28 February 2005

Multiculturalism In Holland

More honesty about Islamic immigration is emerging from the Netherlands. “Putting the Fear of God into Holland” is long but worth reading start to finish because it reviews the history of multiculturalism’s downfall in one country event by event.

The piece includes this fine quote from former Somali refugee Ayaan Hirsi Ali, now a member of parliament, who has been under police protection since Theo van Gogh’s murder Nov. 2:

“I take back nothing,” she said on a brief return from hiding to parliament. “The essentials of Islam are not compatible with liberal democracy. In the Koran and the Hadith, it says that woman is below man, that nonbelievers have to die, and that people who renounce Islam have to die immediately.”

The jig is up for Dutch diversity when a counter-culturish Amsterdam pot smoker says, “There are too many immigrants in Holland. They are stealing our society.”

Dude, rock on!

On other matters, here are a couple worthwhile blogs from Europe:
bullet DutchReport has lately been following the virtual imprisonment of pro-democracy MPs Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders because of death threats against them from Muslims.

bullet Fjordman has just gotten started and has already posted detailed analysis about the “Muslim rape epidemic” against Swedish women.

Speaking of bloggery, don’t forget to check out the (mostly) daily postings at LimitsToGrowth.

Told You So Department: Race Riot in Prison

Patterico who did a graphic post on the LA Times’s naivetĂ©. about interracial violence in prison,(the same thing that Steve Sailer wrote about Sunday, )has a “told you so” post today, which points to this story:

Prison is still on lockdown after race riot:

The state prison in Tehachapi remained on lockdown Friday after violent race riot broke out among hundreds of inmates, leaving three of them injured.

In all, 480 inmates went after one another in the common yard at 6:10 p.m. Thursday, said Mike Coghlan, a spokesman for the California Correctional Institution in Tehachapi, a medium security facility.

The melee between black and Latino inmates lasted 40 minutes before guards were able to bring it under control using tear gas, pepper spray and nonlethal baton rounds from firearms, Coghlan said.

Oh, violence. Is that what the policy was about? And Patterico adds the following point: “prisoners are not as racially sensitive as the rest of us, and often engage in violence due to race.” Yes, of course. That’s why they’re prisoners, because they can’t control their impulsiveness. It always amazes me that the SPLC is going around investigating think tanks, when there are all these criminals out there.

How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By NAACP

Don’t show the them Chris Rock’s famous video, How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By the Police, as the Associated Press reports that Florida’s Juvenile Justice Secretary Anthony Schembri , did.

As a result, six black lawmakers are calling for his removal.

Rock’s video, a spoof of a driver training video, makes the point that many confrontations with police are not caused by racism, they’re caused by stupidity or criminal behavior on the part of the suspect. He even goes so far as to say that Rodney King should have stopped his car, rather than speeding away at 110 MPH. You can see the video here, or try this direct link in AVI format. [Strong language, don't play it out loud at work]

“Schembri’s spokesman, Tom Denham, said it was shown as part of a discussion on racial profiling and Schembri previously used it when teaching college courses to stimulate discussions.”

And of course, it’s, somewhat predictably, stimulated discussion about his losing his job, for “Speaking truth to power.”

By the way, Rock’s advice is all addressed to the driver of the car, in a traffic stop. “When you see flashing police lights in your mirror, stop immediately. Everybody knows if the police have to come and get you, they’re bringing an ass-kickin’ with them.”

Passengers should consider asking, before they go for a ride, “Is this car stolen? Are you planning to drive at 100, 120, 130, or any other three digit numbers? Are you drunk?” I can tell you, this happened to me, 25 years ago in Daytona, (the car was a rental, but the other factors applied) and the guy I was riding with did get his ass kicked. (Everyone involved was white.)

Dual Citizenship– Isn’t It Ironic?

Dimitri Vassilaros, of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, has an article about dual citizenship,[ Part-Time Patriots, ] pegged to Alanis Morrisette’s taking the Oath Of Allegiance as an American citizen. She has reassured her Canadian fans that she wasn’t, like, loyal to the US, but was retaining dual-citizenship, like Salma Hayek. The article quotes Peter Brimelow and Ed Rubenstein. For the story of Brimelow’s own swearing-in, go here.

Okay, okay, I know it sounds too good to be true. But the question of dual citizenship really was hotly discussed in a crowd of my fellow Americans-to-be as we all waited patiently for the judge to arrive and administer the Oath of Allegiance one summer day back in 1994. The woman behind me reflected the consensus. “Of course!” she forcefully declared to general approval, in the event of another military draft she would send her children back to the Caribbean — which she could do precisely because they all were retaining their original citizenship. While waiting to “swear allegiance”! With court officers all around!

More Goodies from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune

Reading the Minneapolis Star Tribune continues to be a pleasure. As I recently noted, the combination of the area’s robustly candid political tradition, the comparative newness of immigration there, and the trouble it causes in this previously highly functional part of the country, produces stories that PC censorship in other areas of America would suppress.

A recent article on health insurance follows this valuable pattern. The authors report that although inhabitants of this well-organized state have a high rate of health insurance by national standards

“The number of Minnesotans without health insurance jumped nearly 30 percent over the past three years… The percentage of Minnesotans without health insurance jumped from 5.4 percent in 2001 to 6.7 percent in 2004…fewer Minnesotans are getting health coverage through their jobs, another sign that employers are cutting or scaling back health care benefits, because of the rising cost of those benefits…”[More Minnesotans are not insured by Glenn Howatt and Josephine Murphy, Star Tribune February 26 2005]],

Hispanic non-insured, the writers acknowledge, are the immediate reason for the increase:

“nearly one-third of Hispanics didn’t have insurance coverage in 2004, nearly double the rate in 2001… most work at jobs that don’t provide insurance or can’t afford the insurance that is offered”

But then the article goes on to lay out the facts: the non-payment by Hispanics of their health costs, (either via insurance premiums or direct settlement) is boosting bills for other Minnesotans, and causing their coverage to erode.

“there is same agreement that an increase in the uninsured means that both taxpayers and those with health insurance will pay the price.

“You get into a death spiral,” said Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis. “There are more and more uninsured, more and more uncompensated care, more and more costs left on the people who do have insurance,”

Bruce Rueben, executive director of the Minnesota Hospital Association… said decreasing employer coverage was partly responsible… Hospitals are forced to pass those costs along to patients who have insurance, he said.

“It ends up raising the cost of health care for everybody else”

The article concludes of course with the usual tear-jerking for Hispanics

“At the same time, Latinos are often distrustful of government programs and may not sign up for them even if they are eligible”

The obvious question, of course, is: why should Hispanic immigrants pay for any health care, when they can, in effect, steal it? Either from the Taxpayers directly, or, via the hospital Emergency Rooms, from private sector insurers via cost redistribution, and ultimately from legal employees via higher premiums and reduced benefits?

Ask Glenn Howatt and Josephine Marcotty

27 February 2005

Is it already too late?

…for the traditional “conservative” alliance of the rich and middle class? The rich simply couldn’t restrain themselves from profiting from Open Borders.

What that means is that right now, if it weren’t for intense gerrymandering there would be 20-40 additional Congressmen similar to Dennis Kucinich and Peter Defazio.

Now, from a standpoint of the National Question, there is a big difference between Peter Defazio and Liberals like, say, Teddy Kennedy.

I tend to think the Dems are even more out of line with what their membership wants than the GOP is—but because of the nature of the Dem. party rules it is much more likely we can get more Peter Defazios than more Tom Tancredos.

Guarding the Border, For Real

Clayton Cramer has a post on the border security problem, pointing to his earlier post, which pictures, science-fiction style, what might happen if the United States got serious about illegal immigration. Thirty Years On: A History of the National Border Security Act of 2005. The whole thing is an answer to the folks who say that the border can’t be guarded.

AZ Official Chooses Aliens Over Americans

In Tombstone, Arizona, Cochise county officials are considering utilizing zoning codes to attempt to stop a group of citizens from all over the U.S. who plan to gather there for the purpose of calling attention to the consequences of the open borders of the Bush White House.

Interesting that the Arizona Republic reports[ 'Minutemen' may face zoning hurdle, Feb 25] that a Cochise county Arizona supervisor, Paul Newman, wants to “regulate” the planned gathering of fed up American patriots with the comment that local government needs to “minimize the potential for violence and property damage”…and but “I do feel that the county has an obligation to take preventive action that can minimize the potential for violence and property damage that a large gathering of armed individuals…”

Angry citizen to Mr. Newman …when do you begin to use the law to end the invasion of your county, the resulting violence and property damage by the 4000 illegal aliens who illegally cross from the Arizona borders from Mexico every day?

Let me see if I have Newman figured out here -Influx of Americans trying to save their nation— bad? Invasion by Mexico—good?

Pick a side County Supervisor Newman. The President already has.

From here in Marietta, we will follow the next Cochise county Arizona Supervisor election with interest.


26 February 2005

Sam Francis and Martin Luther King

In 2027 the Martin Luther King FBI archives are due to be unsealed. Since by then, not being Spanish speaking, MLK will have lost his privileged minority status, there will be nothing to stop the final truth coming out. Almost an entire generation of politicians and commentators will look, at best, foolish.

Sam Francis will then emerge, along with Senator Jesse Helms and a handful of other brave men, as a hero who tried to defend his country from becoming a laughing stock. Sam was key to the valiant resistance that was mounted. Personally, I will always treasure the wonderful remark he made to visiting Russian legislators, but history is likely to see the MLK battle as Sam’s finest moment. We archive his account here, and the famous Jesse Helms speech, to which he contributed so much, here.

25 February 2005

Passports to Peril

The Corporate Welfare Queens in the Bush administration are failing to put even the most basic of security mechanisms into their next generation passports according to Wired News: No Encryption for E-Passports, February 24. This Bush policy will of course make illegal immigration-and other forms of fraud much easier.