The Justice Department’s top antitrust official warned tech giants on Friday that amassing vast quantities of consumers’ data could create competition concerns in the eyes of federal regulators, marking the U.S. government’s latest shot across the bow at Silicon Valley and its size.

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Critics say the company isn’t doing enough to police ads.

Much like Facebook and its tech peers, Google struggles to spot and shield users from potentially problematic political ads -- and disclose what it's removed -- with the 2020 presidential election a year away.

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Yet another investigation is open in California.

California Attorney General Xavier Beccera asked a state court on Wednesday to force Facebook to turn over key documents it has withheld in connection the state’s ongoing investigation into the social-media giant’s privacy practices.

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“The company compromised by the Chinese Communist Party knows where your children are,” Josh Hawley warned.

Facebook on Tuesday acknowledged another privacy mishap on its platform: This time, some app developers and “partners” may have wrongly accessed names and profile photos of users in certain groups.

Apple and TikTok took a lashing Tuesday for choosing to skip a congressional hearing meant to explore the tech industry and its ties to China, an absence that threatens both companies with sustained political scrutiny over their controversial relationships with Beijing.

The tensions inside TikTok's Beijing-based parent company highlight a growing challenge for the American Internet as Chinese tech giants race to expand and compete more directly with social media firms in the West.

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Activists are hopeful they’re getting through to the Facebook chief.

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