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New York, NY
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  1. Since the Fall of the Soviet Union

  2. Read my New York Times op-ed about why Trump's infrastructure privatization plan could become a shakedown

  3. How very millennial: a prenup for intellectual property via

  4. Should Couples Get Prenups for Their Ideas?

  5. Tax credits won't support infrastructure that repairs water systems, schools, or publicly owned roads & bridges

  6. Trump's infrastructure plan seems like a joke, writes .

  7. Can Trump's Infrastructure Plan Work?

  8. No surprise, readers had lots to say about politics this year. See which topics got the most comments

  9. I Despise Donald Trump, but He's Right to Be Skeptical of C.I.A. Leaks, says

  10. "I despise Donald Trump, but he's right to be skeptical of C.I.A. leaks to the press."

  11. Donald Trump and the C.I.A.

  12. Comment sections, Zionism, and Bernie: Here are the most talked-about Room for Debates of 2016.

  13. Can Trump Get Tough With China?

  14. If reaction makes a good debate, here are the top 10 Room for Debates that had the most most readers weigh in:

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