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  1. 23
    Thumbnail 2:14
  2. 28
    Thumbnail 3:46
    Thumbnail In this week's episode, Leo Messi's brother takes being a fan to a whole...
  3. 29
    Thumbnail 2:59
    Thumbnail Ryan Bailey's unique take on the shake up at Stamford Bridge.
  4. 30
    Thumbnail 2:50
    Thumbnail Say hello to the squirrel that has taken Loftus Road by storm. Pepe Rein...
  5. 31
    Thumbnail 2:13
    Thumbnail Ryan Bailey's unique take on the need for goal line technology in football
  6. 32
    Thumbnail 2:18
    Thumbnail Steven Gerrard has a hotel dedicated to him. Withcraft in the Ghana lock...
  7. 33
    Thumbnail 2:59
    Thumbnail Ryan Bailey romps through the lighter side of world of football on the K...
  8. 34
    Thumbnail 3:13
    Thumbnail Ryan composes an ode to Harry Redknapp and his recent legal ordeal.
Ryan Bailey romps through the lighter side of world of football on the Kick Back. See Ryan's alternative take on the soccer world's hottest news and gossip.


KICKTV Digital Network:

Global Digital Subscribers: 149,387

Global Digital Views: 106,012,013

Football, soccer, futbol, futebol, calcio... Whatever you call it, KickTV is YouTube's global headquarters to the beautiful game.

London to LA, Buenos Aires to Barcelona, KickTV gets stuck into the footballing world with daily news, analysis, commentary and exclusive interviews.

Every day on KickTV, international stars and respected pundits debate the good, the bad, and the ugly from the English Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, the Bundesliga, and the rest of the world's great leagues.

We've also got you covered for all the biggest international competitions, including the Champions League, the World Cup, and the Euros.

And off the field, KickTV gets behind the scenes to uncover the latest gossip, the most passionate supporters' groups, and the hottest football gear on the market.

Feed your passion. This is KickTV.

KICKTV Digital Network:

Global Digital Subscribers: 149,387

Global Digital Views: 106,012,013

Football, soccer, futbol, futebol, calcio... Whatever you call it, KickTV is YouTube's global headquarters to the beautiful game.

London to LA, Bueno...


123,209 subscribers

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