra - 15.08.2012. - HTC Shooter


Jupi, na ovo se čekalo!

Aleksandra Anja - 20.08.2012.


Najzad! Obozavam Pinterest!!!

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