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  1. 釘選的推文

    Over 60 million people depend on the River for survival. Will dams destroy this vital resource?

  2. teacher, Kru Tee, is one of many voices speaking out against development projects on the .

  3. Myanmar Rejects Malaysia’s Allegations of Abuses Against Rohingya

  4. Myanmar Muslim Groups Condemn Protest by Malaysian Leader Over Rohingya Crisis

  5. China Releases Second Tibetan Tied to Self-Immolation Protest

  6. WATCH: Unwanted gods have found a new home. A retiree collects discarded deities on a coastal Hong Kong hillside.

  7. Journalists Find That In Vietnam There Is No Drunk Defense for Criticism

  8. Listen to interview Stimson SEAsia Director on the dynamics of dam-building on the

  9. China's Anti-Corruption Campaign Relies on Torture, Secret Detentions

  10. Cambodian Premier Wants to Evict Freedom Park

  11. Hong Kong Extends Purge of Pro-Democracy Lawmakers As Political Tensions Rise

  12. Talks Break Down Between Myanmar Government And Ethnic Militias in Shan State

  13. Myanmar’s Rakhine Advisory Commission Meets With Top Leaders, Lawmakers

  14. Tibetan Woman Freed From Prison in Poor Health After Serving Three-Year Term

  15. WATCH: North Korea’s homeless children often are left to fend for themselves.

  16. Cambodian Prime Minister Uncorks U.S. Criticisms at Coca-Cola Plant Ceremony

  17. Interview: ‘We have the good will to find a solution to the current political tension.’

  18. Lao Gamblers Betting on the ‘Cat’ Wonder Why Their Number Never Comes Up

  19. China Protests Trump's Taiwan Presidential Phone Call, Media Issues Warnings


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