

Inside the Border Patrol

Enforcing Trump’s Crackdown

Zero Tolerance

Trump’s Immigration Policy at the Border

Trapped In Gangland

How the MS-13 Crackdown Shattered Immigrant Lives

No Sanctuary

The Unshackling of ICE

The Travel Ban

The Impact of Trump’s Executive Order


Lawmakers Call for Immediate Action at Chicago Shelter Housing Afghan Children

After ProPublica’s report that Afghan children at a Chicago shelter were hurting themselves, Sen. Dick Durbin asked federal officials to investigate. In the meantime, Heartland Alliance, the facility’s operator, now has interpreters in its shelters.

Dozens of Traumatized Afghan Kids Struggle Inside a Shelter That’s Ill-Equipped to Care for Them

Some Afghan children at a Chicago shelter have hurt themselves or others, leaving workers overwhelmed. Employees say the shelter has never experienced this level of chaos and isn’t equipped to provide kids with services they need.

A Secretive Counterterrorism Team Interrogated Dozens of Citizens at the Border, Government Report Finds

A report by a federal watchdog shows how the Trump administration flagged at least 51 citizens for interrogation at the border based on evidence as flimsy as once having ridden in a car with someone suspected of aiding the migrant “caravan.”

New Report Shows “Deeply Troubling Failures” by Border Patrol in Boy’s Death, Key Congressional Leader Says

The DHS inspector general has confirmed the findings of a ProPublica investigation into the death of a 16-year-old Guatemalan who died in a Border Patrol cell in Texas.

These Afghans Won the Visa Lottery Two Years Ago — Now They’re Stuck in Kabul and Out of Luck

President Donald Trump’s ban on the visa lottery was ruled to be illegal, but the government says it can’t help hundreds of Afghans who won it for at least another year.

Immigration Prosecutors Were Told Not to Push for Deportation in Cases Like His. He Was Ordered Deported the Next Day.

Under a new Biden policy, more than 100,000 immigrants could have their cases dropped. But that discretion is left to individual prosecutors, and many are letting the deportation machine roll on.

The U.S. Is Closing a Loophole That Lured Mexicans Over the Border to Donate Blood Plasma for Cash

Selling blood plasma in the U.S. could net Mexican residents hundreds of dollars a month — if they donated often enough. But some were putting their health at risk to do so.

“Shadow Wins”: How ICE Avoids Judicial Accountability by Quietly Releasing Immigrants Who Challenge Being Detained

ICE helps maintain the status quo of prolonged detentions by releasing immigrants without having their cases vindicated in court, according to a new report.

Documents Show Trump Officials Used Secret Terrorism Unit to Question Lawyers at the Border

In newly disclosed records, Trump officials cited conspiracies about Antifa to justify interrogating immigration lawyers with a special terrorism unit. The documents also show that more lawyers were targeted than previously known.

Border Policy Is Getting More and More Convoluted. That’s Creating False Hope for Migrants.

The Biden administration and the Mexican government have made the situation at the border so confusing that even seasoned experts can’t always determine who is allowed in and who isn’t. That may be contributing to the high number of border crossings.

“No Good Choices”: HHS Is Cutting Safety Corners to Move Migrant Kids Out of Overcrowded Facilities

After ignoring signs that shelters were filling quickly, agencies are scrambling to get thousands of kids out of Border Patrol jails. But new “emergency” facilities skirt safety standards, while facilities accused of abuse are still getting grants.

For Some Transgender Asylum Seekers, Fleeing a Dangerous Migrant Camp Meant Being Left Behind

The Biden administration shuttered a migrant tent camp in Mexico that was created under a Trump policy. Immigration advocates praised the move, but the closure adds to growing confusion over which migrants are let in or left out.

Biden abrió el estatus legal temporal a miles de inmigrantes. Estas son las formas en que podrían quedar atrapados.

Miles de inmigrantes venezolanos y birmanos acaban de solicitar el Estatus de Protección Temporal. Sin embargo, mientras los congresistas demócratas trabajan en una trayectoria hacia la ciudadanía para inmigrantes que tienen esa calidad migratoria desde hace décadas, los nuevos beneficiarios podrían quedar fuera del proceso.

Biden Opened Temporary Legal Status to Thousands of Immigrants. Here’s How They Could End Up Trapped.

Thousands of Venezuelan and Burmese immigrants just got to apply for temporary protected status. But as congressional Democrats work on a path to citizenship for immigrants who’ve had the status for decades, new grantees could be left out.

What the Horrific Crash on the Border Says About U.S. Immigration Policy

For all the attention on Biden’s changes to border policy, there are plenty of factors out of the U.S.’s control — which might make migrants increasingly desperate.

The Trump Administration Keeps Awarding Border Wall Contracts but Doesn’t Own the Land to Build On

The government’s strategy of awarding contracts before acquiring titles to land in Texas has led to millions of dollars in costs for delays. Things could get even more complicated if President-elect Joe Biden stops border wall construction.

La niñez robada de obreros adolescentes

Inmigrantes menores de edad que hacen turnos nocturnos en fábricas suburbanas sueñan con una vida mejor para hijos que todavía no tienen. El padre de la autora hizo lo mismo.

The Stolen Childhood of Teenage Factory Workers

Immigrant teenagers who work overnight shifts in suburban factories dream of a better life for children they don’t yet have. So did the author’s father.

Inside the Lives of Immigrant Teens Working Dangerous Night Shifts in Suburban Factories

During the day, immigrant teenagers attend high school. At night, they work in factories to pay debts to smugglers and send money to family. The authorities aren’t surprised by child labor. They’re also not doing much about it.

El mundo secreto de los adolescentes inmigrantes que trabajan en peligrosos turnos nocturnos en fábricas suburbanas

Durante el día, inmigrantes menores de edad van a la secundaria. Por la noche, trabajan en fábricas para pagar deudas del viaje y mandar dinero a sus familias. El trabajo infantil no sorprende a las autoridades. Tampoco están haciendo mucho sobre el tema.

House Committee to Subpoena Records on Discipline Related to Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group

Rep. Carolyn Maloney says Customs and Border Protection won’t turn over records identifying agents disciplined or fired for their offensive posts

Trump Got What He Wanted at the Border. Would Biden Undo It?

Democrats agree that Trump’s caused asylum-seekers unacceptable misery. But the goal of deterring people from migrating to the U.S. — which has motivated Trump’s complex web of border policies — has seduced some Democrats, too.

Records Show Trump’s Border Wall Is Costing Taxpayers Billions More Than Initial Contracts

As the presidential election nears, a review of federal spending data found modifications to contracts have increased the price of the border wall by billions, costing about five times more per mile than it did under previous administrations.

ICE deportó a la mujer que acusó a unos guardias de agresión sexual a pesar de que las autoridades federales aún investigaban el incidente

Los inspectores generales del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional y del Departamento de Justicia investigan actualmente alegatos de que varios guardias de ICE agredieron sexualmente a unas detenidas, en espacios fuera de la vista de las cámaras de seguridad.

Un nuevo informe de ingeniería encuentra que se derrumbará el muro fronterizo financiado con fondos privados

El informe, presentado ante un tribunal federal la semana pasada, confirma los reportajes de ProPublica y The Texas Tribune que mostraron que partes del muro estaban en peligro de derrumbarse si no se reparaban, debido a la extensa erosión que apareció solo meses después de haberse construido.

ICE Deported a Woman Who Accused Guards of Sexual Assault While the Feds Were Still Investigating the Incident

Officials are investigating allegations that ICE guards assaulted detainees in camera blind spots. DHS instructed ICE not to deport a key witness, then suddenly decided to allow it.

New Engineering Report Finds Privately Built Border Wall Will Fail

The report, set to be filed in federal court this week, confirms reporting from ProPublica and The Texas Tribune that found portions of the wall were in danger of overturning if not fixed due to extensive erosion just months after it was built.

Private Border Wall Fundraisers Have Been Arrested on Fraud Charges

Investigators say fundraisers for nonprofit We Build the Wall, including Steve Bannon and founder Brian Kolfage, lied to donors and pocketed funds. Trump has tried to distance himself from the group but Kolfage has bragged about their ties.

ICE Guards “Systematically” Sexually Assault Detainees in an El Paso Detention Center, Lawyers Say

Allegations include guards attacking victims in camera “blind spots” and telling them that “no one would believe” them in ICE detention centers, which imprison about 50,000 immigrants each year at a taxpayer expense of $2.7 billion.

ICE Is Making Sure Migrant Kids Don’t Have COVID-19 — Then Expelling Them to “Prevent the Spread” of COVID-19

The administration has used infection risk to justify expelling thousands of children without legal protections. But it’s only expelling kids who’ve tested negative.

¿A dónde se irán todos?

Con el apoyo del Pulitzer Center, ProPublica y The New York Times Magazine modelaron por primera vez las formas en que podrían desplazarse los refugiados climáticos para cruzar fronteras internacionales. Esto es lo que encontramos.

After a Year of Investigation, the Border Patrol Has Little to Say About Agents’ Misogynistic and Racist Facebook Group

The Border Patrol vowed a full accounting after ProPublica revealed hateful posts in the private Facebook group. Now congressional investigators say the agency is blocking them and revealing little about its internal investigation.

Her Rapist Threatened to Make Her “Disappear.” Instead of Asylum, ICE Put Her in a Hotel and Sent Her Back.

Thousands of migrant children — including babies — have been expelled by the Trump administration since March. Some have been held in hotels without access to lawyers or family. Advocates say many are now “virtually impossible” to find.

Construyó un muro en la frontera con fondos privados. Ahora está en riesgo de desplomarse si no lo reparan.

Partidarios de Trump financiaron un muro fronterizo privado en la ribera del Río Bravo, ayudando al constructor a obtener $1,700 millones de dólares en contratos federales. Ahora los expertos dicen que ese “Lamborghini” de los muros fronterizos corre peligro de caerse al río si no se actúa al respecto.

Un muro fronterizo financiado con fondos privados ya estaba en riesgo de colapsarse si no se reparaba. El huracán Hanna empeoró la situación.

El huracán Hanna descargó lluvias torrenciales sobre un muro fronterizo que construyeron partidarios de Trump, dejando huecos enormes y grietas que llegan hasta la cintura en las riberas del Río Bravo, las cuales amenazan su estabilidad a largo plazo.

Where Will Everyone Go?

ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine, with support from the Pulitzer Center, have for the first time modeled how climate refugees might move across international borders. This is what we found.

He Built a Privately Funded Border Wall. It’s Already at Risk of Falling Down if Not Fixed.

Trump supporters funded a private border wall on the banks of the Rio Grande, helping the builder secure $1.7 billion in federal contracts. Now the “Lamborghini” of border walls is in danger of falling into the river if nothing is done, experts say.

Advocates Sue Trump Administration Over Mass Border Expulsions

The suit, which draws on ProPublica’s story illuminating the secretive policy, seeks to stop a 16-year-old boy from being expelled to Honduras and to reunite him with his father who’s already living in the U.S.

House Democrats Demand Trump Administration Stop Rushing Through Deportations of Migrant Children

Democratic congressional leaders expressed alarm at the sudden acceleration and requested the government “cease this practice immediately.”

The Trump Administration Is Rushing Deportations of Migrant Children During Coronavirus

Their father was missing. Their mother was miles away. Two sisters, ages 8 and 11, were survivors of sexual assault and at risk of deportation. With the nation focused on COVID-19, the U.S. government is rushing the deportations of migrant children.

COVID-19 Cases at One Texas Immigration Detention Center Soared in a Matter of Days. Now, Town Leaders Want Answers.

Coronavirus infections continue to rise at migrant detention facilities in towns with limited resources. Some local governments want details on what’s being done to safeguard the public.

ICE Has Access to DACA Recipients’ Personal Information Despite Promises Suggesting Otherwise, Internal Emails Show

Trump promised that information from DACA applications would not be sent to deportation agents. But internal emails show that ICE can access databases where that information is kept — and DHS decided not to tell Congress.

Al menos 37 menores en un albergue de Chicago para inmigrantes detenidos han dado positivo en pruebas de COVID-19

Un brote de coronavirus en una instalación de Heartland Alliance en la zona sur de Chicago puede ser el brote más grande en cualquier albergue para menores inmigrantes en el país. Al menos 37 menores y dos empleados han dado positivo.

At Least 19 Children at a Chicago Shelter for Immigrant Detainees Have Tested Positive for COVID-19

A coronavirus outbreak at a Heartland Alliance facility on Chicago’s South Side may be the largest outbreak of the virus in any shelter for immigrant youth in the country. At least 19 children and two staff have tested positive.

In a 10-Day Span, ICE Flew This Detainee Across the Country — Nine Times

Even as the Trump administration discouraged the public from flying, Sirous Asgari was shuttled from Louisiana to Texas, New Jersey and back on chartered flights full of migrants. He still hasn’t been deported.

As Coronavirus Infections Spread, So Have Clashes Between ICE Detainees and Guards

At ICE detention camps across the country, unrest is growing as detainees warn that dirty conditions and a disturbing lack of soap and other supplies could allow coronavirus to run rampant.

ICE ha fallado constantemente en contener enfermedades contagiosas, según nuestros análisis. Es un peligro para el público.

ProPublica revisó más de 70 reportes que detallan las muertes en las instalaciones de detención de ICE durante la última década y encontró que el personal, con frecuencia, rompe las reglas estrictas para hacer pruebas de detección de enfermedades contagiosas. Por lo menos 10 detenidos se enfrentan a la cuarentena por posible exposición al coronavirus.

Immigration Courts Are Telling Employees to Come to Work — Ignoring Health Risks and Local Shelter-in-Place Orders

Interviews with 10 workers at immigration courts around the country reveal fear, contradictory messages and continuing perils for the employees.

ICE Has Repeatedly Failed to Contain Contagious Diseases, Our Analysis Shows. It’s a Danger to the Public.

ProPublica reviewed more than 70 reports detailing deaths in ICE detention over the last decade and found staff often break strict rules for testing contagious diseases. At least 10 detainees face quarantine for potential exposure to coronavirus.

The Trump Administration Calls Iraq Dangerous for Christians — Until It Wants to Deport Them

To deport Iraqi Christians, Trump’s immigration officials rely on testimony saying they won’t be at particular risk. But to justify funding and attention, officials elsewhere in the administration say the Christians face grave danger.

The FBI Is Investigating Massive Embezzlement of Border Patrol Union Funds

The head of the powerful union representing border patrol agents nationwide said the FBI is working to identify who stole some $500,000 out of the coffers of the El Paso local. The theft raises more questions about lawlessness in the union’s ranks.

A Group of Agents Rose Through the Ranks to Lead the Border Patrol. They’re Leaving It in Crisis.

How several agents from a small outpost in Arizona, including recently retired chief Carla Provost, climbed to the top of the Border Patrol, then one by one retired, leaving corruption, misconduct and a toxic culture in their wake.

Border Patrol Officials Dodged Congress’ Questions About Migrant Children’s Deaths

The chair of a House Homeland Security subcommittee reprimanded Border Patrol officials for concealing information about migrant children’s deaths. Officials did not respond to the chairwoman's criticism.

Six Children Died in Border Patrol Care. Democrats in Congress Want to Know Why.

Video obtained by ProPublica contradicted the Border Patrol’s account of 16-year-old Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez’s death. Now, House Democrats are pressuring the agency to explain why six migrant children died under its care in less than a year.

McKinsey Called Our Story About Its ICE Contract False. It’s Not.

The consulting giant asserts our story “misleads readers” and “disregards facts” — but its statement mischaracterizes what’s in the article, ignores hundreds of pages of proof we shared with the firm and provides no evidence to back its claims.

Dentro de la celda donde murió el adolescente guatemalteco bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza

El video obtenido por ProPublica muestra que la Patrulla Fronteriza detuvo a un adolescente enfermo en una celda sin la atención médica adecuada y no descubrió su cuerpo hasta que su compañero de celda alertó a los guardias. Las imágenes no coinciden con la historia de la Patrulla Fronteriza de su muerte.

House Chairman Says Trump Administration Misled Congress on Boy’s Death in Custody

“This is inexcusable.” The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee responds to ProPublica’s report on the death of a 16-year-old Guatemalan migrant in Border Patrol custody.

Inside the Cell Where a Sick 16-Year-Old Boy Died in Border Patrol Care

Video obtained by ProPublica shows the Border Patrol held a sick teen in a concrete cell without proper medical attention and did not discover his body until his cellmate alerted guards. The video doesn’t match the Border Patrol's account of his death.

How McKinsey Helped the Trump Administration Detain and Deport Immigrants

Newly uncovered documents show the consulting giant helped ICE find “detention savings opportunities” — including some that the agency’s staff viewed as too harsh on immigrants.

Border Agents Can Now Get Classified Intelligence Information. Experts Call That Dangerous.

The Trump administration is creating a center that will give immigration agents access to information from U.S. intelligence agencies. Migrants and others denied entry will be unable to see the evidence against them because it is classified.

Las tácticas de las compañías farmacéuticas para atraer a mexicanos que donen plasma en la frontera con EEUU

Las compañías ofrecen altas remuneraciones y bonos por “traer a un amigo” a los mexicanos que cruzan la frontera con visas temporales para donar plasma sanguíneo. La protección para la salud de los donantes que ofrece Estados Unidos es mucho más débil que en la mayoría de los países.

While Trump Cracked Down on Immigration, a Republican Megadonor Sued for a Special Visa

Shipping supplies billionaires Richard and Elizabeth Uihlein frequently back “America First” candidates and causes. When it comes to their own company, it’s a different matter.

Pharmaceutical Companies Are Luring Mexicans Across the U.S. Border to Donate Blood Plasma

Companies offer high payments and bring-a-friend bonuses to Mexicans who cross the border on temporary visas to donate blood plasma. The U.S. offers weaker health protections for donors than most countries.

The Trump Administration Issues Dozens of Corrections to Its Error-Riddled Immigration Rule

Just weeks before a sweeping immigration policy takes effect, the administration is correcting substantive errors, including ones uncovered by ProPublica that would have had big impacts on military families.

En una Disputa sobre Tutela, los Hijos de un Padre Hispanohablante se Quedarán con sus Padres de Acogida Eslovacohablantes

El caso es un ejemplo que pone en duda si el Departamento de Servicios para Niños y Familias de Illinois sirve adecuadamente a familias hispanohablantes y cumple con el decreto Burgos de la corte federal.

In a Disputed Custody Case, the Children of a Spanish-Speaking Father Will Remain With Their Slovak-Speaking Foster Parents

The case is one example that questions whether the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services adequately serves Spanish-speaking families and lives up to the Burgos federal court consent decree.

The Administration Rushed on a Sweeping Immigration Policy. We Found Substantive, Sloppy Mistakes.

Trump’s new immigration policy applies more harshly to families of U.S. citizens in the military than to families of noncitizens in the military. Experts think it’s an error that suggests officials are pushing policies even they don’t fully understand.

“Dirtbag,” “Savages,” “Subhuman”: A Border Agent’s Hateful Career and the Crime That Finally Ended It

Border Patrol agent Matthew Bowen had been investigated for years before he used his 4,000-pound truck to assault a fleeing migrant.

The Case That Made an Ex-ICE Attorney Realize the Government Was Relying on False “Evidence” Against Migrants

Years after quitting her job as an attorney for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Laura Peña returned to the fight — defending migrants she’d once prosecuted. Then, a perplexing family separation case forced her to call upon everything she’d learned.

Un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza revela la realidad de ser guardia de niños migrantes

Con la agencia siendo blanco de críticas por mantener a niños detenidos en condiciones deplorables, y por los comentarios racistas y misóginos publicados en Facebook, uno de sus agentes habla de cómo es realmente desempeñar su trabajo. “En algún momento la gente solo comenzó a aceptar lo que está sucediendo como una cosa normal”.

A Border Patrol Agent Reveals What It’s Really Like to Guard Migrant Children

With the agency under fire for holding children in deplorable conditions and over racist and misogynistic Facebook posts, one agent speaks about what it’s like to do his job. “Somewhere down the line people just accepted what’s going on as normal.”

Revelations About a Secret Facebook Group Spawn Investigation of 70 Current and Former Border Patrol Employees

Top officials with Customs and Border Protection said the investigation was prompted by revelations that agents had posted racist and misogynistic Facebook memes. But they declined to say whether any top officials have been suspended from duty.

Border Patrol Official Circulates Article That Deems Our Reporting on Secret Facebook Group a Threat

An official who directs a Border Patrol intelligence gathering center sent the article to all top intelligence officials and field offices. The article directly attacks a ProPublica reporter who revealed that agents were posting anti-migrant and misogynistic memes in group for current and former agents.

Border Patrol Agents Are Passing Around A Commemorative Coin Mocking Care for Migrant Kids

The coin declares “KEEP THE CARAVANS COMING” under an image of a parade of migrants crossing the border.

Inmigrantes Menores Enviados a Albergues de Chicago Están Traumatizados y Enfermos, a veces con Varicela o Tuberculosis

Cientos de menores están siendo detenidos en albergues operados por Heartland Human Care Services, en donde dicen haber hecho cambios a raíz de las acusaciones por negligencia y maltrato a niños.

Border Patrol Condemns Secret Facebook Group, but Reveals Few Specifics

The agency won’t say how many employees have been disciplined or warned in the ongoing scandal over offensive social media posts.

Immigration Officials Use Secretive Gang Databases to Deny Migrant Asylum Claims

The information in the databases comes from foreign police and militaries, and it is being used to detain migrants and separate them from their children. Legal experts and human rights advocates say they were not told about the databases and question their reliability.

En un grupo secreto en Facebook, agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza se burlan de inmigrantes muertos y publican memes sexistas

En este grupo creado hace tres años y con aproximadamente 9,500 miembros, se compartieron comentarios despectivos sobre las legisladores latinas que planearon visitar un polémico centro de detención en Texas, llamándolas “escorias” y “putas”.

Investigation of Secret Border Patrol Group Launched as New Degrading Facebook Posts Surface

A ProPublica story revealing demeaning posts directed at Latina lawmakers prompted widespread revulsion. Immigration officials said such comments violate the agency’s code of conduct and promised that violators will be held accountable.

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes

The three-year-old group, which has roughly 9,500 members, shared derogatory comments about Latina lawmakers who plan to visit a controversial Texas detention facility on Monday, calling them “scum buckets” and “hoes.”

ACLU Sues Pennsylvania State Police, Alleging They’ve Overstepped in Acting as Immigration Authorities

A federal lawsuit filed on behalf of 10 Latino plaintiffs by the ACLU echoes findings in an investigation published last year by ProPublica and The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Years Ago, the Border Patrol’s Discipline System Was Denounced as “Broken.” It’s Still Not Fixed.

An expert panel’s pleas for swifter, more consistent, more transparent punishment of rogue agents languish.

Over 200 Allegations of Abuse of Migrant Children; 1 Case of Homeland Security Disciplining Someone

A federal judge found the department’s own records disturbing and ordered the names of the accused agents made public. Now, DHS has taken its fight against doing so to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Una de las pediatras que atendió a niños inmigrantes describe un patrón de brechas en la atención médica proporcionada en los albergues

¿Qué tan preparada está la administración de Trump para la corriente de menores no acompañados en la frontera? Una queja nueva señala que los albergues en Nueva Jersey ya habían fallado al no responder adecuadamente cuando tuvieron niños lastimados o enfermos.

Pediatrician Who Treated Immigrant Children Describes Pattern of Lapses in Medical Care in Shelters

How prepared is the Trump administration for an influx of unaccompanied minors at the border? A new complaint shows shelters in New Jersey were already failing to respond when kids got hurt or sick.

Zero Tolerance: Inside the Secretive Network of Immigrant Youth Shelters in Illinois

Here is all of ProPublica Illinois’ local reporting on the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy.

Atrapados en persecuciones mortales

Las persecuciones a alta velocidad de la Patrulla Fronteriza a menudo terminan en choques terribles

Trapped in a Deadly Chase

Border Patrol’s High-Speed Pursuits Often End in Gruesome Crashes

If Trump’s Border Wall Becomes Reality, Here’s How He Could Easily Get Private Land for It

A law is supposed to protect property owners from lowball offers by the government when it takes land through eminent domain. But a letter shows how simple it is for officials to eviscerate what is already a pretty toothless law.

Después de la controversia, Heartland va a cerrar cuatro albergues para jóvenes inmigrantes en Illinois

Al mismo tiempo, otro operador de albergues está intentando expandir su presencia en Chicago.

After Controversy, Heartland to Close Four Illinois Shelters for Immigrant Youth

At the same time, another shelter operator is trying to expand its footprint in Chicago.

Senators Demand Investigation Into Sexual Abuse at Immigrant Children’s Shelters

Sens. Charles Grassley and Dianne Feinstein said they are particularly concerned that allegations of sexual assault of unaccompanied minors aren’t being properly investigated.

A pesar de sus duras palabras contra traficantes de migrantes, Trump ha socavado esfuerzos para frenarles

ICE ha transferido personal y dinero de investigaciones más complejas para respaldar la campaña de la administración de arrestar, encarcelar y deportar a los inmigrantes ilegales.

Despite Trump’s Tough Talk About Migrant Smugglers, He’s Undercut Efforts to Stop Them

ICE has shifted manpower and money away from more complex investigations to support the administration’s push to arrest, detain and deport undocumented immigrants.

The Lucky Ones

Nearly 30 years after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as an undocumented child, a reporting trip brought me back to that very stretch. The memories followed.

Pennsylvania Police Now Limited in Flagging Undocumented Immigrants to ICE

The state police just implemented a policy banning some of the most egregious behavior exposed in an investigation last year by ProPublica and The Philadelphia Inquirer, which raised questions of racial profiling and unlawful arrest.

Former MS-13 Member Who Secretly Helped Police Is Deported

An immigration judge said he was “very sympathetic” to the teenager who cooperated with authorities only to be jailed with those he informed on. The judge nonetheless rejected his plea for asylum.

Long Island Schools Move to Curb Police Role in Detaining Immigrant Students

In response to our story about a student who was detained and deported after drawing a doodle of his school mascot, the Huntington district is seeking a countywide agreement to rein in school-based police officers.

Can the U.S. Military Build a Border Wall Even as It Struggles to Rebuild Itself?

President Donald Trump has floated the idea that the military build his much-touted border wall. Tonight, the idea might become reality.

Para un niño inmigrante, ¿cómo resulta vislumbrar el sueño americano para que luego se lo arrebaten?

La política de cero tolerancia de la administración de Trump separó a padres de sus hijos, colocando a estos en hogares de crianza en los que probaron una vida mucho mejor que la que dejaron en sus países. ¿Qué sucede cuando regresan a casa?

The Hunted

What happens when you say no to MS-13.

What’s It Like for an Immigrant Child to Have a Glimpse of the American Dream, Then Have It Taken Away?

The Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy separated kids and parents, putting the children in foster care, where many of them got a taste of a life much better than the one they left. What happens when they land back home?

He Drew His School Mascot — and ICE Labeled Him a Gang Member

How high schools have embraced the Trump administration’s crackdown on MS-13, and destroyed immigrant students’ American dreams.

Salvadoran Girl Whose Cries Highlighted the Cruelty of Family Separation Policy Embraces New Life

After she was separated from her mother at the border, 6-year-old Alison Jimena Valencia Madrid was recorded begging to make a phone call over the sobs of other children. A video shows how she and her mom are coping with their life in Texas.

En los albergues para menores inmigrantes, los casos de agresión sexual se abren y cierran en un dos por tres

En distintos lugares del país, niños denuncian casos de agresión sexual en los albergues para menores inmigrantes. Alex decidió dar a conocer su situación cuando informó en el albergue que dos adolescentes mayores que él lo arrastraron a uno de los dormitorios. El incidente quedó grabado en un video de vigilancia, pero su caso nunca fue investigado. Alex no es el único.

In Immigrant Children’s Shelters, Sexual Assault Cases Are Open and Shut

Across the country, kids are reporting sexual assaults in immigrant children’s shelters. Alex decided to come forward. He told the shelter two older teens dragged him into a bedroom. There was surveillance video. But Alex's case wasn't investigated. His isn’t the only one.

6-Year-Old Separated From His Father Tells Judge He Wants to Go Home

The Salvadoran boy who appeared alone in immigration court last month returned this week with his father’s lawyer in tow. The law puts the decision to return to his family in his small hands.

Agency Policing Tent City for Immigrant Kids Lacks Experience Investigating Sex Crimes Involving Children

The Federal Protective Service, which primarily secures federal buildings, has been charged with responding to incidents at the shelter with 2,800 immigrant children in Tornillo, Texas.

Government Reverses Course, Sending 4-Year-Old Boy Back to His Father

More than 11 weeks after separating a young Salvadoran boy from his father and claiming, without evidence, that his father was a gang member, the Department of Homeland Security returned the boy.

Todavía hay familias que están siendo separadas en la frontera, meses después de haberse revocado la “cero tolerancia”

Algunos abogados de inmigración comentan que los agentes fronterizos han vuelto a separar a menores de sus padres, con la explicación de querer protegerlos en contra de padres y madres delincuentes. Quienes abogan por la inmigración dicen que eso es solo una denominación nueva para la cero tolerancia.

Un encausado se presenta solo al tribunal de inmigración. Tiene 6 años de edad.

Wilder Hilario Maldonado Cabrera fue el compareciente más joven de la lista de casos juveniles de ese día; también era uno de los últimos menores que aún seguía bajo custodia del gobierno en virtud de haber sido afectado por la política de cero tolerancia.

Families Are Still Being Separated at the Border, Months After “Zero Tolerance” Was Reversed

Immigration lawyers say border agents are again removing children from their parents. The explanation? They’re protecting kids from criminal dads and moms. Immigration advocates say it’s zero tolerance by another name.

A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. He’s 6.

Wilder Hilario Maldonado Cabrera was the youngest defendant on the juvenile docket that day, and he was one of the last children left in government custody who had been affected by the zero-tolerance policy.

Do You Know a Student Who Was Detained by ICE After Getting in Trouble at School? Tell us.

Help us report on school discipline policies that have led to deportations.

¿Conoces a un estudiante que fue detenido por ICE después de tener problemas en la escuela? Cuéntanos.

Ayúdanos a reportear sobre políticas de disciplina escolar que hayan desencadenado deportaciones.

Even in Philadelphia, One of the Most Determined Sanctuary Cities, Refuge Is Elusive

The city has wielded policy to fight back against Trump and ICE, but in the background, some public employees have quietly cooperated with immigration enforcement agents.

Los Desaparecidos

La policía de Long Island dio como fugitivos de sus hogares a adolescentes inmigrantes perdidos. Una de las madres presintió que algo andaba mal y buscó las respuestas en los campos de matanza de la MS-13.

“Humanitarian Crisis” Looms as Arizona Threatens to Revoke Immigrant Children Shelter Licenses

The state says Southwest Key displayed a “flippant attitude” after sexual abuse reports. But can the federal government survive without the largest operator of immigrant children shelters as Trump policies put the system near capacity?

The Disappeared

Police on Long Island wrote off missing immigrant teens as runaways. One mother knew better — and searched MS-13’s killing fields for answers.

Authorities Can Now Deny Visa and Green Card Applications Without Giving Applicants a Chance to Fix Errors

Immigration lawyers call the policy change, which kicks in today, another brick in Trump’s “invisible wall” to make legal immigration as difficult as possible.

Esto es lo que pasó a los 99 niños inmigrantes separados de sus padres y enviados a Chicago

Documentos confidenciales revelan detalles sobre los problemas para encontrar a los padres y las experiencias traumáticas durante la política de tolerancia cero de la administración Trump.

Here’s What Happened to the 99 Immigrant Children Separated From Their Parents and Sent to Chicago

Confidential records reveal details about struggles to find parents and traumatic experiences during the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance crackdown.

Mientras pasan los meses en albergues de Chicago, menores migrantes contemplan fugarse y hasta suicidarse

Documentos internos revelan la desesperación y el tedio en una de las más grandes redes de refugios para menores en la nación.

Did Three Immigrant Teens Run Away From a Chicago Shelter Last Month?

Yes, but you wouldn’t know it if we relied solely on the agency paid to protect thousands of unaccompanied immigrant children in Illinois.

As Months Pass in Chicago Shelters, Immigrant Children Contemplate Escape, Even Suicide

Internal documents reveal despair and tedium in one of the nation’s largest shelter networks for unaccompanied minors.

Trabajador acusado de abusar sexualmente a ocho menores de edad en albergue para inmigrantes

Alegatos en contra de un cuidador de menores son lo último en una serie de acusaciones serias de abuso sexual en los albergues del gobierno para jóvenes inmigrantes.

Informes revelan supervisión “laxa,” actividad sexual en centros de acogida de niños inmigrantes en Chicago

Documentos recientemente obtenidos aportan detalles sobre incidentes preocupantes, incluyendo a menores teniendo relaciones sexuales en una sala de televisión y la huida de dos niñas durante una excursión a un museo.

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter

The allegations against the Southwest Key youth care worker are the latest in a series of serious accusations of sexual abuse inside the government’s immigrant youth shelters.

Records Reveal “Lax” Supervision, Sexual Activity at Chicago-Area Shelters Housing Immigrant Children

Newly obtained documents provide details on troubling incidents, including children having sex in a TV room and two girls running away on a museum field trip.

Refugios para jóvenes inmigrantes: “Si eres un depredador, es una mina de oro”

Obtuvimos informes policiales y registros de llamadas de más de dos tercios de los albergues que hospedan a niños inmigrantes. Esto es lo que muestran.

Recuperó a su bebé del centro de acogida de inmigración. Y, ¿ahora qué?

Una madre indocumentada volvió a encontrarse con su hija. Las primeras treinta y seis horas fueron una combinación de alegría, preguntas acerca de su separación e inquietudes acerca del futuro.

She Got Her Baby Back From Immigration Foster Care. Now What?

An undocumented mother was reunited with her daughter. The first 36 hours brought a mix of joy, questions about the separation and worries about the future.

“Ocultos a Plena Vista”: Cientos de Migrantes Menores son Albergados en una Red Opaca de Refugios en Illinois

Documentos y entrevistas revelan acusaciones de abusos, amenazas y relaciones inapropiadas.

Una bebé fue separada de su tío en la frontera. Tres meses después, su madre todavía está tratando de recuperarla.

El caso de Liah Ferrera Amaya muestra el exhaustivo proceso de revisión al que las familias inmigrantes deben someterse para recuperar a sus hijos de la custodia de los EEUU — incluso si eso significa arriesgarse a la deportación.

Immigrant Youth Shelters: “If You’re a Predator, It’s a Gold Mine”

We obtained police reports and call logs from more than two-thirds of the shelters housing immigrant children. Here’s what they show.

“Hidden in Plain Sight”: Hundreds of Immigrant Children and Teens Housed in Opaque Network of Chicago-Area Shelters

Documents and interviews reveal allegations of abuse, threats and inappropriate relationships.

Immigrant Shelters Drug Traumatized Teenagers Without Consent

Whether they came to the U.S. alone, or were forcibly separated from their families at the border, despondent minors are often pressured into taking psychotropic drugs without approval from a parent or guardian.

A Baby Was Separated From Her Uncle at the Border. Three Months Later, Her Mother Is Still Trying to Get Her Back.

The case of Liah Ferrera Amaya shows the extensive vetting immigrant families must submit to in order to retrieve their children from U.S. custody — even if it means putting themselves at risk for deportation.

Watch the 6-Year-Old Salvadoran Girl Heard on a Secret Recording Out of a Border Patrol Detention Facility Finally Being Reunited With Her Mom

“I’ll be the happiest woman in the world,” said Jimena’s mother, Cindy Madrid, as she prepared for the moment. “It’s been very painful to be apart.”

La niña de 6 años escuchada en una grabación de audio de una instalación fronteriza sigue separada de su madre, que se esfuerza para criarla desde 1.000 millas de distancia

Jimena Madrid captó la atención internacional cuando su voz se escuchó en una grabación de audio después de que fue separada de su madre dentro de un centro de detención de la Patrulla Fronteriza. Tres semanas después, la reunificación sigue siendo incierta. “Ella siempre repite, ‘Mami, quiero estar contigo’”.

“Solo quiero decirle que lo amo”

Los padres recluidos en centros de detención migratoria sin sus hijos dicen que los teléfonos apenas funcionan y aún no saben cuándo volverán a ver a sus hijos, casi dos semanas después de que la administración Trump declarara que puso fin a la separación familiar en la frontera.

The 6-Year-Old Heard on Border Facility Audiotape Is Still Separated From Her Mother, Who Must Parent From 1,000 Miles Away

Jimena Madrid riveted people around the world when her voice was captured on an audiotape after she was separated from her mother inside a Border Patrol detention facility. Three weeks later, reunification remains uncertain. “She says over and over, ‘Mommy, I want to be with you.’”

“I Just Want to Tell My Son I Love Him”

Parents held in immigration detention without their kids say the phones barely work and they still don’t know when they will see their children again, almost two weeks after the Trump administration declared it ended family separation at the border.

The Immigrant Children’s Shelters Near You

We found 100 facilities holding immigrant children and have mapped 88 of them. Help us find out more about the facilities and the children being held there.

Do You Know a Child In a Detention Center or Shelter Facility?

Help us find out the facts about immigrant children being held by the government.

Sobre el mapa de centros de niños inmigrantes

Cómo y por qué mapeamos los centros donde están los niños inmigrantes y cómo puedes ayudarnos a investigarlos

Here’s What It’s Like to Work at a Shelter for Immigrant Kids

Some facilities are so overstretched, employees often wait hours for a break to go to the bathroom.

About the Immigrant Children Shelter Map

Here’s how and why we mapped the immigrant children shelters, and how you can help us investigate.

Estos son los centros con niños inmigrantes que están cerca de ti

Hemos encontrado 100 instalaciones donde están los menores inmigrantes y hemos mapeado 79 de ellas. Ayúdanos a descubrir más sobre los centros y albergues y sobre los niños que están en ellos.

¿Conoces a un niño en un centro de detención o refugio?

Ayúdanos a averiguar datos sobre los niños inmigrantes detenidos por el gobierno.

¿Sabes algo de un centro de detención o de un refugio de niños inmigrantes?

Ayúdanos a saber más sobre estos centros y a asegurar que las agencias gubernamentales que supervisan el proceso de detención de menores sean responsables de sus actos.

Conhece algo sobre um centro de detenção ou abrigo das crianças imigrantes?

Ajude-nos a assegurar que as agências de governo cuidando do processo de detenção de menores sejam responsáveis pelas suas ações.

Do You Know Something About a Detention Center or Shelter Where the Government is Holding Children?

Help us learn more about these facilities and assure the government agencies overseeing this process are accountable.

Conhece uma criança num abrigo ou centro de detenção nos EUA?

Precisamos de sua ajuda para saber os fatos sobre as crianças imigrantes detidas pelo governo americano.

He estado cubriendo MS-13 durante un año. Estos son los cinco puntos en los que Trump se equivoca sobre la pandilla

La pandilla no está invadiendo el país. No se hacen pasar por familias falsas. No están creciendo. Para detenerlos, el gobierno necesita entenderlos.

Video: Separada de su madre en la frontera, una niña de seis años tiene que buscar su propio camino

Una mujer salvadoreña se convierte en la cuerda salvavidas de su familia cuando su hermana fue llevada a un centro de detención en Texas y su sobrina a un albergue en Arizona.

Para una niña de seis años atrapada en el laberinto de inmigración, un número de teléfono memorizado se convierte en su salvavidas

Mientras el gobierno federal intenta reunir a las familias de migrantes, los niños tendrán la dura tarea de ayudar a identificar y ubicar a sus padres. La niña de seis años a quien se escuchaba en una grabación la semana pasada como pedía llamar a su tía tiene una ventaja.

I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong.

The gang is not invading the country. They’re not posing as fake families. They’re not growing. To stop them, the government needs to understand them.

Jared Kushner’s Grandmother Bemoaned the “Closed Doors” That Faced Refugees to America

The family of President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser escaped the Holocaust — but had to wait in a camp for years to be allowed into the U.S. If Kushner shares her view, he’s keeping it private.

Video: Separated From Her Mother at the Border, a 6-Year-Old Has to Find Her Own Way

A Salvadoran woman becomes her family’s lifeline when her sister was taken to a detention facility in Texas and her niece to an Arizona shelter.

For a 6-Year-Old Snared in the Immigration Maze, a Memorized Phone Number Proves a Lifeline

As the U.S. attempts to reunite migrant families, children will bear the burden of helping to identify who and where their parents are. The 6-year-old girl heard asking to call her aunt on an audio recording from a detention facility this week has an advantage.

Behind the Criminal Immigration Law: Eugenics and White Supremacy

The history of the statute that can make it a felony to illegally enter the country involves some dark corners of U.S. history.

Video: The Voices Missing From the Immigration Debate

A Vox-ProPublica collaboration delves into the Trump administration’s separation of parents and children at the border.

DHS Chief is Confronted With ProPublica Tape of Wailing Children Separated from Parents

A reporter turned on the audio recording as Kirstjen Nielsen defended the Trump administration’s immigration policies at a White House briefing.

Escucha a los niños que acaban de ser separados de sus padres en la frontera

ProPublica ha obtenido una grabación en audio del interior de una instalación de la Patrulla Fronteriza en el que se escucha a los niños llorar mientras un agente bromea: “Aquí tenemos una orquesta”.

Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border

ProPublica has obtained audio from inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility, in which children can be heard wailing as an agent jokes, “We have an orchestra here.”

Pennsylvania State Police Adding Oversight to Troopers’ Interactions With ICE

Officers must now file a report when they call federal agencies. Meanwhile, Trooper Luke C. Macke continues to detain immigrants for ICE.

How Racial Profiling Goes Unchecked in Immigration Enforcement

A Pennsylvania judge heard uncontested evidence that ICE agents violated constitutional rights during an arrest last year, but that wasn’t enough to stop deportation proceedings.

Were Henry’s Civil Rights Violated?

A Department of Homeland Security watchdog is looking into the case of a Long Island high school student who informed on the gang MS-13 and was marked for deportation.

The Waiting Game

The U.S. is supposed to be a safe haven for people fleeing persecution. But asylum-seekers face years of uncertainty when they arrive. Play this game to see how long you can last in their shoes.

Welcome to America. Now, Figure It Out.

After fleeing persecution and violence, and being detained for months or more, some people who win asylum say they’re released without a clue about where to sleep or what government benefits they are entitled to.

Who Polices the Immigration Police?

Claims of unjust arrests by ICE agents and cops often disappear into an overwhelmed immigration court system.

In Pennsylvania, It’s Open Season on Undocumented Immigrants

ICE’s Philadelphia office is fanning out into communities across its three-state region and making more “at-large” arrests of immigrants without criminal convictions than anywhere else in America.

For Cops Who Want to Help ICE Crack Down on Illegal Immigration, Pennsylvania Is a Free-for-All

Without guidelines or oversight, some officers are using traffic stops to question Hispanics and turn over undocumented immigrants to ICE.

From Border-Crosser to Felon

The Trump administration encouraged prosecutors to seek felony charges against those who re-enter the U.S. after being deported. In the case of this Bucks County gardener, government employees felt halfhearted about turning an immigrant into a criminal.

Teen Who Faced Deportation After He Informed on MS-13 Gets Temporary Reprieve

A judge postponed an asylum decision until May, asking for more evidence of Henry’s cooperation with police and the FBI.

Teenage MS-13 Gang Informant Heads Into Final Asylum Hearing

Among those who will testify on Henry’s behalf: his former principal, an expert witness working for free and his FBI Gang Task Force handler, who had originally refused.

A Betrayal

The teenager told police all about his gang, MS-13. In return, he was slated for deportation and marked for death.


A teenager told police all about his gang, MS-13. In return, he was slated for deportation and marked for death.

¿Has visto a ICE o a la Patrulla Fronteriza en tu comunidad? Cuéntanos tu historia.

Las agencias federales de inmigración dicen que están tratando de evitar los arrestos e interrogatorios en las que consideran “localizaciones sensibles”. Ayúdanos a monitorear dónde están operando.

Have You Seen ICE or Border Patrol in Your Community? Tell Us.

Federal immigration agencies say they avoid arresting and questioning people at “sensitive locations.” Help us learn where they are conducting operations.

Florida Bill Seeks to Stop Arrests of Injured Immigrant Workers

The bill follows an investigation by ProPublica and NPR, which found that insurance companies were turning in unauthorized immigrants who were injured on the job.

New Details Alleged in Scheme to Make Millions Off First Border Wall in Texas

The latest lawsuit filing in Hidalgo County talks of kickback deals worked out over drinks and steak dinners.

Who Would Pay $26,000 to Work in a Chicken Plant?

Chicken plants have recruited thousands of foreign workers in recent years through a little-known program to fill jobs they say Americans won’t do.

Extreme Digital Vetting of Visitors to the U.S. Moves Forward Under a New Name

ICE officials have invited tech companies, including Microsoft, to develop algorithms that will track visa holders’ social media activity.

Why Do Border Deaths Persist When the Number of Border Crossings Is Falling?

Government policies funneling illegal immigrants into more dangerous crossing areas have contributed to fatalities.

The Trump Administration Plans to End a Refugee Program for Children

Minors from violence-plagued El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala will no longer be permitted to reunite with their parents in the United States.

Relatives of Undocumented Children Caught Up in ICE Dragnet

In a shift from how it operated during the Obama administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is cracking down on relatives who let undocumented kids stay with them after entering the U.S.

Familiares de niños indocumentados atrapados en operaciones anti-tráfico humano

En un cambio de proceso bajo la administración de Obama, la Oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) está persiguiendo a familiares que auspician niños indocumentados después de ingresar a los Estados Unidos.

Will Trump Kill the Dream for These Immigrants?

With the president reportedly at the point of canceling DACA, some of its 800,000 beneficiaries describe what they gained — and now fear losing — from the program.

Are You an Immigrant Protected by DACA? We Want to Hear From You.

As President Trump mulls whether to end a program that granted 800,000 young people a reprieve from deportation, ProPublica is asking those who will be affected by his decision to tell us their stories.

Trump’s Pardon Aside, Reporters Have Built Long Rap Sheet Against Sheriff Joe

Trump hailed Joe Arpaio’s “admirable service” in Arizona. There’s more to his career than that.

Legisladores de Florida revisarán la ley que persigue a trabajadores lesionados indocumentados

Citando una investigación de NPR y ProPublica, una poderosa legisladora de Florida y un grupo nacional contra el fraude de seguros criticaron una ley usada por las aseguradoras para delatar a trabajadores indocumentados cuando se lesionan y evitar pagar compensación laboral.

Florida Lawmakers to Review Law Targeting Injured Undocumented Workers

Citing an NPR and ProPublica investigation, a top Florida lawmaker and a national insurance fraud group criticized a law used by insurers to turn in injured undocumented workers and avoid paying workers’ comp benefits.

Se lesionaron en el trabajo. Y entonces fueron deportados.

Cómo las compañías de seguros usan las leyes de Florida para hacer que inmigrantes indocumentados sean arrestados y deportados cuando se lesionan en el trabajo — y lo que significa en la América de Trump.

They Got Hurt at Work. Then They Got Deported.

How insurance companies use a Florida law to get undocumented immigrants arrested and deported when they get injured on the job — and what it means in Trump’s America.

Senator Demands Answers From Case Farms

An investigation by ProPublica and The New Yorker documented how the chicken company turned to immigrants to work at its plants. Then, when they got hurt or fought back, it used America’s laws against them.

The Immigration Effect

There’s a way for President Trump to boost the economy by 4 percent, but he probably won’t like it.

Advocacy Groups Say Senators Should Have One Word for Trump Immigration Pick: ‘No.’

More than 300 immigration advocacy groups urge senators to oppose the nomination of Lee Francis Cissna to head the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, citing ProPublica’s scrutiny of his record.

ICE Officers Told to Take Action Against All Undocumented Immigrants Encountered While on Duty

A directive from the head of ICE’s enforcement unit appears to push for tougher action than the Trump administration has publicly promised.

Is Trump Administration’s Visa Push a Way to Win Health Care Votes?

In directing staffers at the Departments of Labor and Homeland Security to draft a rule increasing the number of guest-worker visas, senior political officials specifically highlighted businesses in Maine and Alaska, home to senators who hold crucial health care votes.

He Was About To Pick Up His Newborn Son After Surgery When He Was Arrested By ICE

The case of Oscar Millan shows ICE’s renewed focus on strict immigration enforcement. Under the Obama administration, agents had discretion in cases of immigrants with gravely sick children.

Trump’s Immigration Pick Attacked Obama Programs in Ghost-Written Senate Letters

If letters written by Lee Francis Cissna, the president’s nominee to head U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, are any guide, he’s poised to dismantle Obama-era policies like a humanitarian program for Central American children.

Immigrants in Detention Centers Are Often Hundreds of Miles From Legal Help

Only a tiny percentage of detained immigrants have attorneys, leaving even those with solid cases to stay in the United States to fend for themselves.

Trump’s Wall: How Much Money Does the Government Have For It Now?

$20 million. That’s enough to cover the cost of seven miles of wall.

U.S. Immigration Agency Will Lose Millions Because It Can’t Process Visas Fast Enough

Fees from so-called “premium processing” to expedite H-1B visas have paid for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ efforts to digitize. But the agency hasn’t been able to keep up with demand, forcing it to suspend its cash cow.

Can Customs and Border Officials Search Your Phone? These Are Your Rights

Recent detentions and seizures of phones and other material from travelers to the United States have sparked alarm. We detail what powers Customs and Border Protection officials have over you and your devices.

Mexican Official Says Deporting Non-Mexicans to Mexico Is a ‘Non-Starter’

On the eve of a meeting between Mexico’s President Peña Nieto and American officials, Mexican officials emphatically rejected the latest Trump administration immigration proposal.

Trump quiere que México acepte migrantes deportados de EEUU, incluso si no son mexicanos

El plan es parte de una serie de nuevas medidas migratorias que podría encontrar trabas judiciales y diplomáticas.

Trump Plan: Deport to Mexico Immigrants Crossing Border Illegally, Regardless of Nationality

The idea is part of a raft of immigration proposals signed by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly that are likely to spur international and legal challenges.

Even Suspended Ban Puts Iraqi Interpreter’s Carefully Built American Dream At Risk

An interpreter risked his life working for the U.S. Marines. Now, after eight years in the U.S., his Michigan export business is suffering because it's too risky to leave the country.

Former ‘Border Czar’ Gives Real Facts About Immigration

Alan Bersin says a border wall won’t address the real challenges confronting the U.S. border enforcement system: hopelessly understaffed immigration courts and lawlessness and poverty in Central America.

After Officials Sign Off, Cleveland Clinic Doctor Secretly Returns Home

Suha Abushamma had been forced to leave the United States after President Donald Trump’s travel ban. She sued, and high-level discussions led to her return yesterday.

Despite Judge’s Order, a Cleveland Clinic Doctor Still Can’t Come Back to U.S.

A federal judge’s order has allowed many people with visas to come to the U.S. But Dr. Suha Abushamma isn’t one of them. She was forced to give up her visa. And now she’s suing.

Reader Questions Answered on Trump’s Travel Ban

After the weekend’s chaos surrounding President Donald Trump’s executive order banning refugees and visitors from seven majority Muslim countries, we received lots of questions. Here are some answers.

Will Trump’s Ban Cause Foreign-Born Doctors to Look Elsewhere?

The U.S. has long depended on foreign-born physicians to shore up its ranks and work in rural and blighted urban areas. Now Trump’s ban makes coming to America a risk.

A New State Department Order to Revoke Visas Could Have Far-Reaching Effects

Immigration lawyers are scrambling to understand the meaning of a letter first disclosed late Tuesday.

Cleveland Clinic Medical Trainee Sues to Come Back to U.S.

Dr. Suha Abushamma was denied entry to this country Saturday, hours after President Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning visitors from seven countries.

Trump’s Travel Ban is Wreaking Havoc on Families, Especially Those With Valid Visas

The executive order banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim nations is separating families who made every effort to follow U.S. immigration law.

Trump’s Executive Order Strands Brooklyn Doctor in Sudan

A second-year resident at Interfaith Medical Center in Brooklyn was blocked when he tried to board a flight back from Sudan. Now, he worries what will happen to his patients.

Trump Ban Leaves 12-Year-Old Girl Facing Return to War-Torn Yemen

The girl, whose parents are U.S. citizens, was barred from boarding a plane yesterday and is now in limbo in Djibouti.

Hours After Landing in U.S., Cleveland Clinic Doctor Forced to Leave by Trump’s Order

Dr. Suha Abushamma’s flight back to Saudi Arabia took off minutes before a federal judge ordered such forced removals to stop. “She was basically racing against Trump,” a colleague and friend said.

Trump Order Will Block 500,000 Legal U.S. Residents From Returning to America From Trips Abroad

In banning newcomers from seven countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days, the president has used language that will affect those who are in the U.S. already on visas and green cards

Suspected of Corruption at Home, Powerful Foreigners Find Refuge in the U.S.

Guess where politicians and businessmen fleeing criminal charges find safe haven.

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