
Posts published in December, 2007

December 12, 2007, 11:06 am

Elliott Carter at 99

Now here’s a way to celebrate your birthday: Gather hundreds of affectionate fans in a theater, sit as they watch a rare performance of your only opera and bathe in their applause.
So it was for the Elliott Carter, who turned 99 on Tuesday and is one of the most eminent living composers. He was attending [...]

December 7, 2007, 4:42 pm

Spring Break for City Opera?

Talk is swirling that New York City Opera may shut down for the 2008-9 season so its home, the New York State Theater, can undergo acoustical renovations and other fixes desired by Gerard Mortier, the incoming general manager. Further, Mr. Mortier is said to want to discard all the company’s older productions, clearing the decks [...]

London Theater Marathon

Ben Brantley reports a month of theater going in London.

The Atlantic Yards Development: Two Designs: Many Opinions

How do you feel about the switch, or what it says about development in New York?

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(1 comment)

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June 19

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