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Pilot Records Database (PRD)

Pilots (Commercial, ATP, or Remote Only)

  • Register for access (You must hold a Commercial, ATP, or Remote pilot certificate and a valid FAA medical to register)
  • View your records
  • Grant consent for others to view your records
Pilot Access

Air Carriers, Operators, and Proxies

  • View pilot records
  • Report pilot records (June 2022)
View Records*

* Requires an Authorized Responsible Person or an Authorized Consumer Role

  • Register for access
  • Manage users
  • View Logs

The Pilot Records Database (PRD) is used to facilitate the sharing of pilot records among air carriers and operators in a clearinghouse managed by the Federal Aviation Administration. All air carriers and operators specified by part 111 can register to access the PRD and evaluate the available FAA data for each individual pilot candidate prior to making a hiring decision.

Pilots holding an FAA Commercial, Airline Transport Pilot, or Remote Pilot certificate with a current medical can register in PRD and see their FAA records. Air carriers that chose to use PRD now as part of the hiring process may require pilots to use PRD to grant consent for them to see the pilot's FAA records as part of the hiring process.

Note: Effective December 7, 2021, all air carriers and operators required to review records in accordance with PRIA and/or part 111 must use the PRD to obtain the related FAA records. Submissions of FAA Form 8060-10 after that date will no longer be accepted.

View the Paperwork Reduction Act Burdon Statement and Privacy Act Statement (PDF) for the collection of information under the Pilot Records Database (PRD).

What Records are currently provided?

Currently, the PRD is designed to comply with portions of the Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010 and the Pilot Records Improvement Act of 1996 (the Acts). The PRD provides the following FAA records:

  • Name and current address
  • Airman Certificate Information
  • Medical Certificate class, limitations, and date of issuance (if applicable)
  • Enforcement History (if applicable)
  • Accident / Incident History (if applicable)
  • Previous aviation employers (if entered by the airman into the PRD)
  • Date of last NDR request (if entered by the airman into the PRD)
  • Additional records may be available after rulemaking is completed

Important Notes

  • The PRD does not contain copies (photocopies or scans) of any records. The PRD contains specific data points extracted from the records in sufficient details to comply with portions of the Acts.
  • Aviation employers who wish to use the PRD to obtain FAA records must continue to obtain non-FAA records as described in AC 120-68 (as amended).

Who is eligible to access the PRD?

  • The responsible person — an individual at the air carrier or operator serving in a required management position which may include Director of Safety, Director of Operations, Chief Pilot, Director of Maintenance, Chief Inspector, or other responsible management position who will provide supervisory control concerning the PRD process. To determine if you are currently listed in one of the required management positions, please contact your Certificate Management Office or your Principal Inspector.
  • The authorized user — an individual that is employed by the air carrier or operator that has been assigned access rights to the PRD on behalf of the employer by the responsible person. For example, employees may have roles such as Authorized Consumer which would allow them to access records.
  • The pilot — an individual certificated by the FAA at the Commercial, Airline Transport Pilot, or Remote Pilot level that is the subject of a record request in the PRD. Note: The PRD is not for use by all levels of certified pilots. The PRD was developed specifically for use by airmen holding a Commercial, Airline Transport Pilot, or Remote Pilot certificate along with a current FAA medical certificate. Only these appropriately rated pilots who are seeking employment as an air carrier or operator pilot are authorized to PRD use and will be admitted into the system. Please be aware that an expired or denied medical certificate may prevent a pilot from being able to register in the PRD. To confirm the status of your medical certificate and/or the date of issue of your airman certificate call Airmen Certification toll free at 866-878-2498 or visit Airmen Inquiry.
  • When you register for PRD you will need to enter the required information exactly as it appears on your pilot certificate. Information from other certificate such as Flight Instructor will not be accepted. If there have been any recent changes to your certification, they may not have been recorded yet and may reject you from registering. It is recommended you have the plastic certificate available for reference during registration.

Questions about PRD?

The Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have a PRD support-related question not found in our Frequently Asked Questions (PDF), contact the National Service Desk at:
Phone: 1-844-FAA-MYIT (322-6948)

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