SlateOnaylanmış hesap


Politics, culture, technology, business, news, and commentary. Procrastinate better. We just turned 20.

Haziran 2008 tarihinde katıldı

@Slate engellendi

Bu Tweetleri görüntülemek istediğinden emin misin? Tweetleri görüntülemek @Slate adlı kişinin engelini kaldırmaz.

  1. Here's the nostalgia-heavy first trailer for Disney's Beauty & the Beast remake:

  2. Can the “secret government” save us from Donald Trump?

  3. That time Saturday Night Live destroyed Trump with one perfect sketch:

  4. Donald Trump reportedly wants his kids to get top-secret clearance:

  5. Trump said he’ll immediately deport as many as three million people:

  6. The debut trailer for Ghost in the Shell is unlikely to alleviate any controversy:

  7. Donald Trump thanks Alex Jones, set to appear on this crazy person's show again:

  8. Cities have money, rural Americans have electoral power, and the U.S. has a broken political and economic system:

  9. “Heartbroken” Hillary Clinton blames one person for defeat: FBI chief James Comey.

  10. Philosopher who predicted Trump in 1998 also predicted his first act as president-elect:

  11. On its new album, A Tribe Called Quest’s music is as timely as ever:

  12. : My cheating ex and his mistress got in a car accident, and I’m *happy*.

  13. Tig Notaro unleashes the best closer I’ve ever seen:

  14. Dave Chappelle’s post-election monologue proves he was the right person to host SNL:

  15. Top Trump aide threatens Harry Reid for his criticism of President-elect:

  16. Do you have information about abortions Trump may have paid for? Let us know.

  17. John Dickerson on his friend and colleague Gwen Ifill:

  18. Trump says without Roe v. Wade, women could just visit other states for abortions:

  19. Trump’s win is scary. But it’s nothing like what’s happened in the Middle East:

  20. Tributes pour in for Gwen Ifill, "a standard bearer for courage, fairness, integrity."

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