Braceletgate Update: Left, White House Actually React to Silly ‘Doubtful’ Theory

by Kyle Olson

On Monday, I floated a theory about the purple bracelet Robert Gibbs was wearing on a couple Sunday talk shows.  I wondered if it had any connection to a similar purple bracelet SEIU heavy Andy Stern had worn at some point.


The silly theory, which I called “doubtful,” solicited a reaction that surprised even me.  Besides Robert Gibbs himself tweeting about it, I scored the lefty trifecta: MediaMatters, DailyKos and a blogger for all responded.

A rash of hysterical e-mails also came through.  Consider this gem:

Really Mr. Olson, REALLY? While I’m aware you wingnuts are not the brightest bulbs around, and the fact you are associated with the huge steaming pile of moron known as Breitbart indicates you are quite possibly mentally retarded…

Or this:

God, you are one dumbf–k.

Did your pal, Dickybird suck your brain out your toe?


Hey jackass,

Will you be doing a story about how you took Robert Gibbs wearing a bracelet in support of a little girl with cancer and twisted it into a bulls–t, partisan rant?

Partisan rant?  Please.  That’s the most offensive accusation leveled here.  If anything, it was an American, pro-freedom pondering.

The very fact that Robert Gibbs and the radical left felt the need to respond to a theory I myself called “doubtful” shows how sensitive they are at this point.  The votes don’t appear to be there for ObamaCare and they ain’t happy about it.

Or are they growing overly sensitive about their connection top White House visitor and Enforcement Czar Andy Stern?

The pressure all the above are putting on moderate Democrats is immense.  SEIU has pledged to support Democratic challengers to incumbents who oppose ObamaCare.  Michigan Pro-Life Democrat Bart Stupak already has an intra-party opponent.  Thankfully, for the good of his country’s unborn, he at this point is standing tall.  We’ll have to see if that continues to be the case or if the pressure is more than he can bear.

So Robert – or can I call you Bob? – I said a prayer with my son for the girl with cancer.  But I also said a prayer for our country and that it has leaders who, like our Founding Fathers, believe rights come from our Creator and not from our government.

We’ll have to see how each are answered.