HAVE AGREED on the following Contractual Clauses (the “Clauses”) in order to adduce adequate safeguards with respect to the protection of privacy and fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals for the transfer by the Data Exporter to the Data Importer of the personal data specified in Appendix 1.

The Clauses (including Appendices 1 and 2) are effective from the date the non-Google entity has both: (i) executed a valid “G Suite Agreement” with “Data Processing Amendment” (collectively the “Services Agreement”) or is otherwise an authorized customer affiliate under such Services Agreement; and (ii) clicked to accept these Clauses. A “G Suite Agreement” means a G Suite Agreement, G Suite Enterprise Agreement, G Suite Agreement, G Suite via Reseller Agreement, G Suite Enterprise via Reseller Agreement, G Suite via Reseller Agreement, G Suite for Education Agreement or G Suite for Education via Reseller Agreement, entered with Google Inc., Google Ireland Limited, Google Commerce Limited or Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd, as applicable. A “Data Processing Amendment” means an amendment to the G Suite Agreement that sets forth certain terms in relation to the protection and processing of personal data.

If you are accepting on behalf of the Data Exporter, you represent and warrant that: (i) you have full legal authority to bind your employer, or the applicable entity, to these terms and conditions; (ii) you have read and understand the Clauses; and (iii) you agree, on behalf of the party that you represent, to the Clauses. If you do not have the legal authority to bind the Data Exporter, please do not click the “I Accept” button below. The Clauses shall automatically expire on the termination or expiry of the Data Processing Amendment. The parties agree that where Data Exporter has been presented with these Clauses and clicked to accept these terms electronically, such acceptance shall constitute execution of the entirety of the Clauses by both parties, subject to the effective date described above.

Clause 1


For the purposes of the Clauses:

Clause 2

Details of the transfer

Clause 3

Third-party beneficiary clause

Clause 4

Obligations of the Data Exporter

Clause 5

Obligations of the Data Importer1

The Data Importer agrees and warrants:

Clause 6


Clause 7

Mediation and jurisdiction

Clause 8

Cooperation with supervisory authorities

Clause 9

Governing Law

Clause 10

Variation of the contract

Clause 11


Clause 12

Obligation after the termination of personal data processing services

Appendix 1

to the Standard Contractual Clauses
This Appendix forms part of the Clauses
Data Exporter Data Importer Data Subjects Categories of data Special categories of data (if appropriate) Processing operations

Appendix 2

to the Standard Contractual Clauses
This Appendix forms part of the Clauses.

Description of the technical and organisational security measures implemented by the Data Importer in accordance with Clauses 4(c) and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached):

The Data Importer currently takes and implements the security standards in this Appendix 2. The Data Importer may update or modify these security standards from time to time provided such updates and modifications will not result in a degradation of the overall security of the Services during the term of the Services Agreement.

1. Data Center & Network Security.