Tuesday, March 23, 2010



Real Reform in an Election Year

Financial regulatory reform is not likely to become law before midterm elections unless President Obama throws himself fully into the fight.

European Disunion

Greece has done its part in trying to solve its debt crisis. Now Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and the rest of the European Union must step up.

The Ongoing Toll From 9/11

The thousands of responders, volunteers and residents left sickened after the terrorist attack need long-term health care more than ever.

Editorial Notebook

Two Rallies

At two weekend rallies at the nation’s Capitol, citizens could choose between hate and hope.

Editorial Series

Bloggingheads: Mental Bandwidth Scarcity

Glenn Loury, left, of Brown University and Sendhil Mullainathan of Harvard University discuss new social science thinking about poverty.

The Seasons | Ed Ruscha
After Spring

Using a clock mainspring on a photograph, the artist creates a visual interpretation of spring.

William D. Cohan on Lehman’s ‘Repo 105’

The columnist annotates sections of the Lehman examiner’s report dealing with the culpability of Richard Fuld and other Lehman executives.



The Democrats Rejoice

The passage of health care reform is the end of the century-long welfare project and the beginning of the task of saving the country from fiscal ruin.


An Absence of Class

It’s long past time to acknowledge that a party that promotes ignorance and provides a safe house for bigotry cannot serve the best interests of our country.


Iran's Exiles

Seldom have dignity and indignation coalesced in such resolve as in the days when Iranians rose to protest election fraud. The stories of two exiles reflect the reality of freedom denied.

Op-Ed Contributors

Mirko Ilic

Benedict’s Fragile Church

Can the German Catholic Church survive its abuse scandal?

For Democrats, a Win Is a Win

Polls show that health care reform may help Democrats in the midterm elections.


In Your Pocket

From spring training through the postseason, days off for baseball players are precious and few.

Think Globally

Differential geometry can show us the shortest route between two points.

Don't Move! If You Know What's Good for You

There are times when you want to stay right where you are.


Why We Need to Dream

Those fantastical nighttime narratives have a practical purpose after all.

The Thread

Checking the Math on Health Care

Is the Congressional Budget Office a paragon of objectivity, or does it do whatever the majority wants?

Lehman’s Demise, Dissected

If simple incentives had been in place on Wall Street, could the latest crisis have been largely avoided?

Today's Highlights
Doug Glanville
In Your Pocket

From spring training through the postseason, days off for baseball players are precious and few.

Video Bloggingheads
Mental Bandwidth Scarcity

Glenn Loury and Sendhil Mullainathan discuss new thinking about poverty.

From the Archive

Op-Classic, 2005: Our Brackets, Ourselves

March Madness as national Rorschach test, by writer and psychologist Gary Klein.

Freakonomics Logo

Freakonomics on NYTimes.com

Authors Steven Levitt, Stephen Dubner and guest contributors blog about the hidden side of the economy.