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The Humble Indie Bundle #2 is over, but sign up below to be among the first to know about our future humble ideas. This is just for our humble newsletter: we won't share your email with anyone.

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The Humble
Indie Bundle #2
is now closed

Looking for your key? Please try using our key resender.

Please contact us if you need any help or have any comments or questions.

We love hearing from people about anything!
What was the Humble Indie Bundle #2? It was our take on digital distribution, where anyone could pay any amount of money they like for five (later six more were added) DRM-free games. All of the games worked cross-platform running on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

The bundle supported charity. People could choose how their purchase was divided: Between the game developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Child's Play Charity. Also, they could choose a "humble tip" to the Humble Bundle itself, to support us.

How much was the bundle worth to people? Let's take a quick look. (We will be releasing more detailed statistics once we get the final tallies from our merchant accounts.)

$1,825,481.91Total payments:
232,855Number of
$7.84Average purchase:
$6.68Average Windows:
$9.27Average Mac:
$13.78Average Linux:
more info
real-time updating, courtesy of PubNub
Total Payments by Platform Mac, Windows, and Linux total revenue breakdown
Top contributors
Nexus Scorpion
Play.onlive.com Just Play
Riot Games Dev Team
Journeyman @ RPS
Site5.com Coupon "indie" For 20% Off
Looking for your key? Please try using our key resender. Please contact us with any comments or questions. We love hearing from people!

Follow @humble on Twitter to stay up to date, and watch this space too for further announcements. Thank you for your overwhelming support!
The Humble Indie Bundle #2 is over, but sign up below to be among the first to know about our future humble ideas. This is just for our humble newsletter: we won't share your email with anyone.

Get notified when our next project launches!

Contact usHave your key resentAccess HIB#1
To give the bundle as a gift for someone else, just make sure this checkbox is checked and enter your own email as you normally would. You will be emailed a special gift URL that you can give to the recipient, which will let them retrieve the games at any time. There is no time limit on your gift.
This is split evenly between World of Goo, Gish, Aquaria, Lugaru, and Penumbra Overture. Samorost 2 is included as a freebie.

Make sure that your overall order is above $7.84 in order to unlock these games on your download page.
This is split evenly between Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos, and Revenge of the Titans.
This is our humble estimate for payments that are coming in. It does not account for merchant fees, canceled payments, or other merchant related issues. We will have final tallies from our merchant accounts later on.