Home page navigation
Clicking on different options within the left-hand column of your home page lets you view different...
Clicking on different options within the left-hand column of your home page lets you view different things. Here's an overview of each option:
  • News Feed, a stream of updates from friends and Pages you follow, is your default home page view.
  • Messages is where you can read and create private messages on Facebook.
  • Events provides an overview of what’s going on around you. From here, you can respond to open events or events you’ve been invited to, or you can create an event of your own.

Below these four main views, you’ll see shortcuts to your lists, any groups you belong to, or apps you use regularly.

Bookmark apps and groups you use the most and they will appear in the top Favorites section of your left column.
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You can think of these numbers as counters. The represent unread posts, messages, requests and invi...
You can think of these numbers as counters. The represent unread posts, messages, requests and invites accumulate.
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To add an app, group, or page to your home page Favorites list: From the left-hand column, hover ov...
To add an app, group, or page to your home page Favorites list:
  1. From the left-hand column, hover over the app, group or page and click the to the left of it. If you don't see the one you want right away, click the More link.
  2. Select Add to Favorites from the dropdown menu.
Now it’s in your Favorites section on the right-hand column of the home page. If you want, you can rearrange bookmarks in this section to meet your preferences.

With the exception of News Feed, you can remove, replace or rearrange all items in your Favorites section.
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You can rearrange bookmarks for any apps, groups, lists, or pages that you have in your Favorites s...
You can rearrange bookmarks for any apps, groups, lists, or pages that you have in your Favorites section. This section is at the top of the right-hand column on your home page.

To rearrange this section:
  1. Hover over the app or group and click the .
  2. Select Rearrange from the dropdown menu.
  3. Grab the bookmarks with your mouse. Drag and drop them where you want to place them.
  4. Click Done when you’re finished.
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We show you bookmarks for apps, groups, list, and pages in which you’re most active (this is based...
We show you bookmarks for apps, groups, list, and pages in which you’re most active (this is based on click through rate and your usage). You can bookmark your favorites in one of the top spots.
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You can view today’s birthdays in the Today section in the upper-right corner of your home page. Yo...
You can view today’s birthdays in the Today section in the upper-right corner of your home page.

You can also click the "See All" link within this section to view all upcoming birthdays and events.
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Your pending requests will appear as numbers next to the feature on the left sidebar of the home pa...
Your pending requests will appear as numbers next to the feature on the left sidebar of the home page. For example, if you receive two friend requests you will see the number "2" next to "Friends."

Your pending invites will appear in the Events section on the right sidebar on your home page. This section is located at the very top, above the Sponsored ad. Follow the links to view details, RSVP, or confirm your requests.
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