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March 17th, 2010 21:12

Speaking at Seaford on Saturday

If you happen to be in the area, and are interested in coming, I'm doing a public meeting in Seaford on Saturday morning, in support of the Conservative candidate for Lewes, Jason Sugarman. The meeting will take place at 11.00 am at the Baptist Church on Belgrave Road.

March 17th, 2010 19:01

After defence spending, Gordon Brown gets it wrong again – quoting from the Telegraph

Gordon Brown did not get things quite right in today’s Prime Minister’s Questions when he quoted from an article I wrote in The Daily Telegraph disclosing the Conservatives’ links with the trade unions. He told the Commons today: “The Rt Hon Gentleman [David Cameron] has come a long way from a few months ago, when The Daily… Read more

March 17th, 2010 19:00

Breaking news: Fundamentalist-linked council official resigns

Lutfur Ali, one of the key figures in the fundamentalist Islamic Forum of Europe/ East London Mosque's influence over Tower Hamlets Council, has tonight resigned, the council confirmed. Mr Ali was the second most powerful officer on the council and his departure is a major blow to the fundamentalists. The IFE's opponents are overjoyed. "This is the… Read more

March 17th, 2010 17:11

Another day, another early finish for MPs

The dog days continue. The House of Commons packed up for the day today at 4.08pm. Having shown their faces for PMQs, a fair few MPs are now leaving Westminster again, heading back to their constituencies to get on with their still-undeclared election campaigns. In the words of one Labour whip:… Read more

March 17th, 2010 16:17

The ugly multiculturalist mob baying for the blood of Trevor Phillips


The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights has made some stinging criticisms of the Equality and Human Rights Commission and its chairman, Trevor Phillips. The sound of the mob baying for vengeance and blood, or the hyenas pursuing a wounded quarry, is far from attractive at the best of times. Recently, as Trevor Phillips’s former… Read more

March 17th, 2010 15:05

Gay adoption: a setback for Labour in its vicious war against the Churches

An unexpected victory today for Catholic Care, the adoption agency for the dioceses of Leeds, Middlesbrough, and Hallam, which went to the High Court to stop the Government and the Charity Commission forcing it to refer children to gay couples. Harriet will be furious! If only our blogger Cristina Odone had taken tea with Ms Harman… Read more

March 17th, 2010 15:00

Carol Ann Duffy's David Beckham poem is surprisingly moving


It’s easy to scoff at the idea of the poet laureate waxing lyrical on David Beckham’s tendon trouble, but I actually really like Achilles, the latest from Carol Ann Duffy. You could take it as a reflection on the nature of modern heros – the fact that today’s golden boy is goldenballs – or a… Read more

March 17th, 2010 14:06

The Pope, Eichmann and the Nazi 'Ratlines'

Germany is fighting to keep sealed the Adolf Eichmann files detailing the years the Holocaust chief logistical organiser spent on the run before he was captured by Mossad agents. Those hoping to have a 50-year secrecy order overturned believe the government is embarrassed by details within that may prove German and Vatican officials colluded in his… Read more

March 17th, 2010 13:49

Gordon Brown refuses to back the travelling public against the BA strikers

Even by the PM's standards, his performance at Prime Minister's Questions today was lamentable. Repeatedly pressed by David Cameron, he refused to criticise the British Airways strikers or back the travelling public. Why? Because, since Gordon Brown took over, £11 million – 25 per cent of all Labour Party funding – has come from the BA strikers'… Read more

March 17th, 2010 12:55

Finally, Gordon Brown is forced to admit the truth about Defence spending


Even when Gordon Brown is forced to admit he has made a mistake, he still cannot bring himself to tell the truth. At today's PMQ's the prime minister was finally forced to admit something most of us knew already, that, as Chancellor, he presided over a cut, in real terms, in the defence budget.