28 February 2006

Jeff Davis Milton–First Border Patrolman

You’ve probably never heard of Skeeter Skelton, who died in 1988, ; he was a Border lawman and a writer for Shooting Times. I used to read his stuff when I was younger.

Some of his writings have been reproduced on the web, including this one: Jeff Davis Milton. Milton, as you can probably tell by the name, was born in the late Confederacy, in 1861, son of the Governor of Florida. Here’s part of what Skeeter Skelton had to say about his career.

In 1904, Jeff was appointed to the unique position of Mounted Chinese Inspector. This was a job under the Immigration Service, then part of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The Border Patrol had not yet been organized, and Milton’s commission came directly from President Theodore Roosevelt. Hordes of Chinese were being smuggled out of an antagonistic Mexico into the U.S., which prohibited their entry.

The point to remember here is that people came all the way from China to cross the Mexican border, because the antagonisticMexican government didn’t give a damn. Can you think of any modern parallels?

Here’s another one which may interest Vdare.com readers:

[In 1919]was assigned to assist in guarding a boatload of Russian radicals comprised of Emma Goldman and her followers on their deportation to Russia. Jeff lusted for trouble and stocked up on extra ammunition, but to his disappointment, the crossing was tranquil.

There’s a brief history of the early days of the Border Patrol on the CBP website, and a couple of stories about Milton’s early days as a gunfighter in the Tombstone Tumbleweed, here, and here.

The Miltons of Florida claimed to be descended from the author of Paradise Lost, so I can’t resist the temptation to say, (after Wordsworth) “Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour: the Border hath need of thee.”

Multiculturalism Crumbling, However Late

It is fascinating to watch the ideology of multiculturalism deteriorate, as Europeans increasingly admit that all cultures are not morally equal. The ugly evidence about Islam (aka “the Religion of Peace”) continues to mount, most recently during the nasty Cartoon Jihad in which enraged Muslims rioted and murdered over drawings showing Islam as inherently violent. None in the howling mobs from London to Indonesia grasped the irony of their behavior.

Even the shallow scribblers over at Newsweek have noticed that the Dutch now insist upon a new social contract with Muslim immigrants in which assimilation is a big part of the deal: “The End of Tolerance.”

British writer Douglas Murray is less chipper about Europe’s prospects for cultural survival. He has been watching the Netherlands’ rapid devolution from being “Europe’s freest country” to a “dark and worried” place, because of Islamic immigration [ We should fear Holland's silence, February 26, 2006, Sunday Times].

Holland — with its disproportionately high Muslim population — is the canary in the mine. Its once open society is closing, and Europe is closing slowly behind it. It looks, from Holland, like the twilight of liberalism — not the “liberalism” that is actually libertarianism, but the liberalism that is freedom. Not least freedom of expression. [...]

Europe is shuffling into darkness. It is proving incapable of standing up to its enemies, and in an effort to accommodate the peripheral rights of a minority is failing to protect the most basic rights of its own people.

Murray was reflecting from Amsterdam, where he and several other scholars of Eurabia (including Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes) had congregated for the Pim Fortuyn Memorial Conference. Murray wasn’t familiar with using a pseudonym for safety reasons, as were some of the other speakers. He observed the high level of security was “just one level below ‘national emergency’” — as well it should have been, with Members of Parliament Geert Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali still living under constant police protection because of Muslim death threats.

With these warning signs all around, none of our pro-borders stalwarts in Congress has suggested that Muslim immigration be reduced or ended. Why is that?

A New Mexican Minuteman Comments on Senator Pete Domenici

While gathering information about my column, “Domenici Disgraces Italian-Americans with WISH Bill,” I spoke to Bob Wright, New Mexico State Director of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

When Wright learned about Domenici’s WISH bill, he called the Senator’s local office and spoke to a staffer named Ben.

Wright demanded to know why the GOP is so determined to destroy what remains of its credibility while it systematically is going about obliterating the country.

Ben had no intelligent answer. In fact, Ben didn’t even have a foolish answer.

Wright told me that New Mexicans are increasingly aware of the social consequences of unchecked illegal immigration into their state. According to Wright, interest in volunteering for border watch operations for the New Mexico Minutemen is on the upswing. Information on volunteering can be found here or e-mail Wright here

English Required To Graduate High School?

A reader writes: “Did you see this? The headline is “Unfair burden?” above a story about California requiring high school students to be able to speak, read, and write English to graduate.”

The long sob story, by Nanette Asimov (email her), San Francisco Chronicle, February 27 2006, reveals that 73,270 California high school seniors - one in five of the state’s Class 0f 2006 - are “in the same pickle.”

27 February 2006

Borders, in Berkeley?

Would it be possible to see a play about immigration in uber-lib Berkeley that does not bombard the theatre-goer with guilt trips about long-suffering Juan and his search for a better life in the cruel land of gringos?

As a matter of fact, yes. I expected the supporters of sovereignty to receive a thespian thrashing by the play Shadow Crossing and was pleasantly surprised. Is a smidge of sanity creeping into the People’s Republic of Berkeley, known for its unceasing adoration for all things ethnic and anti-American? Perhaps.

The play weaves a crisis-of-conscience story about Martin, a gay photographer, his straight woman friend Emily who is a school teacher and an illegal alien named Rafael.

Martin believes America is unfriendly to gays and he is in the midst of emigrating to Canada when Mexican Rafael shows up at the studio to wash the windows. Emily is there having a photo made and is taken aback that Martin would thoughtlessly hire an obvious illegal. Their disagreement leads to her revelation that she is joining the Minutemen to help with the border watch. Martin is appalled that his friend could be part of activities he sees as very right wing.

Emily brings up the standard arguments against open borders — costs to citizens, depressed wages, etc. in about 10 seconds. Her character would have been more believable had her Minuteman motivation been laid down more strongly. But she is not depicted as an evil racist, which is what I expected in border-bashing Berkeley.

I could have done without the exclusively Mexican music before, at the break and after. There were a couple of scenes with now-deceased immigrants that were mostly pointless. But on the whole, the play was balanced and stimulated discussion.

One little play does not necessarily mean that a corner has been rounded. But on the way home, I felt that progress has been made if a non-toxic treatment of immigration can be seen in a bastion of extreme leftism.

26 February 2006

Memo To The Illegal Alien Lobby

Memo to the illegal alien lobby here in Georgiafornia.

I read about your partners in crime in Maryland and their partially U.S. government financed effort to not only assist violations of existing federal law, but to stalk the brave Americans there who are working to track and expose the criminal employers and the illegals that are colonizing my nation.

According to the WorldNetDaily report some of your accomplices plan to shadow and attempt to intimidate Americans who are demanding that the rule of law be equally applied. Even for Latinos.[Illegals-advocate group to stalk Minutemen kids, February 25, 2006]

A Maryland organization that runs four government-funded day-labor hiring centers is training volunteer “legal observers” to videotape members of the Minuteman border security group and to picket their homes, places of work and their children’s schools.

“We are going to target them in a specific way,” Gustavo Torres, executive director of Casa de Maryland [email him]told the Maryland Gazette, speaking of the Minutemen volunteers who have set up a surveillance site across the street to discreetly photograph contractors who pick up day laborers at the center.

Going out with their own cameras will only be the first step his group takes.

“Then we are going to picket their houses, and the schools of their kids, and go to their work,” Torres said. “If they are going to do this to us, we are going to respond in the same way, to let people know their neighbors are extremists, that they are anti-immigrant. They are going to hear from us.”

While I enjoy very much reading of your desperation, the fact that you are getting donations from my tax dollars to assist the violation of federal laws designed to protect Americans is a fact which I want more people to be aware.

The most recent annual report for Casa de Maryland, a non-profit, shows $2,771,615 in income for 2004-2005, of which 51 percent was provided by various government agencies.

So… know this. I take and present photographs of illegal aliens , their employers and the elected officials here who enable them. And more.

I work hard to have you as a group fined and/or put in prison, where you belong, seven days a week…at my own expense.

While I do not have any children for you to stalk, I am listed in the phone book and am very visible in the Georgia Capitol, at one of your Field Marshall’s banks here and am generally very easy to find.

Come stalk and attempt to intimidate me. Anytime. Por Favor.

D. A. King

Chicago Schools Stand Up To Immigration Bullies

Last November, the Elmwood Park School District in Illinois refused to allow a foreign student to attend high school. [Thanks for the tip,Bob!!]

Sharon M. (an assumed identity to conceal her from immigration authorities) is an Ecuadorean national here on a tourist visa. As we all know, our public school system is not allowed to deny admission to any student based on their immigration status. Simply put, if people bring their kids here illegally the rest of us still have to pay for their education…in fact, I think that is the new definition of The American Dream.

As far as the school district was concerned, Sharon was here on a tourist visa which implied that her stay was temporary as opposed to an immigration status (even, ironically, an illegal status) which implied that she was in fact, a resident…of sorts.

Funny enough, I don’t think I have ever heard of an immigrant actually leaving after their tourist visa had expired but who knows, anything is possible.

In any event, the State of Illinois cried “foul” and told the Elmwood School District to amend their policy or face sanctions.

The school district refused and the State of Illinois cut off their funding–yes, their funding. The other 2,799 students in the district would no longer have a school to attend, teachers would not be paid and public education would cease to exist…and for what?

According to the Chicago Tribune article,

“Elmwood Park school officials refused to admit the girl and allegedly told her they would report her to immigration authorities, said Alonzo Rivas, a staff attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, who talked to the girl about suing the district.”[State slaps district that barred teen: Elmwood Park schools risk millions in immigrant case, By Colleen Mastony and Diane Rado , February 24, 2006]

Ooh, MALDEF wants to represent a foreign national in a lawsuit against the United States? That’s a new one!

Then I read another story by the same writer:Unfazed by flap, barred student enjoys new life, By Colleen Mastony, Chicago Tribune February 24, 2006

Sharon M. is apparently living life down in Florida seemingly, without a care in the world. When her relatives informed her that she would be allowed to attend high school back in Chicago she replied “Like I would want to go back there.”

Isn’t that great? Back in Chicago, this oblivious little brat (perhaps she is not but that is what her behavior shows her to be) left a hailstorm of problems for thousands of students but is too busy playing at the beach to give them a second thought.

Yeah, she’s real distraught about the ordeal.

Why do Americans fight illegal immigration? Why has their frustration carried over to immigration in general?

This is why!

Please email Elmwood Park School District and thank them for their efforts.

Please email the State of Illinois Department of Education–Dr. Randy J. Dunn, Superintendant of Schools.

U.S Veterans Getting the Shaft

VDARE.COM editor D.A. King has written an important Op-ed in today’s Washington Times titled “A Second Look at Veteran Priorities” on the hosing veterans are getting on their medical care.

While millions of illegal immigrants riding free, veterans like D.A. are seeing their medical benefits cut back. As a doctor friend told me, “You pay more because they pay nothing.”

D.A. poses two important questions: 1) When did illegal aliens become more important to the federal government than U.S. veterans? 2) Will today’s soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan also be turned away when their time of need comes so that the government can fund unlimited alien health care?

See my 2003 column “Illegal Aliens: The Health Cost Dimension” that analyzes the cost of providing for aliens at the expense of veterans.

Bryanna Email…A Little Backed Up, Folks

Just a quick note to the more than 200 people who responded to my Confederate Flag column:

Thanks for writing to me! I am not ignoring you but I am already behind on email so please be patient with me–I will write back!

SUCH a burden to be so popular (don’t hate me because I’m beautiful, D.A. King!)….hee hee.

Warmest regards, Bryanna

Blumenthal vs. Brimelow, Again

In his long, boring article Princeton Tilts Right (The Nation, March 13 2006), part of the evidence that Max Blumenthal cites to prove that Robby George’s James Madison Program is a covert Klavern is…me. Blumenthal describes me as a “white nationalist author.” And he complains that I was invited to speak at a Madison seminar on “Contemporary Politics of Immigration in the United States” last year.

Of course, it’s absurd to describe me as a “White Nationalist”. My book Alien Nation focuses on the political nation and makes a broad case that current immigration policy particularly hurts American minorities, above all blacks.

But even if I were I a White Nationalist, so what? Would Blumenthal object to a Zionist being invited to speak?

What is particularly disingenuous about this Blumenthal bilge is that anyone can see, by clicking here, scrolling down and clicking on the January 28-29 Schedule icon, that the conference contained numerous orthodox academic types, who in fact upheld Princeton’s honor by being suitably scandalized at what I had to say. And it was organized by Carol Swain, the remarkable Vanderbilt Law professor who is herself an African-American.

This doesn’t fit Blumenthal’s KKKonspiracy theory. So he doesn’t mention it.

I used to think that this sort of thing was deliberate. But I have come to the conclusion that Blumenthal and his ilk, such a plague on American debate, are genuinely in a sort of religious frenzy, using falsehood to whip themselves up into hysterical rage. Faith explains the extraordinary naivety of some of their arguments. Blumenthal just assumes that to assert someone is a White Nationalist is enough to prove that they are evil.

Similarly, Blumenthal attacks political scientist James Kurth, who he says is George’s “mentor,” for having once written about “the collapse of the Protestant (WASP) ascendancy in the American intellectual and legal elites and…the ascendancy of Jews into those elites.” He doesn’t say why this comment is so outrageous. Apparently, he thinks it’s self-evident.

Then Blumenthal turns around and complains that “George [a Catholic] is known around campus as a nice guy whose attendance at High Holiday services with his Jewish wife embodies the personal qualities that have endeared him to the Princeton community.” Apparently, what endears you to the Princeton elite is self-evident too.

Last time I had to give Blumenthal a boot, he didn’t publish a email address. But he now has a blog and it looks like he can be contacted here.