30 September 2009

Hiroshi Motomura’s Review Of Alien Nation 14 Years Later

Hiroshi Motomura’s Michigan Law Review article about Alien Nation showed up in a search result recently, and I had a look at what are some standard soundbites that critics complained of at the time. (An early example of what Kathy Shaidle calls “Ransom Note Racism.”) Motomura wrote

Brimelow asserts that were it not for U.S. immigration policy, Colin Ferguson, with his “hatred of whites,” would not have come to this country, and no one would have been killed in the Long Island Rail Road shootings (pp. 6-7). Brimelow warns us not to “embrace” Haitian refugees because they may be HIV-positive (p. 113). He tells us that seventy-five percent of Nigerians are involved in perpetrating fraud schemes (p. 186), and that the “legacy of Chaka, founder of the Zulu Empire . . . is not that of Alfred the Great, let alone that of Elizabeth II or any civilized society” (p. 108).

Well, since then we’ve seen a lot of violence in South Africa, a lot of Nigerian fraud, and conditions in Haiti aren’t much better. I just want to mention that Nigerian crime figure–it’s from David Simcox’s The Nigerian Crime Network [PDF] published in the Social Contract in 1993 before ordinary American had heard of email.

Of course Peter Brimelow had footnoted it in Alien Nation, but Motomura seems to think Peter was just making it up. Just so you know, Simcox’s estimate–based on law enforcement sources–wasn’t 75 percent, it was 75 to 90 percent.

Tracey Ullman’s Death Row Weddings

Somebody asked if there’s ever been a movie about Death Row weddings.

Here’s Tracey Ullman’s recent clip in which she plays the current Mrs. Wet Wipe Killer and the future Mrs. Tastee-Freez Rapist.

And here’s an earlier Tracey Takes On in which fierce lawyeress Sydney Kross convinces meek bank teller Kay Clark to marry her Death Row penpal so Sydney can make an appeal for leniency.

Norman Hsu, Immigrant Success Story? Not!

This was a report from the Wall Street Journal:

Democratic Donor Gets 24-Year Term


SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

NEW YORK — A federal judge Tuesday sentenced Democratic fund-raiser Norman Hsu to more than 24 years in prison for illegally funneling money to U.S. political candidates and for defrauding investors in a multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme.

Ponzi, of course, was an earlier immigrant entreptreneur. And in its story the Journal actually mentions he’s “a legal U.S. immigrant from Hong Kong,” but you’ll notice it doesn’t go in the headline. Typical WSJ headlines about immigrants are

and, this a personal favorite

Hsu, by the way, is pronounced “Shoe” which has led to a number of bad puns, such as Hsu-per California Donors Extradition Opus (which are racist.) However, in spite of the Journal mentioning it, the majority of the media don’t.  A search for “Norman Hsu” bings up 770 results–a search for “Norman Hsu AND immigrant” brings up 6.

Why the Democrats dread 2010

The news that President Obama circumvented Congress to appoint a “Diversity Czar” called Mark Lloyd at the Fedaral Communications Commission never really became news. But the information that he is a Hugo Chavez admirer and a determined quota enforcer did: ‘Diversity czar’ takes heat over remarks By Amanda Carpenter The Washington Times Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This man is a Cultural Marxist.

Three VDARE.com writers have considered this scandalous situation. Brenda Walker was annoyed at his assertion that Media management was too white. Steve Sailer was incredulous that anyone should think gays were underrepresented. And James Fulford had his pet peeve that the MSM are evasive about Race.

For myself, I think the news is wonderful. The senior management of the MSM - heavily Jewish and viciously and intolerantly liberal/leftist - has proven itself to be ground zero of Obamania.

So what kind of a moron would threaten them - and knowingly threaten them?

“There’s nothing more difficult than this because we have really truly, good, white people in important positions… unless we are conscious of the need to have more people of color, gays, other people in those positions, we will not change the problem. But we’re in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power.”

This kind of Moron.

It is pure JP Rushton – complete with verbal fluency. Axelrod and Emanuel and the gang just will not be able to keep them quiet

I repeat what I said concerning President Obama’s stupid references to Illegals getting health coverage:

The Democrats will lose the House in 2010. The issue for patriots is ensuring the benefitting GOP Leadership is not a cloud of drones

American whites are realizing who Obama is – and this time they will vote.

Killer Groupies No New Phenomenon

The killer groupies Steve mentions below aren’t a new phenomenon. Mark Twain wrote an essay Lionizing Murderers about what he calls “the Pike-Brown assassination case in New Hampshire”, which you can read here as State v. Pike. (49 N. H. 399)

Here’s his description of the how the women of New Hampshire treated Pike during his brief stay on what passed for Death Row in the mid-19th century (the future tense is because he imagines the murderer speaking to a fortune teller)

“You will rob the dead bodies of your benefactors, and disburse your gains in riotous living among the rowdies and courtesans of Boston. Then you will, be arrested, tried, condemned to be hanged, thrown into prison. Now is your happy day. You will be converted–you will be converted just as soon as every effort to compass pardon, commutation, or reprieve has failed–and then!–Why, then, every morning and every afternoon, the best and purest young ladies of the village will assemble in your cell and sing hymns. This will show that assassination is respectable. Then you will write a touching letter, in which you will forgive all those recent Browns. This will excite the public admiration. No public can withstand magnanimity. Next, they will take you to the scaffold, with


29 September 2009

Those Are Going To Be Some Long Bus Rides!

As you may recall, the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision hinged in surprising proportion on an experiment done by sociologist Kenneth Clark in which black children tended to choose to play with (store-bought) white dolls over (home-made) black dolls, demonstrating (according to the Supreme Court’s fearless interpretation) that segregated schools damaged black self-esteem.

From a WSJ article on a Chinese toy manufacturer who is reorienting from the American to the Chinese domestic market:

“The company had some initial hiccups. For the domestic market, the designers’ first instinct was to make the dolls with yellow-toned skin and black hair, to match their Chinese owners. The response wasn’t so good: It turned out many Chinese girls preferred dolls with pink skin and blond hair.”

“Killer Groupies An Unexplained Mystery”

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

Killer Groupies an unexplained mystery
Stefan Tomik, Chronicle Staff Writer

Even in his death row cell, satanic serial killer and rapist Richard Ramirez, the “Night Stalker,”receives bags of mail. And of the dozens of people who try to contact him each year, officials say, about 90 percent are women.


Castro Has At Least Ten Children By Six Women

Fidel Castro has kept his private life intensely secret, but it turns out to be exactly what you’d expect. The Telegraph totes up the numbers uncovered so far in Fidel Castro’s Cuba full of his offspring after years of womanizing by El Commandante.”

Protesting American Worker Displacement Works–Hyatt Hiring Back Some American Housekeepers

The Hyatt hotel in Boston continues to get national media attention because the housekeepers and other hotel workers that lost their jobs to cheap foreign labor are raising a big stink. This is an example of the squeaky wheel getting the oil. After a huge public outcry the Hyatt relented by announcing that they will rehire 98 housekeepers at their original salary.

A YouTube video titled “Civil Disobedience: Sit Down at Park Hyatt Chicago” shows a boisterous protest that occurred over the weekend in Chicago:

One thing I noticed that is amusing and dismaying at the same time is that the protestors were constantly chanting “Sí,se puede”. Talk about clueless! That innocent sounding chant with the literal translation of “yes, we can” is actually the battle cry of the open borders and amnesty crowds as well as leftist supporters of Obama. The chant as used in immigration protests is a treasonous call to separatism that is closer in meaning to: “yes, we can overcome the white people in the U.S. to reclaim our land!” So, the Hyatt protestors completely missed the irony of their own actions.

Amidst all the controversy, have we learned anything about who the foreigners were that were contracted by Hospitality Staffing Solutions (HSS) to work at the Hyatt?

In the newsletter last week, I assumed that HSS was using the H-2B visa because it seemed unlikely that HSS and/or Hyatt would use illegal aliens to replace Americans in such a blatant and high profile manner. The hotel jobs that were lost are often filled by H-2B so it seemed like the natural choice. Now, however, there is circumstantial evidence that at least some of the cheap laborers were illegal aliens. A recent Boston Globe article has a bizarre quote from the HSS president that is a real head scratcher:

“Holliday said all Hospitality Staffing Solutions workers are legally authorized to work. But three Boston-area workers told the Globe on Monday that they were undocumented to work in the United States.”Hotel staffing company faced wage complaints, By Katie Johnston Chase, Boston Globe,September 26, 2009

Both HSS and the Hyatt claim to use E-verify to validate the legal status of their employees, so the contractors had to have some kind of documents, like for instance fraudulent social security and identity cards. Calling them “undocumented” seems to be a nonsensical and politically correct way of saying that several of them are illegal aliens. This entire episode calls into question the claim that E-verify is 99.5% accurate, and that alone should spark an investigation!

There were a lot of Hyatt workers who lost their jobs but so far it’s not at all clear what types of visas were used for the other 95 workers at the Hyatt. The mix of illegal aliens to legal H-2B visa holders is not known at this time. We may never find out because the immigration angle of this story is being swept under the rug by the mainstream media. Except for the lame description of “undocumented” in the Boston Globe the recent news articles on the Hyatt incident completely avoid even mentioning that the replacement workers were immigrants.

Even Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick spoke out against the Hyatt and called for a boycott, but he dodged the issue of immigration like it was the black plague or the swine flu. Of course that shouldn’t come as a surprise from a governor that supports in-state tuition and drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

The Hyatt story should warrant an investigation by the DHS and the DOL, but now that the workers have been placated the controversy might fade away. It might also be worth investigating how many of the 98 Hyatt workers that were replaced were here legally. This could actually be a story of low paid illegal aliens who were hired to replace higher paid illegals!

In conclusion it’s a positive sign that so many people became outraged when the Hyatt used cheap foreign labor to replace more expensive workers, however I’m a little miffed because for years engineers, scientists, and computer programmers have been forced to train their H-1B and L-1 replacements. There was very little public outrage even though the incidents have been very well documented. So, why does the public and the media seem to care so much about $15 an hour housekeeping jobs while at the same time they don’t bat an eye when corporations give away high-tech jobs that pay two to ten times as much?

(Bill) Clinton on “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” and Demographics

There’s a lot to be said for former presidents just gracefully retiring, writing their memoirs, relaxing, taking up hobbies or playing golf. They’d certainly do less damage.

Former president Bill Clinton, however, will not shut up. In an recent interview, Clinton brought up the famed “vast-right-wing conspiracy”. During his presidency, Clinton’s wife Hillary brought up the purported existence of such a conspiracy. According to the Associated Press:

Bill Clinton says a vast, right-wing conspiracy that once targeted him is now focusing on President Barack Obama. The ex-president made the comment in a television interview when he was asked about one of the signature moments of the Monica Lewinsky affair over a decade ago. Back then, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton used the term “vast, right-wing conspiracy” to describe how her husband’s political enemies were out to destroy his presidency.

Bill Clinton Speaks of Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy

Notice what else Bill said :

Bill Clinton was asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” whether the conspiracy is still there. He replied: “You bet. Sure it is. It’s not as strong as it was because America has changed demographically. But it’s as virulent as it was.”

Did you catch that about the demographic change weakening the “the vast right-wing conspiracy”? In other words, Clinton is pointing out that immigration is swamping American with Democratic voters and he’s happy with that.

What about the supposed “vast right-wing conspiracy”? Wouldn’t it be working overtime to stop the importation of Democratic voters? Why hasn’t it had much success on that?