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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    12. srp

    We recently caught up with about his work heading & The Steve Harvey Mentoring Camp for Young Men! Check it out →

  2. prije 4 sata

    See Global Evangelist at today in SF! She'll be moderating a panel on Belonging at 11-11:50am Pacific

  3. 24. srp

    Make sure to read the team's work on creating products for a diversity of users just in time for ! →

  4. 19. srp

    How to help build AI for everyone (even if you're not technical) → /

  5. 17. srp

    Check out our interview with , Senior Lead Designer for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at , on inclusive AI → /

  6. 10. srp

    Check out Googler Marnie Florin's () efforts advocating tirelessly for Allyship and Inclusion →

  7. 9. srp

    Meet Googler Síofra Harnett, Head of Global Supplier Diversity at Google→

  8. 29. lip

    Google’s pop up at the Ideas Festival where Kent Walker, SVP Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer of Google, announced the release of the Opportunity for Everyone report. You can find it here ➡️

  9. 28. lip

    "Technology empowers us to make ourselves present like never before." —Aaron Philip → learn how 17 year old is redefining beauty and fashion: (PC: )

  10. 25. lip

    Meet Googler Phifer Turner who is providing digital skills, education, and training through Google's Connected Churches program →

  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    24. lip

    From San Francisco and Los Angeles to Singapore and beyond, Googlers around the world are celebrating together. Learn more and celebrate with us at

  12. 24. lip
  13. 22. lip

    Google Supplier Diversity is thrilled to continue our partnership with at our 7th class of the Digital Excellence Program with 40 diverse business leaders learning to grow their digital presence

  14. 21. lip

    Check out our first edition of Talks at Google Tips , where you'll learn about creative ways to design inclusive products and experiences directly from experts →

  15. 21. lip

    Google software engineer Divya Tyam and head of product inclusion Reena Jana are speaking on at the conference for CTOs, product managers and marketers in Chicago today!

  16. 21. lip

    "Pride, intersectionality, creativity: LGBTQ designers discuss the future of fashion" guest written by is live on Accelerate with Google →

  17. 21. lip

    "I try to align my brand with other companies who are conscious of their impact on our community and our world at large" —Rio Uribe of Gypsy Sport, check out the full article on the future of fashion→

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    20. lip

    Finding WBEs and other diverse businesses is critical to ’s growth and ability to connect with new people. Síofra Harnett, Global Head of Supplier Diversity at is excited to be at and find those young .

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    20. lip

    Let everyone know you were at by writing on ’s wall. Booth 153.

  20. 20. lip

    Come share some inspiration on our whiteboard in the


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