Archive for July, 2007

California Electoral Vote: Not Winner Take All?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election

This is huge and it could swing the 2008 election.
From the New Yorker:
Two weeks ago, one of the most important Republican lawyers in Sacramento quietly filed a ballot initiative that would end the practice of granting all fifty-five of California’s electoral votes to the statewide winner. Instead, it would award two of them to the [...]

July 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 15 Comments »

Who Do You Trust? Apparently Not Romney.

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Polls

Gallup just conducted a recent poll about a few topics, and boy does Romney have some catching up to do. I guess the “empty suit” meme is sticking.
First Giuliani and McCain share the top slot, which could signal good news for the Straight Talker.

Now we move onto terrorism. Giuliani dominates because of his 9/11 status. [...]

July 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 9 Comments »

Video: Iran Builds Largest Rug

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Kitchen Sink, The World, Video

Uh oh…

With rug making technology so advanced, they could give their secrets to al Qaeda and they could cover the entire US!
I think I’m starting to warm to the idea of an invasion…

July 31st, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Ted Stevens Raided

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Law

Doesn’t look good since two officials from the oil company in questioning have already rolled over for bribing public officials in Alaska.
Could Stevens be next?

July 31st, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Iraqi Parliament Takes Vacation

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Iraq, War

And not a moment too soon!
BAGHDAD – Iraq’s parliament on Monday shrugged off U.S. criticism and adjourned for a month, as key lawmakers declared there was no point waiting any longer for the prime minister to deliver Washington-demanded benchmark legislation for their vote.
Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani closed the final three-hour session without a quorum present and [...]

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

New Feature: Pictures Of The Week

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging

They’ll always be changing, so be sure to check the bottom of the page for new content.
This one is Bush taking a run with a couple wounded veterans.

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Ron Paul: Let Bounty Hunters Capture Bin Laden

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Money, The War On Terrorism

Haha, I really like Ron Paul…
From Politico:
Paul has offered legislation (H.R. 3216) to authorize Bush to issue “letters of marquee and reprisal” to those private citizens or entities that want “to seize outside the geographic boundaries of the United States and its territories the person and property of Osama bin Laden, of any al Qaeda [...]

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 26 Comments »

Fred Thompson: Done Before He Started?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election

From the sounds of it, he should have announced his intentions already because this “will he, won’t he” strategy isn’t bringing in the bucks.
From Politico…
Fred Thompson plans to announce Tuesday that his committee to test the waters for a Republican presidential campaign raised slightly more than $3 million in June, substantially less than some backers [...]

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

Hillary or Barack: Do Either Have Foreign Policy Experience?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Foreign Policy, The World

Clinton’s aides point to her extensive travel to more than 80 countries as First Lady and her 1995 speech at a U.N. conference on women in Beijing. “She helped represent the United States abroad throughout the ’90s,” says Howard Wolfson, Clinton’s communications director. “Obviously, that’s an important qualification. She went to China and gave a [...]

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Good News From Iraq?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Iraq, War

NY Times has an editorial today that offers renewed hope for finding solutions to fix the situation over there…
Today, morale is high. The soldiers and marines told us they feel that they now have a superb commander in Gen. David Petraeus; they are confident in his strategy, they see real results, and they feel now [...]

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

CNN/YouTube Debate Rescheduled?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election

Giuliani and Romney are balking at the talking snowmen by saying that scheduling conflicts and the format were issues.
So CNN is now saying, “Okay, what time works for you?”
The GOP version of the CNN/YouTube debate is still scheduled for Sept. 17, but may be moved to a later date.
CNN spokeswoman Mara Gassman says CNN’s Washington [...]

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

The Old Breed. The New Breed.

By mw | Related entries in Blogging, Iraq, Military, War

The unfolding Scott Thomas saga as I understand it…
Scott Thomas Beauchamp is an aspiring writer, serving in the infantry in Iraq, writing in diary form about observing and participating in macabre and cruel behavior during his active service. His pseudonymous work was polished and published by The New Republic, igniting a sh*t-storm in the right [...]

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Moved & Upgraded

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging

That’s right. The site should be live on the new software and hosting service, but please report any weird stuff if you find it.

July 30th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Losing Wars, Winning War.

By sideways | Related entries in Uncategorized

The author of the Jihadist’s Bible recants. Zawahiri is angry and worried.
The Pew poll shows sharp decline in Muslim support for suicide bombing. In Pakistan the number has gone from 33% in 2002 to 9% today.
There may be a split within Al Qaeda, even within their Pakistani tribal regions stronghold.
Sunnis in Anbar province, Iraq, are [...]

July 29th, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Site May Be Down Today And Tomorrow

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Blogging

We’re trying to move from one hosting service to another, so please excuse the downtime. We’ll be back up as soon as we can.

July 28th, 2007 | Permalink| No Comments »

Redistricting update

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Elections, Ideas, News

In Wednesday’s post about a new redistricting algorithm, I focused on the technical specifics of the proposed method, and the pros and cons that made it different from previous proposals.
I deliberately avoided delving into all the standing arguments about how best to draw districts, largely because I’ve discussed them in tedious detail before. But judging [...]

July 27th, 2007 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Republican Candidates Balking At YouTube Debate

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Media, Technology

And you can bet that unless the format changes dramatically, it’s not going to happen. Apparently it’s not dignified enough for them and they think it’ll have a heavy liberal bias.
At issue are questions like the one asked by the snowman. That one in particular is being held up as a prime example of how [...]

July 27th, 2007 | Permalink| 7 Comments »

Is Ron Paul Good For Libertarians?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, General Politics

The most clueless question of the day ironically comes from Reason magazine…
This past Sunday he hit a political respectability jackpot, with a long, thorough, serious, and critical-but-respectful profile in the New York Times Magazine. Most of the Ron Paul press tells, however questioningly, of a politician dedicated to severely limited government that doesn’t want to [...]

July 27th, 2007 | Permalink| 17 Comments »

Tom DeLay On Why He Supports Israel

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in General Politics, Iran, Israel, Religion, The World, Video, War

I don’t usually link to content from the Huffington Post, but you have to see this piece about the Christians United For Israel conference. These people want Armageddon, as DeLay plainly states in this video, and Israel is the lynchpin. So their support for Israel is pretty much solely predicated on the fact that Israel [...]

July 26th, 2007 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Spitzer’s Plamegate

By Sean Aqui | Related entries in Bad Decisions, General Politics, News

A man I like a lot — Democratic New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer — is in the middle of his own version of Plamegate, complete with accusations that he sought to discredit a political rival by misusing government resources, and Spitzer’s vow to claim a state version of executive privilege in the burgeoning confrontation with [...]

July 26th, 2007 | Permalink| 1 Comment »