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“After suffering the attacks of September 11th, I could have understood an American wanting to participate in a rowdy demonstration where enemy leaders were burned in effigy. Instead, it is the people supporting our attackers who routinely hold violent demonstrations, demonstrations where the participants burn our flag while they pray for, plan for, and attempt to execute our country’s complete annihilation. And yet, for some reason, despite only a handful of revenge crimes nationwide, we still must endure lecturing from the Left about tolerance.” More >>
Anti-war protesters, who probably can’t identify any war in history worth fighting, declare this war to be “racist” and say that they won’t help us fight. Don’t worry, guys; we weren’t planning on your support in the first place. More >>
“We’re in a fight for survival, we must destroy our enemy before we ourselves are destroyed. Some of us understand this; people can call us ’simple’ if that makes them feel superior. But we simpletons apparently see something that smarter people can’t: we must defeat al Qaeda before they get the bomb, or we’re toast. Not recognizing that simple fact is a sign of someone who’s a little too smart for their own good.” More >>
April 2002
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