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Hi, facebook i want the old chat box so plzzzzzz bring back the old chat...
2 answers.
chet seting
0 answers.
i dont getting my chat list,i want to chat with my friend
0 answers.
Hi, facebook i want the old chat box so plzzzzzz bring back the old chat...
1 answer.
I merged two lists and now my friends doesn't appear sorted in the lists in the sidebar at all....
2 answers.
I cant access to my Messages, dont know what happened to my account, when trying to send messag...
Best answer chosen. 2 answers.
Can I turn off the smilies? They're making facebook run slow
0 answers.
My chat will not let me respond or begin a chat. I can receive a message through chat and frien...
0 answers.
iam the admin of my group but i donot chat with my group 300 members in my group pls help mee
0 answers.
Why is it that when I message someone on chat it also sends those messages to my fiance? Every...
0 answers.
I want my Chat Online disabled so no one else can see when I am online. How do I do that?
3 answers.
often web sending to my friend from my account but i don't sent it for example like: http://n0...
0 answers.
i cant connect to chat! i see that i am online but i am not at my frnds and i see that all my f...
0 answers.
How do I unblock people who are blocked in chat?
3 answers.
my chat is not working, i can chat with my friend with my computer.
1 answer.
{omg lol dl} please check this URL .I...
6 answers.
how do i find who is on chat in the chat box?
0 answers.
my friends are online . but i cant see them??????? wht is wrong with fb??????
16 answers.
I am not being notified about chat messages on the top of my Facebook page (next to the friend...
1 answer.
How do I find a purchase I made from a Phillip Ramsey Wine event?
0 answers.
nah do some thing best firend and famliy
Best answer chosen. 4 answers.
When using a bluetooth keyboard and the the iPad Facebook app I found that the send button disa...
4 answers.
My char always goes offline after I try to send a message
0 answers.
Updated iPad app and now have no chat function. Is this going to be fixed and did the morons th...
1 answer.
The chat conversation that I had with my cousin appeared on her wall, did other people see this?
0 answers.
I can't chat with people. I can see them but I can't talk, and it says I'm offline to other peo...
0 answers.
my computer can not show online frnd
2 answers.
Is there any way or option to enable chat again, if i have more then 250 friends in my group?
0 answers.
chat with group option does not appear in my own group...
Best answer chosen. 3 answers.
How can i get chat option in my group if it has acceded more then 250 members?
0 answers.
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